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When the voice of the emcee fell, Jia Yapeng and Zhu Qiushui, the new couple, walked towards the center of the main stage, something covered by a red cloth.

To be honest, in fact, many people have paid attention to this thing firmly covered by the red cloth, and the contents inside have attracted everyone’s curiosity. Everyone is guessing what is under the red cloth?

It’s just that when Boss Jia opened the whole piece of red cloth, everyone couldn’t help but startled it, because under the red cloth was a great bronze cauldron!

A huge bronze Treasure Cauldron about 1.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in diameter.

“My God!” Bronze Treasure Cauldron is something that everyone has only seen in TV historical documentaries. When have you seen such a huge bronze Treasure Cauldron in reality!

And the most important thing is, what do you want to do when you get a bronze Treasure Cauldron on the festive occasion of your marriage? Is it impossible to burn incense and worship Buddha?

Yes, that’s right. In the impression of most Chinese people, the tripod is used to burn incense and worship Buddha.

The cauldron was filled with ashes, and incense was inserted on the ashes. It was enshrined in front of the Buddha statue. This seemed to be the most correct usage of the cauldron.

But they didn’t know that when the tripod first appeared, it was not used to burn incense and worship Buddha. Even offering sacrifices to ancestors was only a function derived later. In the very beginning, tripod was actually a kind of cooking utensil.

In other words, it is used for cooking!

When the red cloth on the bronze Treasure Cauldron was lifted, most people saw the bronze Treasure Cauldron itself, but some people also noticed that the bronze Treasure Cauldron was actually piled with wood.

“Note soup!” The emcee yelled, and a flatbed cart was pushed in front of the bronze Treasure Cauldron with the combined efforts of 4 people. On the flatbed cart, there are several pots of hot milk-white, steaming hot soup.

This flatbed cart has a lifting function. Under constant pressure, the flatbed cart slowly rises, and finally rises to the same height as the bronze Treasure Cauldron. The two people standing on the cart will soon put the cauldron in it. The soup, the road slowly in the bronze Treasure Cauldron.

“What is this for?” The guests were dumbfounded when they saw someone pouring hot soup into the bronze Treasure Cauldron.

“Fire!” The emcee yelled again, and then someone holding a torch walked out from behind and lit all the wood under the bronze. In an instant, the raging fire simmered the entire bronze Treasure Cauldron.

Soon, the smoky broth boiled, and the thick meaty fragrance wafted around here one after another.

“Into the meat!” The third sound of the emcee fell, and the second flatbed cart appeared, but on this flatbed cart was actually a whole pig.

Of course, the pig has been killed, and even the Dissection is finished, all the internal organs have been cleaned up, leaving only a whole body of meat.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that the meat of this big fat pig is actually cooked.

Soon, a few robust men wearing thermal insulation clothes dragged the big fat pig to the top of the bronze Treasure Cauldron, and then threw the whole pig directly into the Treasure Cauldron, and into the tumbling soup. within.

The soup was splashed. Fortunately, these robust men wore heat-insulating clothing beforehand, and their bodies were well protected. Otherwise, they were afraid that they would not be scalded by the hot soup.

“This cauldron is actually used for stewing meat!” And seeing this, the guests finally understood why a bronze Treasure Cauldron should be placed on the wedding scene. The feelings are used for stewing meat. This fuck is too refreshing. 3 Viewed.

Even if the Chinese are like this, let alone some foreigners at the scene. When they saw that the huge bronze Treasure Cauldron was actually used to stew pork, Allen Adham and the others were also confused. They never I have never seen such a domineering way of cooking.

In fact, Boss Jia at first was shocked when he saw the plan given by the experts. Then the experts made it very clear that the whole great cauldron was used to stew pork at the wedding. A necessary part of the wedding.

Moreover, it is not troublesome to make a bronze great cauldron with modern technology, which is a matter of 10000 Renminbi, so Boss Jia customized this bronze Treasure Cauldron in a bronze factory one month in advance.

Boss Jia estimates that this is definitely the first time since the liberation of China that someone has used a bronze great cauldron to stew meat.

Because the soup and meat have already been cooked, symbolically after 5 minutes, the robust men in thermal insulation clothes grabbed the rope tied to the pig beforehand, and put the whole pig together. The big fat pig was lifted out of the cauldron, and someone used a small cauldron to fill a bowl of fresh broth, and finally the whole big fat pig was placed on the altar table.

“The same prison!”

Under the command of the master of ceremonies, Boss Jia and Zhu Qiushui held a small knife, each cut a knife on the fattest position of the pig, cut a piece of meat, and stuffed it into their mouths to eat.

This is the same prison part of the same prison.

Immediately afterwards, there was “Hexin”, and a maid appeared behind Boss Jia and Zhu Qiushui with a glass of wine. The so-called He-Wu Jiu actually means to make a glass of wine. When two people hold each other’s wrists and drink the wine in the glass, this step of He-Wu He is completed.

Then three chefs with big knives appeared and started to cut the whole big fat pig on the spot, cut off a small piece of meat, and then put it into a small bowl together with the delicious broth from the cauldron, and handed it to A large row of maids around him.

And these maids, carrying these small bowls of meat and broth, one after another sent them to the cloud case of the off-stage guests. This is the legendary shared food.

At the same time, the entire wedding banquet finally began to serve, and the first course is naturally this fresh stew.

Of course, the fat pig on the stage is impossible for the 10000 guests off the stage to eat together. The fat pig on the stage is only for the VIPs sitting in the first few rows, and he is eligible to enjoy it.

In fact, this time Boss Jia killed 50 pigs in total. They were all stewed and cooked beforehand. When the Tonglao Heping Ceremony is over, the pork soup that has been divided long ago will be delivered to the guests one after another. Above the cloud case.

What is very extravagant is that, whether it is a worker or a friend, all guests enjoy a pork soup for themselves, and there is no such thing as a dozen people putting chopsticks on a plate.

It feels very high class.

“The eighth also, Xie Ying knot hair!” The audience has already started to eat, but the wedding banquet on the stage is still going on. Under the command of the master of ceremonies, Boss Jia slowly untied Zhu Qiushui’s head restraint Yingluo of the hair, and then cut a long strand of hair with scissors.

And Zhu Qiushui also cut a strand of hair from Boss Jia’s head. She was already preparing to be the maid on the side, and immediately tied the two strands of hair and a bunch of red 鐠庣彏 together. This is the knotted hair. Meaning.

“Li Cheng!” The emcee finally shouted out the words to let everyone sighed in relief. Here, even if the main process of the entire Chinese wedding is over, Boss Jia and Zhu Qiushui are truly married.

What, you ask why there are no steps of first bow to heaven and earth, second bow to parents, husband and wife bow each other?

Sorry, those are all shown on TV. There are no such steps in a real classical wedding.

Of course, there are actually steps to bow down to their parents, but the problem is that neither Jia Yapeng nor Zhu Qiushui have parents, and they are not interested in finding someone to be their parents, so this step is naturally omitted!

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