Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 1375 Artificial Brain Project (1)

The memristor was proposed by Filipino-American Chinese scientist Cai Shaotang in 1971.However, not many people paid attention to this thing at the time, knowing that computers have developed to a certain extent, and at the same time, graphene has shown the potential to completely replace silicon materials. It is necessary to cooperate with this material to replace silicon-based electronics based on "Moore's Law". In the semiconductor industry, there are only non-linear resistors that can memorize current-memristors.

With these things, when Yun Fei left his world, he hadn't made a breakthrough at all.

Yun Fei can only know a little bit of news from Du Niang about this.

For him, who controls the development direction of the entire institute, this is enough.This is their opportunity, and only through such a heavenly thing can it be possible to realize the artificial intelligence of his dream.

Today's computers are based on logical calculations. Anything needs a lot of calculations to get results. The performance requirements for silicon-based computers are very high, while memristors are different. They are produced in conjunction with graphene or molybdenum. It is completely feasible to develop this kind of storage device with "memory" function that does not require energy, and use it as a key component of an artificial brain.

And in Yunfei's world, it has also been confirmed, which is the research direction of the entire world.

In the beginning, the graphene was not produced, and Yun Fei had no way to raise this question.Now, the time is ripe to register this patent before Europe and the United States.At that time, Hewlett-Packard Company and Samsung Group are arguing about who first developed this technology.

"Why, what else is on your mind?" The big leader suddenly became a little curious when he saw Yun Fei lower his head and said nothing.

At this moment, even if his trip related to Yun Fei is about to end, it is the perfect time for Yun Fei to ask for money and policies, but Yun Fei becomes silent. Isn't this too abnormal?

"Hey, I don't have any thoughts. It's just that the domestic talent training in materials and electronics is not enough. The start of many of our projects requires relatively high talents. This is the thing that depresses me the most." Yun Fei sighed. He said lonely to the big leader.

"In China, development is not possible with money and projects. Talents are the most important decisive factor. The quality of domestic graduates has now begun to plummet. Excellent ones have entered relevant research institutes and the military. Technical system. We can only choose the taller among the short ones."

"Didn't you all cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Regarding graphene, as long as they see the potential of this, they should fully support you, right?" The big leader is a little strange with Yun Fei's thinking mode.

Isn't this kid just working with the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

If the Chinese Academy of Sciences can't meet his needs, the big boss is really hard to say in this regard.

"If you have any problems or difficulties now, you can bring them up, and we can help you figure out solutions at that time, and we will not be idle."

"Leader, to be honest, I have a lot of ideas and many projects. We may not have much time left for us, but we have to do it. It is not that I don’t want to give these projects to national scientific research institutions. Yes, but I don't believe that they can be faster than us. The country will review a project, especially a major project, and it is absolutely impossible to start doing it in a few years... At that time, everything was too late. "Yun Fei, these are really heart-wrenching words.

This is the case for national scientific research institutions. There has never been much sense of urgency in these areas. After all, what he wants to do will not have any breakthrough progress in a short time, and the investment is quite large.

Even if they know that it is good for the entire country, many people in power will not be happy because it will not bring them political success during their tenure.

If it can't bring political achievements and can't bring benefits to officials, it will naturally not be very promising.This is the current domestic reality.The big leaders also had to admit this matter.

The country evaluates officials' performance based on GDP!

"Do you have any bigger projects that can't be achieved?" the leader asked Yun Fei doubtfully.

What this kid said was definitely not meant to complain to him.

"Aren't we holding the neural network technology in our hands? I want to upgrade this technology to the neural network technology again..." Yun Fei saw that the big leader was full of encouragement, and he spit out the hold in his heart for a long time. plan of.

Before the big leaders asked him, he continued to speak: "That is the artificial intelligence in American science fiction movies. Graphene is just one aspect of this technology. The new generation of supercomputers, on it, many things are brand new. Technology. Therefore, the demand for talent is huge."

"There is nothing wrong with this, right? Huaqing University, Capital University of Science and Technology, Capital University of Technology, Capital University and other first-class universities are not open to you?"

"Oh! What I want is a certain degree of experience. We just graduated, we don’t have enough time to train. Now the students in September 1st University, as long as the students in this field are all used for this Project." Yun Fei sighed again.

The leader was also silent.

In this matter, he has no way to help Yunfei. He can't destroy the Great Wall by himself for a large project of a private company and dig the corner of the national scientific research unit himself?

"For this matter, I suggest you better take the road of cooperation. You kid is good at everything, but this is a bit too much. For fear of the state robbing you, if it is not supported by the state, you think you can develop Up to now? The country needs a model and an example. And you are, so, if you have some worries, you can rest assured as much as possible. Haven't you done more to interfere with your going abroad now?" The big leader said to the cloud After Fei finished speaking, he saw the secretary next to him constantly looking here, knowing that the time was up and the other party couldn't urge him, so he stopped talking to Yun Fei.

The big leader just left.

His words were quite touched by Yun Fei.This trip to Europe once again had a big impact on his ideas.

To become a giant industrial group, it must rely on the support of the state.Without the support of the state, there would be little development prospects outside.

The country has supported it, at least, and will never worry about a fire in his backyard.Phillips itself has shares in the Dutch government. Inesail’s manager, Kang Maosheng, and even Siemens, GM, and Alstom, all rely on the support of the state to dominate the world today.

