Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 120: Familiar and Unfamiliar Deep in Daba Mountain

Seeing a few big men moving away the wood that was blocking the road and disappearing into the darkness, Yun Fei and Jiang Jianxing hurried back to the car, quickly started the car, and drove towards Zunyi not far in front.

Jiang Jianxing had never figured out why the road tyrant who initially asked for a thousand yuan toll tolls only took one hundred yuan after Yunfei offered two hundred yuan.Yun Fei is also a little unclear, so many things these years cannot be guessed by common sense.

The two of them talked about this group of road tyrants who were different from the legends they heard, especially the honest and honest man, and the bald head left a deep influence on Yun Fei'er two.Is this really the legendary loyalty first, Rogue?

Yun Fei has heard before that most people from ethnic minorities regard the narrow meaning of the word extremely importantly, especially the ethnic minorities in the three southwestern regions who worship Guan Yuguan's second brother very much. Many villages enshrine Yibo Yuntian. Statue of Guan Er brother.Guan Gong Temple can be seen everywhere in the southwestern region. Unfortunately, in those ten years of great turmoil, the Guan Gong Temple, which belongs to the four old ones, was ruthlessly torn down after thousands of years of wind and rain.Only a few places where ethnic minorities live deep in the mountains still have a small number of ordinary ruined temples.

Ever since he was blocked by the road tyrant, Yun Fei’s car was even more cautious, while Jiang Jianxing stared at the front intently. Whenever he came to a turn, his heart would raise his voice. After seeing the road tyrant who did not block the road and charge tolls , Just let out a long sigh of relief.Every time, before this long breath was released, an extremely sharp bend appeared in front of him.

After seeing the lights from the city of Zunyi from a distance, Yun Fei spit out the long breath that had been held in his heart since he was on the road again.He had good luck in the poor mountains and bad waters. He had only encountered a bully who blocked roads and tolls. Once in his world, I heard people say that if many truck drivers who run long distances rush at night, they will be lucky. Yes, I have to meet ten times a night!Sometimes those road tyrants even broke their heads in order to compete for fees.

When he arrived in Zunyi, Jiang Jianxing no longer dared to be afraid to spend money to encourage Yun Fei to stay in a small hotel. Not to mention safety, but more importantly, he would have 72 abductions tomorrow afternoon.This way, these routes are so difficult to follow, and the seventy-two turns, which countless drivers call Guimenguan, are not so easy.Although Yunfei drove a small car, it was much more convenient to turn than those carts that solicited goods or passengers. However, this road is a mountain road, and if you don't pay attention, you will have to fall to the bottom of the mountain.

After they slept beautifully in the Zunyi Hotel, they set off again at six o'clock the next morning.

After leaving the city, Jiang Jianxing dared not speak any more, and Yun Fei also stared at the road ahead intently.Although the road conditions can be seen during the day, the busy national highway is too busy during the day.As we walked all the way to listen, Yun Fei drove into the Seventy-two Daoguai called Guimenguan near noon.

It took more than three hours for Yun Fei to walk through the seventy-two turns without any risk.This road is actually not too bad for his car, but he drove up.What he was worried about was the brake failure of the carts that were full of people or the carts that were full of goods, or the car that was driving in front could not be seen when turning...

"Never go this way again..." Finally he drove out.Yun Fei held the steering wheel in one hand and the handkerchief that Ye Beichun had embroidered in the other, wiping his head with sweat.Jiang Jianxing didn't know when he fell asleep with his head tilted against the car door.

The two had a rest in the mountain city at night, and at six o'clock in the afternoon the next day finally reached the three-way junction where a military restricted area sign was erected in Yunfei's memory.The three-way road is very interesting. There is a guard box in the middle, and there are railings to block the road at the three intersections.One is the road that Yunfei took when they came back out of the mountain, the other is the living area of ​​the workers in the factories in Dashan, and the other is to the various factories inside Dashan.Of course, different factories have different roads leading to living quarters, but there is only one road out of the mountain.

Yun Fei became melancholy again when he returned to this place that was so familiar in his memory but he was so strange.Jiang Jianxing didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't have the excitement of returning home. Instead, he was also full of loneliness and melancholy.The car stopped in the middle of the intersection in front of the guard post.

A heavily armed young soldier knocked on Yunfei's car window.

"Please show your credentials!" Yun Fei opened the car window, and the soldier said coldly to Yun Fei after saluting.

Yun Fei is very depressed, he has a fart certificate, not even a driver's license...

