"Heavy machinery processing business now occupies a large proportion of our profits. Everyone knows this. However, personnel in this area are not easy to find. Super-heavy and large equipment personnel rarely come from state-owned factories... …" Wang Qingfeng nodded, followed by embarrassment on his face.

Talent, this is a big problem, especially these super-heavy equipment, in the major domestic heavy machinery factories, even if there is no business, these workers will be supported.Because it is difficult to cultivate such talents, those officials who do not know the importance, will carefully serve these guys.Otherwise, once they leave, when they need such a person in the future, where can they find it?

"No matter how large the proportion is, this cannot become the main business. Many domestic heavy machinery factories have such processing capabilities. Generally, they rarely use their business to process. Moreover, they will expand the scale of this area and become ours. Competitors..." Yun Fei shook his head.

China has such a bad point.

Once you see something to make money, a large number of followers will immediately emerge.

Since the 1990s, the country has been implementing monetary tightening policies, because some local governments continue to carry out redundant construction, which makes domestic infrastructure construction overcapacity.

Otherwise, there would not be so many unfinished projects, and the state-owned factory would close down.

Xinkaixing's heavy processing business, except for some businesses of the Three Gorges Project, are mostly parts of heavy machinery factories such as Jiangnan Shipyard.The construction of domestic aircraft carriers has begun to be on the agenda. The expansion of the Jiangnan Shipyard and the Huludao Shipyard is imperative. By then, the machinery business they can outsource will definitely not be as much as they are now.

And foreign heavy equipment manufacturers such as Siemens, Alstom, GM, Mitsubishi, etc., with the rise of China's domestic heavy machinery processing plants, competition will intensify at that time, and they will certainly not send these businesses to China.

Except for the processing business of super-heavy machine tools, the production of super-heavy machine tools is not a difficult task for them. After all, China is engaged in this aspect. In the original world of Yunfei, Germans are all involved.

However, when these equipments are produced, they are often left unused.

Unless the country keeps it.

In China, this happens to be the case.

"We also know this, but in recent years, our domestic hydropower project business has been sufficient for more than ten years, and many large foreign rivers also have this plan. Otherwise, we would not have spent tens of millions on ordering two A hundred and fifty-ton super heavy horizontal lathe." Wang Qingfeng smiled triumphantly.

The group of people walked in various workshops while communicating, which was actually the communication between Wang Qingfeng and Yunfei, and other shareholders of the company occasionally interjected.Finally, without even going to the shoe-making equipment workshop, he walked to the meeting room of the company's new office building.

"In general, the company's current development momentum is still good. However, there are still many problems. The most important problem is the decline in the profit of the machining business. However, our production capacity has a trend of excess!" Yun Fei did not understand Xin Kaixing's situation.

He knew the company's situation only by relying on financial statements.

For experienced people, you can see a lot of things in financial statements.

"At present, the company's kitchen appliance business should be strongly supported. With the rapid heating up of real estate and the acceleration of domestic urbanization, these businesses have very large market prospects. If the urban population triples, think about it, we How much market should it occupy? The company’s mechanical processing business basically has no development potential to tap. Unless it does some electronic product processing business. At present, our cooperation with Wanyan is the expansion trend of this business. It is imperative, but we can no longer put our energy into this. "The meetings that Yun does not participate in are often all he said and others listened.

In these years, he rarely attended various meetings formally.

After Xin Kaixing's secretary to the chairman Chi Xiaohong reported on the company's various businesses, Yunfei opened his golden mouth.

In addition to mechanical processing, Xinkaixing began to enter the electronic processing industry through Wanxin. Perhaps this was the idea at the beginning. 51% of the equity of Wanxin Company belongs to Xinkaixing. Until now, When Wanyan’s shares were sold, the largest shareholder became the Fei City Government, but they did not participate in the daily management of the affairs.

Everything is determined by Xin Kaixing.

The processing business, no matter how large it is, depends on the quantity to make some small profits. The big head is like the later Apple, and the production cost only accounts for a few percent of the market price.

