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Jobs, in this China, I am afraid it is a famous name.

Many people know that Jobs was the founder of Apple, and that Jobs was the leading developer of the iPhone, but no one knew that Jobs was actually forced to leave the Apple company he created in 1985.

This is a very typical example of a founder being forced away by other investors and the board of directors with equity. This is also the reason why Boss Jia will never let Great-Thousand Group go public, because he doesn’t want a guy who will dominate the nest. .

Jobs is a very decisive person. After being forced to leave Apple, he actually sold all the shares of Apple in his hand, and then established a new company. At the same time, he also bought Lucas’s industrial light model. The animation department under the studio was later Pixar.

After the establishment of the Pixar animation studio, they naturally wanted to produce a cartoon that is well-known in the history of wild ambition, so they began to design and conceive in 1991, and the Toy Story, which was released in 1995, was born.

For Toy Story, Steve Jobs had great expectations, because the company that Jobs created later had mediocre performance and couldn’t realize Jobs’s wish to surpass Apple. After the production of Toy Story, it became more and more out of the ordinary, so Jobs is very much looking forward to relying on Toy Story to fight a beautiful turnaround.

Unfortunately, this turnaround was defeated.

Toy Story in history, in the first weekend of its release, won 200010000 box office, and then went up against the trend, finally reaped 2.2100000000 million box office in North America, the world won 4100000000 million box office results, and became the global box office champion in North America that year. It has become a monument that is difficult to surpass in the animation film, and it is the first 1d animation film in history.

Later, relying on Toy Story’s excellent results, in 1996, because of various business performance became worse, so the board of directors of Apple cheekily invited Jobs back to serve as CEO and dominate Apple’s next Product and business development, and finally a series of products such as Ipod, ipad, iPhone and so on.

So, Go to General Mobilization is a movie that changed the world.

But now the fate of this movie is different. First of all, the title of the world’s first 1d animation movie is no longer the title of Toy Story. This title falls on the title of “Pokemon Mewtwo’s Counterattack”.

What’s more terrible is that “Pokemon” is higher than “Toy Story” in terms of movie plot and 3D animation effects, forming a significant gap.

Finally, and most terribly, “Toy Story” premiered on November 11, 26 days later than “Pokemon”, this is the most fatal mistake for the entire movie.

After everyone has watched the more excellent “Pokemon”, and then watch the movie “Toy Story”, you will instinctively feel that “Toy Story” is not as good as “Pokemon”, which leads to the original reputation The good “Toy Story” directly faced the collapse of word of mouth after it was released, which Jobs absolutely did not expect.

In fact, Steve Jobs knew in advance that “Pokemon” is also a 3D animation film, which happened to be released before “Toy Story”.

However, Jobs did not change the animation release time, one of which is because “Toy Story” has been released as early as a year ago. According to the American Film Association, unless there is an irresistible situation, it is not allowed to upload files.

In other words, you can postpone the movie broadcast time, but you cannot broadcast the movie earlier.

Of course, for some old Hollywood filmmakers, as long as the money is in the right place, it is not impossible to broadcast in advance.

But the problem is that Jobs feels that there is no need to advance, because Jobs firmly believes that his own Pixar studio, “Toy Story”, which was built in 5 years, is definitely more than twice as good as “Pokemon” with only 2 years of production time. .

“Pokemon” is just a movie adapted from a game, otherwise there is a lot of fan base, but such a movie is often a cutscene, and the producer is just for publicity and will not really invest in film production.

even more how This is still a movie made by an animation studio in China. Does anyone in China have a computer?

Later generations beautified Steve Jobs very well. Don’t you know that Jobs is actually a somewhat anti-Chinese guy. He has shown disdain and contempt for China more than once in public. He even thinks that India is 10 times better than China, and India will become the future. The Asian leader and so on.

It was not until Apple achieved outstanding performance in the China market, and the China market became Apple’s second largest market in the global market, that Steve Jobs obediently closed his mouth and stopped expressing his dislike of China, but there was never in his mouth. Just a good word from China.

So Jobs despised China in the bones, but Jobs can’t be blamed. This is a common problem of Americans in this era. In fact, Americans despise all countries of the world, including their close relatives Europeans.

Okay, let’s get back to the subject. According to Jobs, the publicity of “Pokemon” was so loud, but the quality finally collapsed. Then the excellent quality “Toy Story” released later will form a sharp contrast. It created a market topic, and Pixar is taking this to market a wave, so “Toy Story” can leverage its strength to achieve its own great box office on the body of “Pokemon”.

It’s not wrong for Jobs to think so, but it’s a pity that the script is the other way around. “Toy Story” has become the one that was leveraged. The box office of “Pokemon” continued to maintain high growth in the late period, which is also in line with “Toy Story” There is no small relationship.

Anyway, after 2 weeks, the box office of “Toy Story” was less than US$300010000. It was basically unable to break through the US$1100000000 mark. It is a question of whether it can return.

Ever since, the angry Jobs yelled at all the staff in the Pixar studio at the meeting.

Yes, Jobs is not a gentle guy, even in the Jobs biography written by posterity, it is clearly stated that Jobs is a guy with a very grumpy personality and temper. Once any staff member fails to complete the task, or the task Some flaws in completion will usher in a burst of scolding.

Except for the few days when Jobs was absent from work due to illness, when he went to other places to attend events, there was no day when the entire Apple company could not hear Jobs’s cursing.

Moreover, this guy is very ugly to curse people. Basically, he specifically pokes at others’ shortcomings and pain points. There are countless Apple employees who choose to leave because they can’t stand Jobs’s attitude.

By the way, the Boss of EA was the one who was scolded by Steve Jobs at Apple and then turned around and left Pingguo to create EA.

It’s just that with Jobs’s devotion, basically no one mentions Jobs’ bad personality. Even if it’s mentioned, Jobs cares about product quality and is meticulous about products. Even a little bit of flaws and details are pursued to the extreme. , Even if there is a dispute with employees, never relax the pursuit of quality.

Look, when you say this, does the cursing mother also become taller!

Of course, Jobs is Jobs after all. He is not like the villain in some novels. Because of the failure of his movie, he does not kill Boss Jia and Great-Thousand.

On the contrary, at the end of the meeting, Jobs wrote down the 4 words “Royal Animation” on the whiteboard with a black pen.

“From now on, you all persons are going to study Royal animation and their products. We can fail the first time, but never fail the second time. This is a strong opponent, but we can definitely defeat this guy!”

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