Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 146 Ni Lishuang is sick

"..." In the face of Situ Heyun's performance, Yun is not speechless. What is the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an authoritative expert in domestic electronics and electrical?

"Old Yun, you should do it first. Soon, a lot of Soviet engineers will join your research. That way, there will be more manpower. Although the Soviet Union's CNC technology has gone through detours, their I think you know the level of an engineer better than me.” Yun Fei comforted Situ Heyun.

If it weren't for the two old guys to hide their faces, there would be nothing with them at all.After receiving the cold reception from Zhao Xingbang, Yun Fei had already targeted the Soviet engineers.Although the direction of numerical control in the Soviet Union took a fork in the road from the very beginning.

The numerical control in the Soviet Union is not a real numerical control. They combine the functions of many machine tools to form a special machine tool that produces a certain high-precision or highly complex product.If the products produced are updated, these equipment will also have to be updated.The development direction of the Soviet Union's precision machining machine tools is dedicated machine tools, rather than CNC machine tools like European and American capitalist countries.

It is precisely because the Soviet Union has taken a fork in the road, and China, which has always followed the Soviet Union’s big brother, has also stalled in the development direction of CNC machine tools.Therefore, although the two countries can compete with European and American countries in terms of high-precision and cutting-edge weapons, their production efficiency is far behind the European and American countries.

The Soviet Union's CNC machine tools have entered a dead end, but it cannot be judged by this. The level of engineers in the Soviet Union is not high.In particular, their general engineers in mechanical, electronic, and electrical control are far above China.After all, even the United States has to admire the top industries of the Soviet Union's aerospace industry.If it hadn't been for the Soviet Union's terrifying conspiracy to land on the moon by the United States to introduce space competition, the Soviet Union would not be like this at all.

As we all know, the disintegration of the Soviet Union was due to the fact that it was caught in a military competition with the capitalist camp, especially the United States, a superpower that emerged during World War II.The biggest mistake of the Soviet Union was to fall into space competition with the United States, especially the picture of the first landing on the moon produced by the United States.

The United States landed on the moon, technically immature.Otherwise, after landing on the moon in the 1970s, until Yun Fei left his world, the United States had never made another lunar landing.It is precisely because of this that more and more people suspect that the American moon landing was a poisonous scheme used to bring down the Soviet Union.

Today, the Soviet Union in this world has not announced its disintegration in the second half of 1992, but the country is already in chaos, and countless Soviet elites have begun to flee their homeland.

It was against this background that Yun Fei dared to strike his ideas on the poor skilled engineers and technicians.For experts, he should not count on it.All Soviet experts have been eyed by all countries, especially those related to national defense in aerospace, electronic communications, energy, etc., even those small countries dare not count on it. With Yunfei, even a factory has not been established. How dare to count on young people with only 12 million in cash in their hands?

In China, a country under the dictatorship of the proletariat, even if his newly promoted bourgeoisie brought back expert-level Soviet engineers, they would have to be expropriated by the state for free.All Yunfei's request to Kmart is to engage in those quasi-expert level engineers.Whether it is machinery, electronics, electrical control, which he needs most now, or those quasi-experts in energy, chemical industry, and automobiles, he told Li Lu and Ren Zhiguo of Kmart, as long as they get it back, he wants them!

After explaining everything properly, let Wang Qingfeng stare at the construction site, and drove a group of little brothers to study with the two old guys, Situ Heyun and Sun Lin, Yun Fei drove the car alone, and once again headed towards the depths of Daba Mountain. Rush.

"Dad, didn't you say that Brother Yunfei will be coming soon? It's been three days, why haven't you come back?" A girl about ten years old with a waist-length braid with a full face Jiang Jianxing, who was sullenly smoking cigarettes on the sofa unhappily, asked with a distressed look.This is Jiang Xiufang, the youngest daughter of Jiang Jianxing.

"That's right, Dad, let's find a way to find a car, and first transfer sister Shuang to the big hospital." Jiang Xiufen, the eldest daughter with short haircuts, came out of the house and looked at Jiang Jianxing with worry. Say.

"I thought, there are not many cars in the factory. They are used by the leaders. I haven't been to work for a year. I have been fired from the factory. Where can I find a car?" Jiang Jianxing He threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground, and then slammed it out with his foot.

Thanks to Jiang Jianxing's timely arrival, when he found Ni Lishuang and his two daughters, Ni Lishuang had been in the hospital for several days.She was originally a temporary worker in the Daxian Hemp Mill, and she only had a salary of 70 or 80 yuan a month, and she did not have the benefits of such a temporary worker.Except for rent every month, except for the essentials for girls, there is not much money left.

