Internet 2010

Chapter 185: Dream Valley Cloud B round is imminent

The next day, Wen Xuwei returned to the Science and Technology Park. why?

Lu Zhou explained to him three things. The deployment of a server is accelerated, and the money from the A round will be burned at the end of the year. The second is the upgrade of the existing cloud computing services of Menggu Cloud, which is advancing from the internal testing stage to the full-scale public testing. Finally, the big data plan for the data required by Menggu payment is promoted.

Invisibly, the development speed of Mengguyun was brought up again by Lu Zhou.

What is Lu Zhou afraid of? There are too many things to be afraid of.

The biggest one is WeChat. With the blessing of the two new versions, the daily sending volume of WeChat has now reached a climax.

What made him laugh or cry was that something funny was happening.

"Forward this message to three WeChat friends, use the link below to download and receive cash..."

"Ma Huateng's birthday, retweet three times to get ten deductions..."

The first road boat looked at it, but some promoters who took bananas to push the version were doing things. As for the second item, he really doesn't want to talk about it.

Whether it is "viral marketing" or rumors, Lu Zhou has no time to deal with it now. He would be thankful for the smooth operation of WeChat's service alone.

Then, the data of several applications of Chuangmeng also began to be on the right track.

In the middle, the data generated every day by Mochat, which is also a social application, is not small, and the computing resources required are naturally indispensable. And there are oranges, melon peels, and individual game teams.

This is not the end, Dream Valley Cloud's own business: D+ operation statistical data service, DAE application engine, DCS elastic computing.

And it is followed by the data processing of Menggu Payment.

The stall is getting bigger and bigger, so Lu Zhou can't be in a hurry.

After explaining the matter, Lu Zhou got into the taxi to the airport.

A few hours later, it was in the DCM company in Beijing again.

"Brother Lin. What is the matter of Mengguyun's B round now?"

Lin Xinhe smiled, "You only mentioned it to me yesterday, so you're in a hurry? Young people, be patient."

He changed his words, "It's hard to find this."

When Lu Zhou heard this, he sneered in his heart, hehe.

Dream Valley Cloud may also allow venture capital and funds to weigh in. The most important thing in Dream Valley advertisements and WeChat messages every day is the call to seek financing cooperation.

Dream Valley advertisements have a clear business model and good cash flow, and Mochao of the Dream Creation Project also allows investors to see the ecological efficiency of market applications.

WeChat has not yet been commercialized, but the number of users has expanded rapidly. It can expand nearly 2 million users in just half a month, which is a limitless imagination.

This means that Mochao has already had many agencies come to inquire about the situation.

Solitary Dream Valley Cloud is the most difficult.

Dream Valley Cloud has heavy assets and a long equipment deployment cycle. The commercial products are very eye-catching, but they are a bit trivial under the huge amount of capital investment.

And the most important thing is that Menggu Cloud has a lot of business from WeChat. But for WeChat, the orders to Mengguyun have not been paid in full from beginning to end. Either by borrowing or in the form of convertible bonds, Mengguyun will not be able to recover blood in this way.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of capital, WeChat is sucking blood on Menggu Cloud.

Naturally, the problem to be solved is easy to deal with, it is nothing more than priority financing rights, or appropriately give some cheap valuations to institutions.

Lu Zhou said, "Brother Lin. Wechat A round, it can be advanced."

Lin Xinhe pondered, "Well. Yes. You can figure it out."

Lu Zhou smiled. Just want to understand? How could he not understand!

This is just a few million dollars in Wechat, and Lu Zhou has "earned" it.

Menggu advertising 10 million US dollars, Menggu Yun 15 million US dollars, according to this calculation, Lu Zhou has already taken 30 million back to spend.

If he used Menggu Technology to do it at that time, he really might not be able to get so much money, even after WeChat was launched later.

Of course, this is also more troublesome. For example, WeChat uses a server, but it has to make an account in the account of Menggu Cloud.

This makes the left hand out of the right hand, which is abruptly to move more funds. He all felt that if it wasn't for the Menggu advertisement to taste the sweetness of Lin Xinhe, there would be nothing in the future.

Now, the advertising of Dream Valley, which has become more and more clear in business, is simply a fragrant bun in the eyes of outside agencies. According to the valuation of Menggu advertising by external agencies, many have already run for 200 million US dollars.

The 100% valuation inflation in half a year at least made Lin Xinhe put his heart into his stomach.

That said, it is naturally impossible for Weixin Luzhou to estimate it cheaply.

"Brother Lin. The worry of most organizations is also the relationship between WeChat and Mengguyun. I believe you are the same. But on WeChat, I hope you think about it carefully before you go. make a decision."

Lin Xinhe was suspicious after hearing Lu Zhou's words, "Oh?"

Lu Zhou said, "The commercialization of WeChat will be very late. At least there will be several versions before it is finally stabilized."

Lin Xinhe, "It's nothing to complain about."

Lu Zhou went on to say, "Next year Mengguyun's strategy is to stay at home first, then go to sea. I don't know what Mr. Lin thinks."

Lin Xinhe calmed down, and suddenly he seemed to have figured out the joint in the middle, "WeChat is..."

Lu Zhou said confidently, "Exactly."

He went on to say, "At present, after all the funds of the A round have been invested and Menggu Cloud is expected to reach 2,000 units. Most of them are scattered in the computer rooms of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, central Wuhan and western China. There are also parts in Shudu. And there are also a few machines that have been distributed to Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia.”

Lin Xinhe nodded, he still knew something about this part of the situation.

Lu Zhou said, "In the middle of this, I believe that President Lin also knows that the operating cost of Menggu Cloud will be a big problem in the future.

The first is the computer room scattered in various places, including but not limited to the computer room of telecommunications and Phaeton. The second is that Phaeton, as an upstream manufacturer, has limited work to do.

But you can also see Mr. Lin, the business model of Mengguyun has been preliminarily verified. Then there are only three steps to do next.

Accelerate commercialization and explore large-scale cloud computing technology. Incorporate Phaeton, absorb supply channels, and ensure a large rear. Build a data center to reduce operating costs. "

Lin Xinhe went on to ask, "Then you know that there is a head effect in any industry. After all, the demand for computing resources by small and medium-sized enterprises and developers is limited. Of course, this is a bit subjective, but it should be true. "

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "That's why there is a dream. The bigger the banana, the more head it can hold up. And once WeChat gets up again, there will be more product lines on it.

I think, Dream Valley Ecology, there will always be no shortage of computing needs in the future. "

Lin Xinhe was silent again. A few months ago, he thought he understood, but now he seems to have re-understood Lu Zhou's thoughts.

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