Seeing the soldier's face getting colder and colder, Yun Fei was sweating profusely.In his memory, many soldiers on duty in the 1960s and 1970s shot and killed people.Some are really spies, but there are also a lot of people who have entered here by mistake.

When the international situation was bad, in the original world, Yun Fei had heard of it, but when there was the most, there were at least one regiment of elite field troops stationed.Even after the factory of his CNC machining center master moved to Rongcheng, there was still a battalion of guards stationed in it.Of course, there are many internal guards and special forces.Yun Fei in this world does not have much memory of these military forces. After all, he has lived in the living quarters since he was a child, and occasionally he was taken to the workshop inside to gain insights by old men.However, the old man never went inside because of his identity.

The most important thing is that these soldiers are not in the living quarters outside, but in the mountains.Many people in the internal guards are even workshop workers inside.

"I am a child of the factory. I have been out for a long time. This time I am sending my uncle back. This is my uncle, the worker inside..." Yun Fei explained to the cold-faced young soldier beside him, hurriedly using his hands. Elbow touched Jiang Jianxing who was in a daze.

"Please show your credentials." The soldier said to Jiang Jianxing, who had just recovered and looked blank.

"Oh, this is my work card and ID card." Jiang Jianxing hurriedly took out his work card and ID card.He regards these two documents more importantly than his name, and has always kept them extremely secure.

The soldiers on duty looked at Jiang Jianxing’s yellow work permit, then looked at the ID card carefully and compared Jiang Jianxing’s face for a long time...

"Little comrade, I have been out for more than a year. This work permit is from last year, and I haven't had time to change it..." Jiang Jianxing saw the soldier's gaze on his face and his work permit and ID card kept moving back and forth, remembering The work permit here has to be changed once a year...

"Your work permit can no longer enter the factory area, please cooperate." After the soldier finished speaking, he stood aside coldly.

"We are not going to the factory area, we are going to the living area..." Jiang Jianxing answered the young soldiers hurriedly.

Following the road leading to the living quarters, I drove forward for two or three kilometers, and the field of vision gradually broadened.With the establishment of these factories in the depths of Daba Mountain, in the mountains that are about to leave Bashu Province, with the establishment of various factories, the living area has been continuously expanded.Especially afterwards, countless new generations were born in the depths of the mountain, and many young graduates were added to the factories in the depths of the mountain, and a city gradually formed here.

Since the city began to develop in the 1960s and 1970s, there was not much planning, so the streets are very narrow, and ordinary streets can only accommodate one car in one direction, and the main street is only a few meters wide. Two-way single lane.

There are not too many characteristic buildings in this city. There are rows of six or seven-storey buildings next to each other. There are very few two-storey buildings. They are generally managed by various systems. Office buildings of various functional departments.

This is a city without a name and no government. It is just such a special case in the whole of China.

This is when the workers get off work. The workers get off at the edge of the living quarters through the trams connected to the living quarters inside the factory, and then they are scattered throughout the small cities.

The workers in the sunset have happy smiles on their faces. Many people joked and laughed with the workers around them while walking towards their homes.Many people saw the Audi 100 with four circles appearing in the middle of the road, and pointed at it.

The leaders in the factory are usually equipped with jeep and old vodka, and there are also many Santana.In this era, there are not many vehicles running on the ground in China. They are in the deep mountains and rarely have the opportunity to leave the small town. Workers and their families who have seen foreign vehicles are usually the red flags that were driven when the superiors came to inspect. Or Santana, of course, the most is still in Yunfei, the capital Jeep that is almost invisible in the world.

How can you not be curious about this car that you have never seen before and look at it?

More and more people gathered around this car, and many people are speculating that Yun is not the origin of this car.Older workers don't know what kind of car it is because they rarely watch TV.The young workers knew that this was Audi in Germany. After all, they often saw the leaders put on new cars on the TV. They didn’t know that this was China until the report of FAW Audi’s offline in the Shanghai stock market was seen on the TV news. The new model introduced from Germany, Audi, has finally seen the real thing. Some young people discuss the performance of this car while analyzing the processing technology of this car with their companions.

Yun Fei was amused in the car.This is the case for young Chinese workers, especially those in the machinery industry. Whenever they see iron bumps, the first thing they think of is how they came up.Yun Fei also had this experience when he first started to learn machine tool operation from his master. Every time he saw something, he kept thinking about how the thing was made and what processing equipment was needed... …

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