When Pei Jingling and Ren Li walked out of the room together, Ren Li’s face was still gloomy.

But Pei Jingling didn’t feel it at all and didn’t even regard it as a game world full of dangers, as if he was wandering in his own home.

He only needed to wear some home dress and house slippers.

Even though Ren Li has stayed in this game for so many years, he has always been in the corner, completely ignorant of other worlds.

This was the first time he has left that place and became a human. He didn’t know what would happen if he acted rashly, so he was extra careful.

Even if he wanted to throw away the gracious Pei Jingling next to him now.

Ren Li forced himself to look elsewhere and tried to ignore him.

This is a luxurious villa. The furnishings in the house are very expensive. Exquisite porcelain is placed at the corner and artistic oil paintings decorate the walls. The overall color is heavy and graceful.

The lights were bright and all kinds of crystal-decorated chandeliers and wall lamps were on, illuminating the entire villa.

Ren Li and Pei Jingling walked down on the revolving staircase. Looking down from the top, there are already people in the hall.

They haven’t even walked down the stairs when they suddenly heard voices in the hall.

“Woo woo… What is this place? I’m terrified. I was obviously at home sleeping. How, how did I come here as soon as I woke up?

It was a girl’s voice. Like a frightened bird, the trembling voice was full of panic. With two tears on her pretty face, she kept crying and repeating where this was and how she wanted to go home.

The girl was still wearing only a set of pajamas. With her face facing the sky and her long hair dangled casually, she was sitting on the sofa curled up and crying out of breath.

Next to her, a girl with a height of 1.7 meters and a ponytail also sat on the sofa and put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

“Ah, miss, don’t cry. Your howling makes my ears hurt.” The girl took out a tissue from her pocket and rubbed it on her face indiscriminately, “Here is an escape game called Dream Control…”

“An escape… Game?” The girl cried harder, “I have read a lot of this kind of novels. I’m so stupid I will definitely die… I want my mom. I’m so scared, I want to go home!”

“No, no, you will be fine as long as you clear the customs and you will feel like you only had a dream afterwards. Don’t be afraid. My name is Nan Yuan, what’s yours?”

“My name is Qin Yiyi…” Qin Yiyi sobbed and said, “Miss sister1, have you been here before?”

Nan yuan spoke softly: “Yes, I have participated twice. It’s not that difficult. As long as everyone works together to complete the task, you can leave. And you can also earn points, which can be redeemed for all the things you want.”

“What is that?”

“Points are…”

“Wow. Players nowadays have become so kind, what a sweet little sister you are.” A strange enigmatic voice came from the other side of the building, and a young man with a hedgehog head walked down from above. “This new little sister is crying so pitifully.”

Nan Yuan was exasperated by his rough tone. The gentleness that comforted Qin Yiyi just now was lost, she stood up and glared at him: “Why are you so yin and yang2!”

“I can’t praise you.” The prickly-headed man whistled. “It’s been a long time since I met a stupid newcomer. It’s quite interesting.”

“You don’t have a backache when you stand and talk, aren’t you also a newcomer? Maybe when you first entered the game, you cried more regrettably than the other girls. Even if people are afraid and crying, what about it? Isn’t it part of our human nature? What, is there someone who is more noble than anyone!”

The prickly-headed man dug his ears indifferently, just like the wind in his ears: “I don’t have the general knowledge of a rookie like you who has only played F-level dungeons. At first glance, I haven’t experienced the severe beatings of the society.”

“Little buddy, don’t be so hostile.” An uncle in a suit appeared behind him, “The little girl is very nice.”

The prickly-headed man took out a Swiss army knife from his pocket, put the buckle around his finger and turned it in circles, with a mocking look on his face: “Don’t tell me that you are pretending to be a noble as if you didn’t have other people’s blood in your hands in order to survive.”

Qin Yiyi, who had already eased her emotions, shook again after hearing this. She immediately looked at the few people in front of him in horror, and shrank into the corner of the sofa a few times.

Pei Jingling, who had stopped on the stairs to watch the show since the quarrel just now, tickled the corner of his mouth and snorted lightly.

Ren Li’s five keen senses caught his disdain and he took a glance at him.

Nan Yuan stamped her foot angrily: “What nonsense are you talking about! I didn’t! I didn’t understand anything the first two times, and I relied on the seniors to take care of them. They were all very nice. We all looked for clues and worked hard to survive, helped each other, and finally all of us cleared the customs! “

Then she quickly went to explain to Qin Yiyi who was afraid.

Before the game even started, everyone in the hall was already in hectic.

There were some unexplained emotions in Pei Jingling’s eyes —— a player who had only participated in the form of cooperation and a player who had experienced a killing game. In addition, players in low-level games have low awareness of the game.

The gameplay is also biased towards template-based routines.

After all, it is easier create contradictions.

Ren Li was paying attention to the conversation between Nan Yuan and the prickly-headed man, who were in a heated disagreement, when he then heard Pei Jingling’s voice coming from nearby.

“There are several forms of the game. Team cooperation, battle royale, mutual killing, group confrontation, role-playing…”

Ren Li looked at Pei Jingling who took a step closer. He raised his arm and crashed it on his (RL) shoulder, resting his chin on his arm and looked at him closely.

