Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 148 Yun Fei's Anger (2)

"How can I calm down like this? Drivers of other factories, we don't expect, 9327 drivers, do they want to do it or something..." Yun Fei couldn't control his emotions at all at this moment.

He had never imagined that the first time he met this girl who was so deep in his memory, who was so beautiful and not very beautiful, would be in such a situation.He had imagined countless scenes where he had a marriage contract with his body, and at the same time met a girl who was devoted to him, but never imagined that what he saw was a skinny and terrifying girl.If it weren't for the girl's incomparably deep voice and smile in his memory, Yun Fei would definitely not be able to recognize this girl who is not a human being as the girl he has always resisted in his heart not willing to meet.

"Brother Yunfei, what are Sister Shuang talking about..." Mao Yixin saw Ni Lishuang's mouth squirming and brought her ears close, and did not hear what Ni Lishuang was talking about. She stood up and shouted at Yun Fei who was roaring in anger.

Hearing Mao Yixin’s words, Yun Fei took a few deep breaths before slowly walking up to Ni Lishuang, whispering Ni Lishuang’s nickname, and putting his ear to Ni Lishuang’s pale lips, trying to hear him clearly. what.

"Yun...fei... are back..." Ni Lishuang on the hospital bed heard Yun Fei's voice and tried to open his eyes, but he could only open a gap.It took a long time before I said such a sentence.It was such a short sentence that made Ni Lishuang exhaust all his energy.

"Shuang'er, don't talk. I'll find a car right away. Let's go to Rongcheng. If Rongcheng can't be cured, we will go to the capital. If it doesn't work, we will go to America. When you were a kid, didn't you always want to go outside? After we leave this time, we will never come back here again. Don't talk, don't worry about the money. Brother is making money..." Yun Fei had difficulty speaking when he saw Ni Lishuang, his eyes could not be opened, but I always wanted to speak, because I couldn't speak, tears kept coming from the corner of my eyes.Yun Fei hurriedly suppressed the anger in his heart towards those who made Ni Lishuang what he is now, and tried to comfort Ni Lishuang, but he didn't realize it. In the end, he himself was choked into speechlessness.

If he hadn't been resisting meeting with Ni Lishuang in his heart, he would go to the county to find Ni Lishuang after returning, and Ni Lishuang would not be what he is now.It can be said that Ni Lishuang's current appearance was caused by him.Yun Fei is not a person without a conscience either. If his soul occupies the body of Yun Fei in this world, he has to assume the responsibility of Yun Fei in this world.Otherwise, he might not even return to Bashu!

Seeing Yun Fei's appearance, the smoke rings of several people in the ward were all red.The nurse who listened to Yun Fei's snarling originally planned to scold Yun Fei, but when she saw this scene, she stood by the door and looked at it, and then left silently.

"Shuang'er, stop talking, take a good rest, we'll leave for Rongcheng in a while." Yun Fei, choked with speechlessness, saw the sad expression on Ni Lishuang's face and hurriedly cleaned up his mood. After speaking, , Stood up and said to Qing Yu'e, who was in the red smoke ring next to him: "Mother Qing, please tell me that all the drivers of the 9327 factory will come to gather outside the hospital. For half an hour, if anyone does not arrive, even if He is the King of Heaven and I will not have his position in 9327 after the restructuring."

Yun Fei has made up his mind that if Ni Lishuang really does nothing but accidents, even if he does not want the equipment of 9327, he will definitely not want any of the 9327 workers.If a factory wants to develop, it can't develop by relying on indifferent workers.Any factory is a huge team composed of countless teams.Yun Fei knew that the reason why the 9327 driver was reluctant to send Ni Lishuang to Rongcheng was because he was worried that Ni Lishuang would die on the way to Rongcheng. This made all drivers taboo, even in the world of Yunfei, in that era, driving. Drivers of China are taboo about this; second, the car has to run for at least ten hours from the base to Rongcheng, and the time will be longer if the car is pulling patients like Ni Lishuang who cannot withstand the bumps.Those drivers and Mao Yingjie were unfamiliar in their homes. In addition, car drivers are scarce in this era, and they don't worry about being kicked out of the new factory of 9327 by Yun Fei.More importantly, running for more than ten hours is exhausted...

The radio station of the base was not far away from the hospital. Qing Yu'e quickly broadcasted a notice through the young announcer of the radio station that the 9327 factory drivers should gather in the small square outside the base hospital.These days, she represents Yun Fei, and she often broadcasts notifications through the radio station, so she has become familiar with the announcer of the radio station these days.If it was before, relying on her as a cleaner, the most beautiful announcer in the entire base, she would definitely ignore this cleaner aunt.

