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The mouths of the workers at the shipyard can’t keep secrets. So soon, some media in the United States heard that a movie featuring the “Enterprise” as the protagonist was being prepared.

Moreover, this is still an absolute big production. After all, people spent 60 million US dollars to buy a genuine big ship to use as a prop. This heroic spirit simply blows up the audience and catches up with the Titans back then. Nick, for a while, the whole news once again occupied the headlines of American news media, and the whole country began to discuss the enterprise film.

However, at this time, the Enterprise was quietly waiting for modification at the Hawaiian Naval Shipyard, while Boss Jia has returned to China and is preparing for the year-end celebration safely.

By the way, because of various things in the previous two years, Boss Jia left hastily at the year-end conference. This time, it was all necessary to participate in the preparation for the year-end conference.

Many Great-Thousand employees have begun to speculate in advance how much money they will get for the year-end bonus this year. Anyway, the atmosphere within the entire company is very enthusiastic.

In other words, besides Great-Thousand in China, many companies, whether private or state-owned, have the habit of holding year-end conferences.

After all, this is a must-have program for Great-Thousand every year, and Great-Thousand can be so strong, and the mystery may be at this year-end conference, so as to gather the cohesion and so on of the company.

Anyway, recently, the year-end conference has become a lively business, and even companies specializing in organizing year-end conferences have appeared, and they are dedicated to holding year-end conferences for some large companies.

Of course, Great-Thousand doesn’t need these companies. Great-Thousand’s internal events department is a good player. There is no event department in China that has rich experience in holding year-end conferences.

Finally, on the Lunar New Year’s Eve in 1999, the year-end conference was held as scheduled, and this year’s conference gave all employees a big surprise, that is, before the start of the conference, the recently popular Jay Chou took the lead. He sang several songs from his album Fantasy this year.

Immediately afterwards, Eason Chan, Miriam Yeung and other well-known young singers all appeared one after another.

Apart from this, as well as magic, cross talk, sketches and other programs one after another debut. Three hours before the year-end conference, all the programs are fully arranged. According to incomplete statistics, at least has more than 30 Two stars have performed on stage.

Many young employees sighed when they saw such a rich lineup of stars. The national highest concert, or evening party and so on, is not as exciting as Great-Thousand’s annual meeting!

Well, so many stars appear on stage, it should cost a lot of money, right?

Of course…not needed.

Because these celebrities are all stars of Great-Thousand Entertainment, who are supporting their own Boss company, these celebrities dare to collect money. In fact, if it weren’t for some of the stars to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, I am afraid there will be more stars.

After the star performance is over, it is the real highlight of the annual meeting. The leaders of each department will do a simple work report, and then Boss Jia will announce the total number of year-end awards this year.

This year’s Great-Thousand did not disappoint the employees. The total profit from this year’s dividends has actually reached 3.2 billion Renminbi. At present, Great-Thousand has about 80,000 employees. In other words, on average, each person can get a year-end award of 40,000 Renminbi, which makes many stars who have performed the show secretly smacked their tongues.

No wonder people say that Great-Thousand is the most difficult entry in China. Even graduates of Tsinghua and Peking University have to cross the single-plank bridge, just like taking the college entrance examination before they can squeeze into Great- Thousand’s gate.

This is not without reason. At least the 40,000 Renminbi year-end awards divided by 80,000 people can’t get many stars!

After announcing these things, finally came the final part, which is the year-end banquet for 80,000 people.

This time, almost the entire Yuzhang chefs have been rounded up, and the ingredients for half a month have been prepared in advance, which can be regarded as a magnificent banquet.

I don’t know if it’s because of buying a big ship, so Boss Jia is in a particularly good mood this year. He actually took the wine glass and took the initiative to come to the banquet site to have fun with the people and actively find his own employees. They drink.

Seeing the arrival of Boss Jia, the employees in the audience were all excited and drank all the liquor in their glasses. Boss Jia also laughed and toasted.

Of course, Boss Jia is just a symbolic sip, otherwise who can hold so many tables!

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire year-end conference was so high and extreme. Everyone was immersed in the joyous atmosphere. When Boss Jia passed a certain table, suddenly someone moved towards Boss Jia and rushed over. It shocked everyone around.

The two bodyguards around Boss Jia responded very quickly, rushing directly, and hugged the sudden guy.

“Chairman, I have a blood book, please take a look!” The man who rushed over was probably in his thirties. Seeing that he was stopped, he immediately took out an envelope from his pocket , I want to hand it over to Boss Jia.

“Blood book! So scary!” Boss Jia was taken aback. He has never received a blood book in his life!

“Take it down!” At this time, it was an atmosphere of great joy. Boss Jia was inconvenienced and asked the bodyguard to collect the blood book, and then said with a smile, “Okay, I will definitely read your letter. , You go eat!”

“I won’t eat this meal!” The man shook his head, with a bleak smile on his face. “I’m already satisfied if I can give you this letter. Just remember to read this letter! “

After speaking, this person left early.

“Pretending to be a gesture!” Boss Jia is coldly snorted in his heart. He still knows this kind of person very well. He wants to deliberately create some surprising major event to attract his attention and let himself know him. Such talents.

Well, through the ages, there are too many people who attract attention. Boss Jia has met several times by himself, so I feel very upset in my heart. I don’t see the blood book at all. I just go home after the banquet is over. rest.

The people who attended the banquet quickly forgot this not-important episode, and they were speechless overnight.

Until the morning of the 2nd day, Boss Jia learned an amazing news from the Secretary’s phone that the person who delivered the so-called blood book yesterday hanged himself in his dormitory.

“Call the police immediately and come to the police to deal with this matter. We all listen to the police!” Boss Jia was silent for a while, and then issued an order.

At the same time, ask the bodyguard to bring the blood book that he hasn’t seen before, and read it all over.

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