Ren Li’s face sank. He was about to shake him off when he saw Pei Jingling raising his eyebrows slightly and the corners of his lips smiled with a hint of coldness. He whispered: “Conflicts are interesting in games.”

“So take a wild guess, what kind of game will it be this time?”

“Not interested, take your hand off of me.”

Ren Li’s stern appearance couldn’t display joy or anger, but Pei Jingling could still tell his impatience.

Pei Jingling curled his lips, “I don’t understand your feelings.” Then a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes and before taking a step, he lightly poked Ren Li’s left cheek with his finger.

“You——!” The fist clenched in Ren Li’s hand was almost ready to move, looking gloomily at Pei Jingling who ran downstairs quickly.

Why, this person really needs to be beaten!

When Ren Li walked to the living room, the atmosphere inside was already very demeaning.

Pei Jingling looked serious at this moment. It was unknown what he was thinking with his expressionless face.

Nan Yuan, who originally wanted to say hello to everyone, just looked at Ren Li and nodded, then glared at the prickly-headed man again while comforting Qin Yiyi who had stopped crying.

The prickly-headed man ignored everyone, playing with the Swiss army knife in his hand. His face was full of scorn.

Only the uncle in suit smiled politely at Ren Li and said hello.

Suddenly the TV screen in the living room flickered a few times, the silence was broken by static and loud noises.

Qin Yiyi, who was facing the TV in the living room, was taken aback. She screamed loudly, trembling with her arms around Nan Yuan.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the TV screen. The screen flickered several times before finally stabilizing.

An old man with a tired and haggard face came into the mirror. He wiped his face and spoke slowly: “All of you have arrived at Gu’s villa, right?”

Despite this question, no one said anything, because it was obvious that the eyeballs of the old man on the screen did not scan around to confirm the number of people.

It’s a recorded video.

Sure enough, even if no one answered him, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he nodded slightly and continued to speak.

“This house was bought by Mrs. Gu after Mrs. Gu became pregnant, specifically for her to have a good pregnancy. Unexpectedly, it turned out it had a hidden key point here. In the process of building the villa, the Feng Shui3 was destroyed, allowing the Yin Qi4 to spread out and ghosts began to appear. If it weren’t for Mrs. Gu’s pregnancy, who was more sensitive than usual, she wouldn’t have moved away when she felt unwell, otherwise something would have definitely happen! “

“Now the Yin Qi here is getting heavier and heavier, gradually spreading outward, and many more ghosts are appearing outside. There are also many evil spirits and sects that promote the spread of Yin Qi. Ghosts are raging, many people have lost their souls and died cruelly, causing serious chaos to society! The scope of the hidden key point is getting bigger and bigger, and sooner or later it will swallow the world. Time is running out. Now we must solve the problem quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. “

The old man sighed.

 “The six of you are all good children. Even if you know that once you step into this place, you will lose the path visible to the naked eye because of the Yin Qi, yet you are still willing to take the initiative to come here to purify the Yin Qi. “

“Each of your souls carries the power of five purification talisman papers written using ancient secret methods. Your soul can only endure the consumption of a piece of talisman every night. But to achieve the purification effect, the power of a piece of talisman paper is not enough, so you need to cooperate to complete the purification.”

“We have successfully discovered that from nine to ten every night, when the hidden key point is the weakest, you need to choose purification at that time.”

“As long as you successfully purify for three nights, the hidden key point will be closed, and your mission will be completed. If it fails…” The old man seemed to be a little unbearable and closed his eyes, “You will be frightened and become the objects that will be swallowed by the hidden key point for the first time. “

Ren Li raised his eyes and met Pei Jingling’s own ones. Everyone is tacitly aware that this should be the condition for the success of this pass and the fate of failure.

That doesn’t sound difficult. Qin Yiyi’s large eyes were confused and pleasantly surprised. “It’s that simple? Do we just need to use that purification talisman together?”

As soon as Qin Yiyi’s voice fell, the old man sighed heavily, “But I have to tell you bad news.”

“On your way here, we received news that there are two of you who… are undercover cults.”

“And because this is the place where the hidden key point is, the power of the ghosts is greatly increased. As long as one of them destroys it, the purification the night will fail and the ghosts will come out in full force.”

“In the end, they are safe and sound, but you will be in danger.”


小姐姐 (xiǎo jiějiě) – a popular word on the Internet, as a word that became popular due to the second dimension, its early meaning was the name of a cute girl by fans. It has a strict definition. For an otaku, anyone of the same age can be called “Miss Sister”. Miss sister can also be referred to as a little girl who is a little older than oneself among underage children in China.阴阳怪气 (yīn yáng guài qì) – a Chinese idiom which means to describe attitude quirks, ridiculously cold speech, from the side or the other side, to say pungent and ridiculous words, unable to guess and estimate people or things.风水(fēngshuǐ) – is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. The goal is to harness energy forces and establish harmony between an individual and their environment.阴气 (yīn qì) – is the opposite of “Yang Qi”, one of the two opposites of things that refer to them in general. It that portion of qi that is cold, passive, solid, heavy, descending, moist and dark; it is the physical or brute side of the universe

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