Internet 2010

: Supplementary Instructions

Hello everyone, my name is Zhennan.

The most recent chapters have been interspersed with stories and conversations about "privacy." There are mostly cryptic statements, and here are some unimportant and non-spoiler explanations.


tor: Open source software, anonymous access tool. The earliest project funded by the US Naval Laboratory.

p2p technology: peer-to-peer. Example: bitorrent, emm Thunder downloads what we commonly call BT seeds. and financial p2p are two concepts

The dark web: building an anonymous web with tor


WikiLeaks: In 2010, the United States leaked a large amount of information on Afghanistan and Iraq. It also includes the information that the United States intercepted citizens' mobile phones during 9/11.

Subsequently, Visa, MasterCard, Paypal, and Amazon Cloud all terminated their services to the organization.

At the end of 10 years, the Bitcoin community called for the help of bit to help WikiLeaks break through the blockade. Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared.


You can learn about the Shoton events that have not yet happened in the story line. The definition of prism has already been explained inside.

The information is streamed from the fiber optic cable and recorded in the data center. What the NSA did is also the contradiction of the incident.


Off-topic cypherpunk:

Tor, WikiLeaks, Satoshi Nakamoto and the friends who exchanged this email will have a very deep connection.


Although the search for privacy, encryption turned out to be abuse. (In the story: sadRoad, sad road)

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