Mao Yadong's anger is for a reason.

As Yun Fei's secretary, she didn't even know that the factory had such changes.She thinks that the relationship between the two of them has heated up a lot during the two months of non-contact with Yun.However, she knew that Yun Fei would not have his own place by his side, and Ni Lishuang was about to be discharged from the hospital.

Yun Fei didn't regard her as his confidant, who grew up with them, how could he not be angry?Especially his younger brother, even though he always snatched his snacks, his pocket money, and everything he had when he was young, isn't this just letting him grow up?

This bastard, now such a thing does not ventilate himself, the assistant factory director!

After Mao Yadong figured it out, he turned around and rushed to the room with his younger brother.At this moment, that kid must be studying with Situ Heyun.

"Sister Si, what are you doing? I'm studying right now..." Listening to Situ Heyun discussing with his apprentices and grandchildren about simplifying the circuits in integrated circuits, the listless Mao Erdan was called out by Mao Yadong. I was very upset. In the past two days, Brother Yun's factory had a problem and he couldn't start work at the time of the plan. It was useless for him to learn these things.

Seeing the anger on his sister's face, Mao Erdan's unhappy expression on his face hurriedly closed.The number of times he was beaten by his fourth sister since he was a child is not old or young. Although he is a boy, he has never won the fourth sister in an internal war.

"Why? You still have the face to ask? Am I your sister? Studying, the factory manager is going to collapse, and you are still learning a fart. You don't have a college diploma. What can you do after you study? Come with me!" Mao Yadong grabbed Mao Erdan's ear and pulled it out.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on in the factory? Don't tell me, don't recognize my fourth sister in the future!" Drag Mao Erdan outside the hotel yard, see no one around, then whispered to Mao Erdan Tao.

"Say what? What happened to the factory?" Mao Erdan looked confused.

"Don't you tell me? Is it because the old lady hasn't beaten you for a long time, and your skin is itchy all over?" Mao Yadong's eyes widened, and he went to grab the ears of the two eggs.

"Don't, Fourth Sister, it's not that I didn't tell you, it was Brother Yun who greeted us, so you can't let outsiders know..." Mao Erdan hurriedly avoided his fourth sister's claws, the pain in his ears had not disappeared. It.

"Okay, Erdan, you are cruel, your fourth sister is an outsider! Don't you? I think who will help you deliver letters to your fairy sister in the future, don't expect the fifth, you know, she has listened to me since she was a child ......" Mao Yaqiu didn't bother to entangle with her brother at the moment, saying that her fourth sister was an outsider. Seeing that the force was useless, she used her own trick.

When Mao Erdan saw that his fourth sister used this shamelessly to threaten him, he pondered for a second, and kept apologizing to Yun Fei in his heart. His fourth sister was not an outsider.Besides, things have happened anyway, and there is nothing to tell my fourth sister. If my fourth sister doesn't help me send letters to sister Xianxian, the happiness of that life will be gone.

"What can I do?" After Mao Yaqiu listened to some inside stories told by Yun Fei that Mao Erdan told them, he couldn't help turning around in a hurry.

If Yunfei's factory really can't be established, people like them must continue to stay deep in the mountains, get used to the outside world, and then let her return to that small enclosed place. How can she be willing?

"Assistant Mao, you..." I saw Mao Yadong, who turned around and left after listening to the others, circling around the door of the hotel that has become the office of the 9327 new factory, and came to inquire about how to arrange these people. Mazi, who hadn't finished speaking, was interrupted by the excited scream of Mao Yadong, the young assistant director.

"You came to Rongcheng, doesn't it mean that the workers inquire about what's going on in the factory? Let's go, I have already inquired." The appearance of Mazi gave Mao Yadong an idea in an instant, and the anxiety on his face was wiped out.

On the bus heading to Longxiang Hotel in Rongcheng District, Mao Yadong's face also became serious when facing those uncles and even grandfather-generation workers who were staring at him solemnly.

At this moment, she is not the Mao family's fourth girl who has nothing to do all day, but the assistant director of the new factory.Perhaps these workers are the key to solving this trouble.In the past, there were many workers in the entire base asking for rights around the factory leaders.

"Masters, I will take you all to eat and drink tonight, and you will go home early tomorrow morning. What the boss can do for you, now is just to invite everyone to eat..." It was brewing for a while. Mao Yadong opened his mouth to a cart and looked at his workers with a lonely expression.