"Oh, Xiaoyun, the notice has been sent." Qing Yu'e returned to the hospital and saw Yun Fei and her husband Mao Yingjie sitting on the steps of the entrance of the hospital smoking cigarettes. In such a short time, the two of them More than a dozen cigarette butts have been lost on the ground in front.

"Mother Qing, trouble you." Yun Fei threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stood up and trampled it out, thanking Qing Yu'e with a tired face.

"You kid, you're going to see you like this. Go back and stay with girl Shuang. You have been away for two years, and that girl doesn't know how much she misses you." Qing Yu'e knew that Yun Fei didn't feel like staying in Ni Lishuang now. Around.Yun Fei saw that Ni Lishuang's heart felt bad, and Ni Lishuang's heart felt even worse.

It seems that since Ni Lishuang was sensible at the age of twelve or thirteen, she was living for Yunfei.Yunfei is her life, everything to her.Yun Fei is happy. No matter how sad she is, she will be happy. Yun Fei is sad. Even if she encounters a great happy event, she will not be happy.Now the brother Yun Fei, whom she missed day and night, is back, but her life is about to end.Although Yun Fei has never said sweet words to her, she knows her position in Yun Fei's heart.

"Since they don't want to come, then never come." Yun Fei has been standing in front of the hospital, not looking at the watch on his wrist. In the past, every time he looked at the time, he could think of Ye Beichun, but now , Ni Lishuang's life is almost gone, why is he still in the mood to think about Ni Lishuang?

"Xiao Yun, if you really do it like this, everyone will feel chilled..." Qing Yu'e saw Yun Fei's distorted expression, and did not dare to persuade Yun Fei. She kicked Mao Yingjie next to her with her foot and motioned. Let him persuade Yunfei.This year, Chinese drivers are really hard to find.

Half an hour passed, and no one came here.Yun Fei's face turned blue. He didn't expect that Qing Yu'e informed them that it was him, the incoming new factory director, who told them to come here, but still no one came.If you wait another half an hour, someone might come, but Yunfei doesn't plan to wait.

Three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged people are hard to find?Especially in China, a country where there are not many and many people.What age is it now?In the era when the whole people are pursuing money, what can money solve, can it still be called a thing?As for why Qing Yu'e and others didn't think of this, it was because their thoughts were too conservative and the people were too simple, and the roots were never thought of. They could spend a lot of money to hire drivers from other factories in this base.

If you don't want to do it for five hundred dollars, will no one do it for five thousand dollars?

"You don’t need to persuade me. It’s best for everyone to be chilled. If it weren’t for Zhao Xingbang’s pressure, I would not even want a worker. The workers in the 9327 factory are now uncles. I want 9327 to come and earn money for me. Not to find a bunch of uncles!" Yun Fei said coldly to the two.

Hearing Yun Fei's words, the hearts of Qing Yu'e and the couple went straight.Yun Fei, this kid, staying outside for two years, has actually become as majestic as he is now.But this is what they expect to see.If the children in his own family can't reach this height, Yun Fei can be regarded as his own child too?

"Mother Qing and Dad Mao, please go find Shuang'er's attending doctor and nursing nurse, and let them accompany you. They can come back when they arrive in Rongcheng. The doctor will give one thousand, and the nurse will give five hundred. , The doctor gives two thousand, and the nurse gives eight hundred." Yun Fei said indifferently to the two Qing Yu'e who lowered their heads and dared not look at him.At this time, his heart was already raging, but his surface was calmer.

These people, wait for the 9327 to move.At this time, there is no time to settle accounts with them.

Qing Yu'e and Mao Yingjie were stunned by Yun Fei's words.In this era when wages plus bonuses do not exceed two hundred yuan, you can make two thousand by accompanying you to Chengdu!They also know that Yun Fei doesn't care about the money anymore.Yun Fei gave them 20,000 yuan each, without blinking his eyes, would he care about these thousands of dollars?

Yun Fei didn't wait for the answer from the two of them. After all, they knew them too well. Even if there was no such situation as Ni Lishuang, they would do this matter extremely properly based on Yun Fei's instructions.

"Master Ma, please wait here for a while. When people get down, we will start right away." In less than half an hour, Yun Fei's Audi followed by a grass-green Jiefang car into the gate of the hospital inpatient department.

After speaking, Yun Fei ran towards Ni Lishuang's ward.

"Mother Qing, Dad Mao, did the doctor talk to the nurse?" Yun Fei just walked outside Ni Lishuang's ward and saw Qing Yu'e and his wife both sitting on the chairs outside the ward, snuggling together and dozing off, Yun Fei this I can't consider them for a while.

"That's right, Shuang'er is the attending doctor today and is on day shift. He will take a shift tomorrow. So as soon as we said, he agreed. At the same time, he also helped the nurse ask for leave." Mao Yingjie smiled at Yun Fei.

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