The older Jiang Xiufang is only fifteen years old and doesn't even have an ID card, so no factory is willing to use her as a child laborer.Although Daxian County is the resident of the city government, because it is located in a poor mountainous area with a large area and sparsely populated area, if there are not some military-to-civilian factories moved out of the mountains, except for the steel plants necessary for every county after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. , Textile factories, basically no industry.

The service industry in this era is also underdeveloped, so the two sisters of the Jiang family can only watch Ni Lishuang leave their small farmyard that they rented for twelve yuan a month to go to work before sunrise, and then wait for it after dark Ni Lishuang's return.

Ni Lishuang went to work alone to earn money to raise her three mouths, especially when the Jiang sisters were all growing up. In this era when there is little meat and oil and water, she also buys the few delicious foods that can be bought by her salary. They were all given to the sisters of the Jiang family who was growing up. She had a marriage contract with Yun Fei. Moreover, the father of the two sisters went to the Pearl River Delta to find Yun Fei, which made the two sisters fall to the present level.Therefore, Ni Lishuang, who sees himself as the cousin of the two sisters, willingly contributes to the two sisters free of charge like a mother.

More than twelve hours of high-intensity work every day, coupled with malnutrition, so when Jiang Jianxing found them, his two underage girls were kneeling on a shrewd-looking woman in her thirties. In front of me, I begged hard not to drive them away. Eighteen-year-old Ni Lishuang was lying on the tattered bed in the small yard they rented, waiting for death.

More than ten days before Jiang Jianxing found him, Ni Lishuang fell on his job in a linen mill.The factory originally thought that at most it was not getting a good rest. After two days of dripping in the hospital, the iron-man girl was able to go to work again after two days of rest, so she paid two hundred yuan for medical expenses in advance and planned to wait for the girl to be discharged from the hospital. Then it will be deducted from her salary.But I didn't expect that this temporary worker girl who had just come to work just stayed in the hospital for more than ten days, with a daily cost of tens of dollars for medicine, but she did not get any better.

After paying a deposit of 200 yuan for the hospitalization at the Daxian Hemp Mill, seeing that Ni Lishuang was not getting better, he was no longer willing to pay for Ni Lishuang's hospitalization. At the same time, he expelled the temporary worker for absenteeism.Ni Lishuang, who was still weak, was told that the girl had been expelled from the hospital by the hemp mill after he owed more than 200 yuan for medical expenses.

In order for Ni Lishuang to get treatment, the Jiang sisters knelt at the entrance of the hospital for a whole day and night, but the Daxian People’s Hospital remained unmoved. Even after the younger Jiang Xiufang passed out, no one in the hospital came forward to look at this weak one. The little girl glanced.

In the end, there was no alternative. The two sisters could only find two bamboos and tie some ropes between them to make a simple stretcher to carry the extremely weak Ni Lishuang back to their temporary nest.

It is said that good fortune comes, and misfortune never comes singly.

People in this era are still very superstitious, especially when outsiders die in their own homes, which is even more taboo.Seeing Ni Lishuang's weakness for a few days, the landlord immediately prepared to blast these girls out.If that girl is really allowed to die in her own home, let alone whether someone will rent her house in the future, but this will definitely affect her own home.

Jiang Jianxing didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he arrived. He was so angry that he almost picked up a brick in the yard and threw it at the landlord who forced his two girls to kneel.In the end, he was stopped by his girl. When he learned of Ni Lishuang's situation, he could only grit his teeth and let the landlord go, holding Ni Lishuang and returning to the hospital where Ni Lishuang was driven out.

Jiang Jianxing regretted that the thousand yuan Yun Fei gave him was thrown in the canteen of the 9321 factory the night after he returned to the base.Later when he came to Daxian to find a few girls, Yun Fei gave him money again, and he only only had two hundred yuan.He felt that in this world, 200 yuan for many things, Daxian and his party, were more than enough.Unexpectedly, Daxian People's Hospital asked them to pay the owed more than two hundred yuan before giving Ni Lishuang treatment.

In the end, Jiang Jianxing had no choice but to take Ni Lishuang to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, which had far worse conditions than the county hospital, and brought Ni Lishuang back to the base when he got better.The hospital in the base is far better than the People's Hospital in Daxian, regardless of the doctor's skills or basic conditions.

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