Hearing Mao Yadong’s words, Zhao Bingbiao was stunned, the pockmark was stunned, and the worker representatives of the car were stunned. Even the drivers who drove were stunned and almost drove the car to the ditch outside the road that hadn't hardened inside.Fortunately, the driver was a master at the 9321 factory. He didn't know the skills. He hurriedly hit the steering wheel and drove the car back to the road.

No one blamed the driver for the fact that they nearly overturned and made them throw their seats out. At the moment, they are still savoring what Mao Yadong, the young assistant's young assistant, said is a magical horse.

"Mao Si, what do you mean by this?" There are countless possibilities flashing in Zhao Bingbiao's heart, but he really doesn't want to believe his guess that is closest to the facts.

In the past, the Ninth Institute also had many factories without production tasks planning to restructure, and many foreign or private owners who negotiated with the factories didn't talk about it in the end, because the ideological debate in the previous years was very fierce in China.Private bosses don't dare to cause trouble to the upper body, and the devils of foreign companies also have various concerns.So many factories can only be split into workshops and contracted out.

There are too many workers in the Ninth Institute. When there are no production tasks, it is a huge burden for the military. Every month, the salary is several million.

Now that the domestic situation is clear, the state encourages the development of private enterprises. Didn’t Comrade Xiaoping all give public speeches to allow some people to get rich first?Yunfei, a young man, after several months of preliminary preparations, the money has been invested in young and old. Although he does not know where the money came from, he has already installed the equipment in the car and suddenly gave up. It will definitely not be. Because of the money.

"What do you mean? Do you need to ask? Since the cloud boss has notified the workers to put all the equipment loaded on the truck back, that is, the 9327 factory will not move. Of course, everyone can go back and continue to guard the equipment and wait for death. "Mao Yadong said fiercely.

"Mao's girl, what did your mother say!" Mao Yadong's words caused a lot of noise.

The driver simply parked the car to the side of the road, turned his head to see what the girl was going to say.

"Everyone, my parents are also workers in the same factory as you. Here, I won’t keep everyone from you. It’s not that boss Yun doesn’t want you, but the factory management doesn’t want you workers who originally carried the national iron rice bowl to give Yunfei this. The private boss works..." Mao Yadong said excitedly to the angry worker in the car when the fire was almost there.

"Maybe you don’t know that Yunfei’s boss has invested a total of 40 million yuan in the infrastructure construction of the entire factory and the construction of residential communities. Now he is waiting for the equipment in Dashan to move out and start construction. But at this time, the new factory is due to the original management of the factory. Fang felt that the original contract signed with Yunfei’s boss was a disadvantage, and they demanded to sign a new contract, changing the original lease to a joint venture, and the factory management wanted at least 51% of the new factory’s shares. In other words, the factory With you workers and the old equipment in the factory, you will need to exchange Yunfei’s 20,400,000 yuan in funds, and Yunfei’s boss will not have any autonomy in the new factory."

Mao Yadong got more and more excited as she talked about it. She had never thought that she had such a talent for acting.However, she thinks she is acting in her true colors at best, but she is just a little emotional.

"No way?"

"Will the factory management be so shameless?"

"How is it possible? Someone else pays to help the factory repair the factory building and the community, and in the end they get the shares that can't be the master?"

"Those bastards, they don't have the skills, now they are here to pick peaches when they see the trees being planted..."

When Mao Yadong heard these workers' discussions, he was secretly proud.After seeing you, dare you dare to look down upon grandma!If these workers surround the Chengdu city government compound by then, and those behind the scenes have to compromise and act according to the previously signed contract, she waits for Yun Fei to find her eyes, and then gives herself a thumbs up. Compliment yourself for not letting be shaved!

Since childhood, Yun Fei robbed him of the little love his parents had given him, and even the breast milk that he should have eaten by himself. In the end, he has always looked down on himself.

"Come on, dear masters, the boss asked me to toast everyone a glass of wine for him. Thank you for supporting him in the first two months." In the lobby on the second floor of Longxiang Hotel, there are not many guests, only these twenty Two tables crowded together in blue overalls.

Before the dishes came, Mao Yadong asked the waiter to serve the wine first.None of these workers deep in the mountains have a bad drinker.In the small enclosed city deep in the mountains, after everyone got off work, except for three or five people who gathered together to play cards and drink, they could only sleep with their arms around their wife.

As soon as the wine came up, Mao Yadong refused the waiter's help to pour the wine, and poured the wine for each worker himself, then picked up his own glass, and drank it.

"This cup, I respect everyone myself, thank you all the masters for supporting me in the work of this girl in the previous two months." Mao Yadong does not care if others drink it or not, anyway, she drank two cups in a row.

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