Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 950 Yun Must Have Big Moves

It's not that Lubao doesn't know what to do, but she is just a manager.

Regarding the management of the company, she will suggest, and even do it right without asking the boss. However, she will not make any noise about the development of the company and some layout.As a veteran secretary that Bill has used for more than 20 years, the entire Microsoft core team cannot leave the existence. The grandmother still wears OL professional attire to and from get off work every day in her sixties.

This cannot be said to have no reason.

"Call them back..." Wood thought for a moment, and asked the two bosses with questioning eyes.

He is the chief executive officer of a company that can't force it.As the chairman of the board, Bill is generally only responsible for technology and company development strategy, and Paul rarely intervenes in company management matters.But for China's development strategy in this respect, it is not only related to their China, but also related to the defense strategy of the entire United States.

Once the Chinese companies have formed a climate and have more funds invested in the research of the new system, it is absolutely an unacceptable disaster for them.

The Chinese system, they have studied, although there are many bright spots in the design, it is still a rather naive system.What Americans pay attention to is that this system developed by the Chinese is actually a pure Chinese square code!This is an extremely depressing and painful news-in the whole world, not many people study the Chinese language, especially the complicated traditional Chinese characters and even the older Oracle bone inscriptions.

As soon as the Chinese system was obtained, Microsoft's technical team organized a manual reverse compilation, but it was impossible to decipher it.

Otherwise, how could Microsoft value a Chinese like this?

"No, I'm going to New York..." Bill quickly shook his head and said to Lubao.

Now it is definitely not a wise thing to let this Chinese with no small anger in his heart come back to sit at the negotiating table, and this Chinese has always been very strong.No matter how strong the opponent is, he seems to be treated together.

Lu Bao nodded. As for rhetoric or something, he can say it for any reason.Anyway, even if the Chinese understand it, it is hard to say what is wrong?

"Yun Fei, the old woman said that Bill is in New York. If we are not in a particularly hurry, we can meet him in New York..." Wang Zixin put down the phone and frowned and said to Yun Fei. The people who couldn't hold back the company were obviously here. Play with them!

"Is it in New York? How about in New York? You call to ask Mr. Cheng about the situation there, and see if there are any signs of letting go of the Pratt & Whitney people. If not, let's just go back to China. People from abroad don't To export aircraft engines to us, let's spend our own money and do it slowly!" Yun Fei said lightly.

"Don't we have dinner with Bill, who can't get up to the company? You know, that is the richest man in the world. Many people spend money to eat with him, and they still have to line up long..." Wang Zixin couldn't help wondering Yun Fei's thoughts. .

In order to have a meal with Bill’s grandson, people who take the initiative to spend money to invite Bill to eat have to see who pays the higher price. They came to New York to invite Yunfei to eat, and Yunfei, who rushed to find someone to eat, is actually now. Ignore others!

"The grandson who has been pretending for many days, why do we have to pretend to be a grandpa?" Yun Fei's mouth curled, he was young, and impulsiveness would not lead to any bad results, wouldn't he?

"I don't think there is any need for us to do this out of anger. If our computer wants to obtain an authorization that cannot be hardened, it will not do any good at all..." Wang Zixin gritted his teeth.

Yun Fei shook his head: "Do we need Microsoft's authorization? Those foreign user system software is chosen by them, and the distributors install it. Moreover, from now on, our computers will no longer be hard to install. The company’s operating system. I want every computer we sell to be equipped with China Century Star!"

These days, Yun Fei looks at Microsoft every day. It seems that he is envious of the company's achievements in the software industry. Only he himself understands what he is doing.

There are still billions of funds left unused in his hands, and the first quarter's collection also has a huge amount of cash to make some big moves.

In the past, because he was worried that his money would be too hot to cause some serious consequences, he put all his funds on large projects that required huge investment. Xianglong Commercial Aircraft Company basically appeared under this background.

And his unmanned production workshop was also born from this background.

However, the R&D investment required for these two projects is not too large. Anyway, to realize the state of unmanned production in Yunfei's mind, it is definitely not a short time to see.China as a whole is not as good as Europe and the United States on the basis, but China is even earlier than Europe in terms of intelligent control.