"In other words, we have to develop towards our own brand. Kitchen appliances are one aspect, and we can use our low-cost advantage in mechanical processing, like our shoe-making equipment back then, to produce, manufacture and sell the hardware needed for kitchens and bathrooms. Products. A stainless steel towel rack has a market price of at least several hundred. How much can the cost be? Too expensive? No problem. We are using ordinary materials to plate a layer of bright chrome or other colors on the surface treatment?" Yun Fei said with a smile.

Kitchen and bathroom hardware, this is a huge market, and in the whole of China, no one has a lower production cost than Xinkaixing.

This is a huge advantage.

Moreover, apart from the final assembly, they do not need to purchase any equipment at all, nor do they need to recruit workers on a large scale.This is what Yun Fei cares most about.

"In addition, the personnel of the strategic planning department must give full play to the advantages and functions of the department. People in this department are paid more than other departments. Why have they not come up with any strategic plan that satisfies the board of directors? Come out? What are the advantages of the company? Who of you knows this? How can the idle resources of the company let them play a greater role and role? "Yun Fei's style has still not changed.

First say yes, and then start to criticize targeted locations.

The manager of Xin Kaixing's strategic planning department has always been named Yun Fei, but the deputy manager who is really in charge has no idea how many positions he has changed.No one dared to dictate the company's strategic plan casually, because Xinkaixing's development was formulated by Yunfei seven years ago.

"Mr. Yun, do you mean to integrate the company's resources?" When everyone was listening to the cloud, a middle-aged, capable woman in her thirties, not outstanding, with a ponytail Asked Yun Fei who stopped.

"Resource integration, first of all, what resources do we have, who can you tell me? In fact, what can these resources be used for, who can tell me? Third, how to integrate these resources, how to bring the company with the least cost Who has thought about the greatest profit?" Yun Fei didn't know who this woman was, and he wasn't angry at her.

As the second largest shareholder of Xinkaixing, he was indeed given by Wang Qingfeng for his opinion at the beginning, but later on, Xinkaixing's development process and equipment purchase were driven by him alone. of.Otherwise, Wang Qingfeng wouldn't obey him, and drove her daughter to his hands.

The value of an excellent executive is undoubtedly reflected here.

"Mr. Yun, can you delay your time for half an hour? Here is a copy that I personally wrote in my spare time..." When the meeting ended at noon, the only capable woman who asked Yunfei questions at the meeting stopped Yunfei.

"Little Ma, what are you doing? I don't know that we only have one hour off at noon?" Wang Qingfeng frowned when he saw this place.Although he knew the woman in front of him very well, he didn't know too much.

This woman is a middle-level cadre in charge of logistics management in the company. The reason why Wang Qingfeng has an influence on her is because this woman has too many problems.If it is an executive, or he has always been in Xinkaixing, Wang Qingfeng may have kicked this woman out of Xinkaixing because this woman doubted many decisions of the company.

Originally it was just a general meeting of shareholders, but Yunfei participated in the company's internal management in order to let all middle and senior management understand the company's internal management. All middle management and above personnel attended the meeting.

"Lao Wang, it's okay. Noon is a work meal anyway. I don't drink alcohol. I just eat and watch." Yun Fei took the thick pile of printing paper bound copy from the woman in front of him.

The font is neat.It was not printed on a company printer.

On the cover, it says "Some Ideas About the Company".

This is a very ambitious woman.

Yun Fei's favorite is ambitious women.

When he turned to the first page, he didn't see any table of contents, but it was a brief introduction.This is not a standard project copy.

From why he wrote this copy, to Xinkaixing's competitive advantages, a detailed description of various resources, to how to integrate, what needs to be invested, and some guesses about what can be obtained, Yun Fei changed his color instantly.

This is a talent!

"How many years has it been in the company?" Yun Fei didn't ask which school the woman in front of him graduated from, nor why she wrote this, but directly asked the woman.

"I joined the company in July 1992 as an apprentice in the operation of CNC lathes..." Ma Ting showed a look of memories.

In the whole of China, Yun Fei is the only one who doesn't value academic qualifications.

Xinkaixing’s production workshop does not attach importance to academic qualifications, but only attaches importance to technology. Although the management personnel are also expressly stipulated, not many people at the top of the company care about this. The first requirement for recruitment is academic qualifications.

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