What Wang Qingfeng said was the truth. Few people in this world were more reliable than Wang Qingfeng on such things.If it is replaced by Yunfei from his point of view, he will definitely find a way to recover Xinkaixing’s equity right now. After all, the other shareholders don’t care about things at all, they are doing their own things, leaving him to take care of this. However, the profits have to be shared with other shareholders who had just contributed a lot.

Wang Qingfeng has never mentioned such a thing.

And Yun Fei is doing this right now.

"Mr. Li, the housing prices in the Special Zone have already exceeded 2,000. It won’t be long before the overall price will exceed 3,000. And you know better than me about the construction cost, how much per square meter, and how much profit there is. Clearer than me..." Wang Qingfeng fully believed that Li Lu would agree to his proposal.

House prices in China are rising, and there is a trend that they are getting more outrageous.

Even if there was no such outrageous upward trend, Wang Qingfeng would have slammed into it. Without him, this is the way Yunfei pointed.Wang Qingfeng has been so blindly heinous in believing Yun Fei's words. This is something that no one can understand. It is estimated that Wang Qingfeng may not be able to know his current situation.

"House prices are rising, and profits are also very high, especially since you have a lot of cheap land in your hands. This guarantees your profits. But why should we do this?" Li Lu said with a smile on his face.

The profit in real estate is huge, she knew it a long time ago.But why doesn't Yun do this?With Yunfei's character and making money, how could he be less visible?This is the biggest doubt in Li Lu's mind. Even though Yun Fei raised it, why did Yun Fei suggest that these women come forward with Wang Qingfeng instead of himself?There is absolutely no reason for this.

Among several women, Chunqiu Chain has not less funds on hand, but there are not many other funds, and Li Lu has the most funds.She hasn't moved the dividends of wheat mobile phones over the years, and she just stayed in the bank to earn interest. Although the nine-one airline dividends are negligibly small for her, there are tens of millions of them every year.

This money was originally prepared by Li Lu for Yunfei. During this period, the entire Yun's holdings were very short of funds due to the large number of stalls. She wanted to give Yunfei, which was close to one billion yuan, to Yunfei. Fei is unwilling to use it, but now he has made such a place. How can I make Li Lu not have any doubts?

Wang Qingfeng is bold and reliable, but this does not mean that this guy can be completely trusted.He borrowed a lot of loans from the bank in the name of Yunfei, and these things were all done without Yunfei's knowledge.What Li Lu was worried about was that Wang Qingfeng would reappear in the same way in the future, which would be troublesome at that time.She didn't plan to keep much of the shares of Wheat Mobile. Ye Fei and the others were willing to hand over most of the equity in their hands. It was a bit inappropriate for her to keep that much.

If she wants to do this in partnership with Wang Qingfeng and others, she will definitely take the lead in funding.

After the adjustment of the equity structure of Wheat, her equity in her hands is only 2%, or less than 1%. The one-year dividend may be enough for her to spend, and then she is living in the real estate. She is not with Yunfei other women. Is it the same?

Is this Yun Fei's conspiracy?Is it for this purpose?

"Sister, this is what I mean. We have so many good plots of land in these cities where housing prices are rising the fastest, and it has already made many people feel uncomfortable." Yun Fei didn't know what Li Lu was worried about. There is no way to know him.

The profit here is not that he does not want to make a profit, but that he really does not have enough funds or energy to deal with these things.

Once Yun's Holdings fully enters the international market and competes with the veteran international giants in several unrelated civilian product industries, a little carelessness may cause problems in the operation of the entire company.Otherwise, Yunfei will not rush to shrink its industry and begin to deploy in Africa.As long as he can master enough ore, these will be cash in the next ten years. If he can provide hundreds of millions of tons of ore to the country a year, these can be used as cash.

Technology R&D needs money, advertising investment needs money, marketing needs money, and any product requires a lot of money at the beginning. Now Yunfei is far from the original Yunfei.If the old man supported him as always, and no one pulled him back, Yun Holdings did not face funding problems because of its rapid expansion, so would he do it?

According to his character, he didn’t have to think about anything, he turned all these lands into construction sites, and slowly built them. Only one or two buildings were built in the first phase. After the housing price rises, the speed will be increased. At that time, the profit will not be known. How many times to take.