If Yunshi Holdings wants to develop, it must rely on the state and rely on the support of the state to compete with foreign companies of the same type. If Yunfei is alone, there will be no problem in a short period of time. After all, he knows the historical development. When the time has passed when he can know the history, he will have no choice but to do what the whole company should do then?

Is it to do everything and obey the fate?

"That's how things are. The company's neural network architecture has achieved certain results. We can fully promote network technology and services based on this technology on this basis. Of course, this is not the goal we are discussing today. Today we are mainly discussing whether to start a project on memristors and artificial intelligence technology. Everyone knows this project, so I won’t say its importance. As for whether it’s suitable to start now, I don’t know, so Everyone needs to work together.” After the big boss left, Yun Fei called the relevant responsible persons together.

People like Sun Lin and Situ Heyun are engaged in mechanical automation and have nothing to do with this project, but those engaged in electronics, computers, and even materials have been gathered together.

The words the big boss said to Yun Fei when he left made Yun Fei very touched.

But he still has more worries now, and he has to wait until the project is determined to start before discussing with potential collaborators.

"Boss, are we going to get the kind of artificial intelligence described in American science fiction? What if intelligence really produces human consciousness?" For Yunfei, he proposed to use neural network technology. The idea of ​​further developing artificial intelligence brain shocked Zhao Xiaohai and others who knew that the company had such crazy ideas for the first time.

They also hope to develop such a computer system, but this is too far away.

"The wild goose hasn't gotten down yet, so I'm worried about how to eat it. Is this necessary?" Yun Fei glared at Zhao Xiaohai. This guy should be most interested in this kind of project, and he actually said something wrong here.

"Boss, in this regard, our technical reserves are simply not enough, and there is no direction at all. This is a completely new architecture, the memristor, although it has been 30 years since it was proposed, But not many people are doing research on this. There is very little information on this aspect abroad. "Visa Lyon Lovech, who has always been addicted to games, is in good spirits this time. It's not just that he finally found a person who can meet his eyes. The more important thing is that he is interested in these technical things.

To engage in artificial intelligence, this is an absolute attraction for people who engage in computers.

"It is because there is no relevant information abroad that we have to be cautious. If we want to engage in artificial intelligence, we must develop processors other than current computer microprocessors. That is, we must engage in memristors. And the carrier material of memristors Graphene has been developed by the company's Materials Research Institute..." Yun Fei was helpless.

This guy always wants to take shortcuts.

But where is the shortcut to technology research and development?

"Boss, how much is the initial investment in this project? Is there a detailed plan? Where is the market prospect? These things are all we need to consider. Although the company's current cash flow is very abundant, the company's stalls are too open. If it takes up too much capital, other projects of the company will have to be affected." As the financial manager of Yunfei, Zhang Cui knows how much Yunfei has. Although there is a lot of money, it can’t stand Yunfei. Such nonsense.

At every turn, it is a big project of hundreds of billions. How many companies can afford this?

Research on graphene has begun to accelerate. Yunfei plans to invest no less than one billion yuan in R&D each year, and the company's ninety one real estate is a big money swallower. The cost of a nine one building is more than five hundred million, and every year Still expanding.What's more, Yunfei did not intend to sell these commercial buildings, but kept them all for rent!

"The starting capital is about 1 billion yuan. After all, this project is not a short-term result. As long as everyone thinks that this project can be carried out, our first task is to build a project team. What's more, this time, we are not doing it ourselves. It is to cooperate with the relevant units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the domestic scientific research institutions with strength in this area. At that time, if the country agrees to this project, or the funding problem can be solved a large part...

Yun Fei's words not only let Zhang Cui breathe a sigh of relief, but also let Chen Jie breathe a sigh of relief.

Every time, when Yun insisted on a big project, she and Zhang Cui were the most depressed.

After all, Zhang Cui wants to mobilize funds, and she has to go all over the world to find Yun Fei the talents he needs. This job is definitely not good.

"Employing people, Sister Chen, microelectronics talents, whether they are domestic or foreign, as long as there are suitable ones, they will be dug back. Of course, those who are unwilling to change their nationality to China are fine. Although the research on graphene Related personnel from the Chinese Academy of Sciences intervened, but we can not relax our research team to enrich our research team." Yun Fei's next words made Chen Jie who had just breathed a sigh of relief depressed again.

"Boss, didn't you say you haven't decided what to do!" Chen Jie was helpless.

"Whether we do it or not, we all need talents in microelectronics. Whether it is a research institute or a first-line production unit, these need to be further expanded. The future competition is the competition of talents. Why can our entire group company Become a domestic leader? Isn't it because we have the top scientific research team in China?" Yun Fei doesn't know what Chen Jie thinks.

Anyway, for him, Chen Jie didn't have to do these tasks in person, unless some of the project supervisor engineers needed her to do them in person.

Others can be done by his subordinates, otherwise, he has to be as tired as a dog, but there is still no way to change much.

"Boss, I am applying to join the artificial brain team." Rui Meng, who has always spoken very little, knew that although Yun Fei's mouth was talking about negotiation, he always proposed it only after he had made a decision.

"Boss, don't you need to study this again? After all, this project is too big." Wang Yi, who originally proposed to Yun Fei with a learning attitude, did not intend to express his opinions on this matter. Be cautious.

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