Europe is developing in this direction step by step, while Jiuyi Heavy Industry started in this direction after having the foundation. The technology extended by this project has just achieved their CNC machine tool technology...

Only by having its own independent system, after having a huge user base, for China's huge market, there will be countless companies that will develop some applications specifically for their products, and even they only need to establish a huge technology research and development team , Like Apple, specifically for its own product development and application, this can even kidnap users all over the world.

Just like Apple after the first decade of the 21st century.

Now, Yun's Holding Group has obviously too few products in this area.

Wang Zixin was stunned at what Yun Fei said. After she reacted, she touched her forehead and put her white tender little hands on Yun Fei's forehead to find out if Yunfei had a fever.

"Do you know how much market we will lose by doing this? How much less money will we make in a year?" After being convinced that Yun Fei does not have a fever, Wang Zixin said angrily to Yun Fei like a Sanniang teacher."We can have trouble with anyone, but we can't make trouble with money, right?"

It is completely conceivable how much sales their computers will lose in a year if they follow Yunfei's stubbornly doing this.

"..." Yun Fei was speechless at once. This woman is good at everything, but she always tells herself badly.

He came to eat with Bill, not for business or anything, but just to meet the guy who is about to hear in his ears, and meet the guy who has been the richest man in the world for thirteen years, but his attitude is just hanging silk. It's that simple.

If they build the system themselves, they have moved the cake of Microsoft, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

Especially after Sloten fled the United States in 2013, the world broke out in the Prismgate Incident. The United States, Apple and many other companies cooperated with the US CIA to use their backstage to monitor the world and steal world secrets. This caused an uproar in the world.

Not only will competitors see them unhappy, the entire United States will see them unhappy.

If the Chinese system was developed and occupied most of the market, they would still monitor the ass. Would it be possible for all American computer experts to learn Chinese Oracle and traditional Chinese characters?

"Anyway, you have to go and meet Bill's grandson. You are not as young as before. You can't let your temperament come anymore. Li Lu and the others have been too indulgent to you. What kind of Position, you have to take on what kind of responsibilities. You can't always let your uncle carry these burdens for you!" Wang Zixin's sturdy, even though Yun Fei was mentally prepared, he hadn't thought it would be like this.

Isn't this woman not going to keep going like this with herself?

Now you care about it like this?

In the end, Yun Fei decided to go to New York to meet Bill’s grandson, not because he was awakened by Wang Zixin’s words, but because he felt that he was idle now, and the grandsons of GM had never expressed their opinions. The price of Pratt & Whitney’s JT8D-200 engine stuck at $1.88 million per unit is not the slightest improvement.

There are also a lot of additional conditions. Perhaps it is worried that Yun Fei's stubborn temper will come up and directly terminated the negotiation without telling Yun Fei the details.

New York is the most populous city in the United States and the core of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world.For more than a century, New York has exerted a huge global influence in business and finance.New York is a world-class city that directly affects the global economy, finance, media, politics, education, entertainment and fashion circles. The United Nations headquarters is also located in the city, so New York is also recognized as the capital of the world.

Yun Fei is no stranger to this city. This is not because he has been to this city once, but because he has benefited from the popular science of Hollywood blockbusters.

"When will our city be as prosperous as this city at night..." Wang Zixin's soft and hard foam was not able to hold Wang Zixin, plus the use of some 18-forbidden movements in bed to lure, Yun Fei finally returned after getting off the plane in New York. Before I had time to rest, I was dragged by Wang Zixin to make crazy purchases in the most prosperous Times Square...

When he was tired and rested, Wang Zixin took Yun Fei and sat down on a chair dedicated to pedestrians on the side of the road. He leaned his head on Yun Fei’s shoulder while drinking Coke, while talking to Yun Fei. In fact, in her heart I want to say, when will we be able to keep doing this...

Obviously, she also knew it was impossible.

"It won't be long. However, it should be difficult for Chengdu to form such a prosperous business district..." For this city that has been developed for a century and is also the most prosperous city in the world, it is basically difficult to surpass .

No city has such a unique advantage as New York-the world's largest port!

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