People who want to succeed must make decisions.

"Why don't you use Yun's Holdings to do this? Or directly allocate these lands to the Jiuyi Real Estate for development?" There are no outsiders here, and Li Lu does not circumscribe, asking directly the doubts in his heart.

"If Jiuyi Real Estate or Yun's Holdings engages in this, what do you think will be the case with housing prices that have already begun to be crazy?" Yun Fei said with a tangled expression.

The Chinese people follow the trend and think very seriously. As long as Yun Fei engages in this, he will definitely cover these houses after the repairs are completed, even if the high interest is incurred, there is no problem.Once he does this, he tells people in the entire industry that future profits will be higher.

At that time, countless high-rise buildings were erected every year, and countless houses were repaired every year. When the market demand is increasing, it is difficult to find a house on the market, which will increase the price that is already very fast. Artificially speculate higher.In such a situation, can the country sit back and ignore it?Once the country starts to rectify this, the first unlucky thing is Yun Fei.

When Li Lu heard Yun Fei's words, she was also astonished: "Will house prices really rise so ridiculously?"

"It will rise far beyond your imagination! Many cities will even be more expensive than the United States and Japan..." Yun Fei nodded. China's economy and technology have gone through hundreds of European and American countries in just a few decades. Years of history, housing prices have also completed hundreds of years of history in just over a decade.

The outrageous price is completely imaginable.

Especially after the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, when the U.S. government passed on the losses of the financial crisis to China, which bought their trillion-dollar government bonds, and forced the soft sister currency to appreciate, China’s housing prices were called high.

The land around the Jiuyi Building in Yunfei that is to be used for the development of high-end communities are all planned to be built around 2006, and will be repaired just in time to catch up with the rising housing prices.

If the construction starts now, and the financial pressure for so many years, it is conceivable that if they all follow the study, Yun Fei can only cry.

"Isn't it possible?" Li Lu didn't believe in Yun Fei, but was a little afraid to imagine China's prices at that time.

No matter how prices rise, it won't have the slightest impact on people like them.

"There is nothing impossible. How much surplus labor does China currently have? These people have begun to move to cities on a large scale. The larger the city, the more people gather. This generation is better, those who grew up Young people who grew up in cities, may they still be willing to go back to the countryside? The rapid economic development and the construction of spiritual civilization cannot keep up with the construction of material civilization, especially after the country’s family planning has caused more boys and girls, and a serious imbalance in the population ratio Women’s status is getting higher and higher. At that time, the general public will have to have a house to get married. Only when they have a house can they become urbanites, and only when they have a house, can they solve the problem if their children go to school..." Yun Fei It's someone who has been deeply hurt by this situation.

Otherwise, he would not be so distrustful of those officials, disbelief in the country represented by the officials who are mostly for their own interests.

It was also because of this that he held all the women around him tightly.

Only after losing did you know to cherish.

You have never gotten it before, and you will be crazy.

Ning was crying in the BMW, not smiling on the back seat of the bicycle.

The woman who had hurt Yun Fei deeply, the woman who seemed to have gone to university at the moment, Yun Fei had been thinking about whether she would become the old man who took this woman four circles in a car.

Resentment makes people lose their minds, and money makes people lose their minds.

Having been in this world for so many years, Yun Fei, who wanted to change some of the situation in this country by his own power at the beginning, unknowingly, he had already given up his original intention and became a person he hated by following the crowd. Nouveau riche.

Never give up any opportunity to make money.

He thinks about it, even if he doesn't do these things, someone will naturally do them.Instead of letting others take the money out of the working people and become his own rich capital to show off to the whole world, he might as well take it out himself. At least, he can save his tens of thousands of employees from worrying about it. ; At least, he can give those children who have not studied to have such a chance to change their own destiny; similarly, he can also give those poor people who are bankrupt and have no medical insurance a chance to live...

The rescue scale of angel funds will become larger and larger.

And these all need money!

"So, it's not that you don't want to, but the funding problem and worry about bringing huge trouble to the entire Yun's Holdings?" Li Lu gritted his teeth and asked Yun Fei.

Yun Fei changed and began to make Li Lu strange.

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