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The stock market has picked Microsoft’s stock, but they seem to have never considered a problem, that is, Great-Thousand will not buy Microsoft.

Microsoft’s board has not considered this problem. They originally thought that Microsoft announced that Great-Thousands will immediately hit the snake sticks and pay for a few billions of dollars to buy Microsoft.

, Great-Thousand does not give any reply, and finally the Microsoft Board doesn’t help, through the middleman asked about Great-Thousand again, and if Great-thousand asked, “I now buy Microsoft what is the benefit?”

Yeah, Great-THOUSAND now does the benefit of Microsoft?

Microsoft has been completely smashed, Windowsvista is also dead end, and microsoft has no chance to make the next generation of SYSTEM.

For a sentence, Hongmeng can already unify the SYSTEM market in advance.

At the same time, Microsoft has something, Great-thousand and Hongmeng are all all, after all, no matter what software is still a game, or a variety of drivers, all of them are double-fitted, one Hongmeng, Then a Microsoft.

Microsoft itself has no things worth Great-THOUSAND.

In fact, Great-THOUSAND bought the biggest value of Microsoft, I am afraid it is immediately announced that Microsoft is closed, and Windowssystem exits the market, and since then Hongmeng System is unique, replacing Microsoft original position.

So when Great-THOUSAND has passed this reply, the entire Microsoft’s board is desperate.

Soon, there is a reporter directly to the BOSS JIA, and Great-thousand has the intention of acquiring Microsoft. As a result, the BOSS JIA is very simply expressing directly in the interview. Great-thousand does not have any interest in acquiring Microsoft, Great-thousand. Will not acquire Microsoft!

This answer allows the stock market to Microsoft’s shareholders, and Microsoft’s share price begins another crazy diving.

Microsoft’s board of directors, only can look for the online man to pick Microsoft, so I will change my shares to the money, so, Microsoft’s market value has plummeted to less than $ 3 billion Level.

Who can imagine, just 7 years ago, this is the world’s national market value, Breakthrough’s $ 600 billion in Super Company?

When you are desperate, the board of directors hugs for a trying to find the American Priority Foundation, and the American Priority Foundation means that the acquisition can, but only spends $ 3 billion, and after acquiring, Microsoft will split Microsoft. Ask the board before the acquisition, first announcement of Microsoft bankruptcy so that most of the employees will be removed, avoiding the trouble after the acquisition.

Some people are willing to pick up the board, the board is naturally a thousand people, and then all the employees of Microsoft will receive a notice to understand the employment, tell them, because the company is not good, it is impossible to maintain, and the bankruptcy is all dismissal, one is not stay.

For this result, Microsoft’s employees have also expected, so Microsoft has a total of more than 10,000 employees to resign, as for the compensation of these employees … The company is bankrupt, and the compensation is natural.

After the bankruptcy process is finished, the quality asset and inferior assets are separated, the American Priority Foundation announces the acquisition of Microsoft’s quality assets and then splits Microsoft.

For example, all the patents under Microsoft are all packed, set up a special patent license company, all units of WORLD, can spend money to obtain the corresponding patent authorization.

Apart from this, all kinds of minor production of Microsoft basically start selling out, some other products, separately to any interested.

In the Empire Times, this game ip is the most expensive, Great-Thousand Game is 80 million US dollars, buy this game IP.

The last American Priority Foundation is also very conscience, Microsoft’s System and Word software will remain in New Microsoft, and this company will continue to operate, but the company will not re-develop new Microsoft System and programs. They are only responsible for maintaining the SYSTEM program launched in the past, ensuring the normal rights of this part of the user.

This decision allows all Microsoft users to be very grateful, the good feeling of American Priority Foundation, which is the last conscience of the National Merchant industry and So on.

At the same time, there are also estimates, even if the US priority Foundation has made the best efforts, 3 billion US dollars to buy Microsoft or a big loss, the assets sold out, about only $ 2 billion, only selling less than $ 2 billion about.

can work for SYSTEM, this will spend a lot of money every year, American Priority Foundation may lose a lot of money, so this is indeed a conscience of rice.

Their calculation is not wrong, American Priority Foundation is indeed a loss of money, which is also a loss of money in the American Priority Foundation.

This is not the will of Harry Potter, but the will of Boss Jia, and the Boss Jia is not wanting to buy Microsoft, but in fact for Microsoft or Begin to Stir.

acquisition of Microsoft, this is what Boss Jia wants to dare before crossing, but now Boss Jia is really doing, Microsoft is now the industry of Boss Jia, although this Microsoft has been worth it.

Actually, Microsoft is not worthless, in contrast, the existence of Microsoft and WindowsSystem is value.

Because now 45% of the market share of 45% is Microsoft and Windowssystem, some market share has not been more than ten years of Impossible automatic disappearance.

So in the next 10 years, Hongmeng System is not the existence of monopolizing the market, people still have the competitors of the Easy, so any anti-monopoly investigation is not established for Great-Thousand.

For this, Windowssystem can’t completely disappear, and continue to be so dead, not stissible.

If you say that Microsoft is a thing of BOSS JIA, then what happens, there is not so pleasant.

Because the Government of the rice is not approved for the new bill of electric vehicles, the Government of the rice country still prohibits electric vehicles from selling in rice, but also for them.

Mi country is the most world-owned environmental protection organization, and it is also called a certain country’s most fierce country. However, when all WORLD is generally supported to support the electric vehicle industry, Mi State is the first direct Country from electric vehicles.

This is naturally the result of the major car manufacturers in the rice, and the results of the energy company’s big giants, which will never allow electric vehicles to grab their market.

So the US government will eventually refuse this motion is AS IT SHOULD BE BY RIGHTS, Boss Jia is not surprised.

In fact, BOSS JIA is just a trial of the attitude to promote this proposal. As for whether it can be reached, then look at luck, anyway, the electric car is the European market, the European market is more expensive. It is not necessary to charge in the rice market.

Next, only the arrival of the 2008 financial crisis will only be quiet, and then look at the collapse of the rice economy, and the other Boss Jia don’t have to worry.

But Boss Jia Didn’t Expect is that the rice people actually sent the opportunity to the hands of Boss Jia.

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