Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 214 We Came From Hell And Shouted 3 Ullahs For You


Da da....

Shen Fei gave an order,

Gunshots rang out in all directions.

Task Force 141 led more than 100 regular troops, formed an encirclement, and began to shrink.

messed up,

Totally messed up.

The whole jungle is full of crazy strafing bullets.


shout kill,


All the sounds are intertwined,

It forms the most realistic picture of the jungle battlefield.

Death is like the wind, always with me!

Looking at such a bloody scene, one can't help but feel cruel, as well as extremely exciting and shocking.

Shen Fei hid behind a tree and kept firing bursts.

His shooting accuracy is very high.

Each bullet can destroy a sniper or fireman of the enemy.

You must know that Shen Fei uses a pistol,


The line of sight in the jungle is poor, and the enemy is very well hidden.

Being able to have such a shooting effect greatly shocked Price and Soap and others.

However, this does not include ghosts.

This man who always wears a skull mask and red goggles is like a raccoon dog with the old master.

It is obviously a terrifying battlefield that can be sacrificed at any time.


You can feel it from his movements and charging speed. Now he is very engaged and very excited.

There is a big one, I can't wait to use a sniper rifle to fight close to the enemy.

But even though their tactics are very good, the offense is still not smooth.

The fire network formed by the enemy is very dense.

If you want to force a breakthrough, you will inevitably cause great casualties.


No one knows how many members of extremist organizations are hidden in other places besides the enemies here.

Once they hear the news, they are likely to be surrounded again as a result.

Shen Fei frowned, thinking about ways to break the game.


At this critical moment, an unexpected and shocking scene appeared.


"Comrades, behind the motherland is the motherland, rush!!!"

"Avenge the dead comrade, follow me, come on!!!"


"Fuck these beasts!!!"


"Comrades, always remember one sentence, when dealing with the enemy, you must see once and kill once, see one hundred times, and kill one hundred times!"

That is more than 100 regular soldiers who survived the rubble of the nuclear bomb.

They were tattered and covered in thick dust and oil.

It looked like a beggar on the side of the road.

Even more terrifying,

Nuclear bombs hit their camp by surprise, so many people don't even have weapons.

even so,

Carrying benches, sticks, and even stones, they still rushed to the front of the line.

The enemy's bullets were also the first to hit them.

After the person in front falls, the soldiers behind will not hesitate at all, and will quickly launch a new attack.

Not afraid to die,

fighting tribe,


this moment,

As the commander of this battle,

Shen Fei seemed to see through the hundreds of soldiers, the brutal battlefield outside Moco that determined the direction of the world.


in the live room.

"Red will shine on the whole world!!!!"

"It's back, it's all back, the red veterans haven't died, and they haven't withered!"

"How can you be weak in front of extremist organizations that can block the torrent of steel with mustaches?"

"We came from hell to shout three Ullahs for you!!!"



"Brother, drink this glass of vodka and be a brother in the next life!"

"Real dance shovel class!"

"Beneath the snow and blue ice lie the real Bolsheviks!"

"Drink this vodka, tomorrow the White House is my home!!!"

Tens of millions of viewers were also shocked by the screaming charge through the live broadcast room.

What kind of firm belief is this?

Will people ignore the threat of death and bullets?


The most shocking scene has just been staged.

Because there are wildfires all around, the direction of the attack is not too many, and it is very narrow.

In addition, although the enemy is bad, but the strength is still there.


Halfway through the charge, nearly half of the more than 100 regular troops fell to the ground.

The death rate will only get higher as the distance gets closer.

Shen Fei couldn't stand it any longer.

He said solemnly in the team's headset, "Who can contact them, give up the attack, there are other ways!"

"Don't make too many unnecessary sacrifices!"

Speaking of,

This was the first time Shen Fei had commanded hundreds of people in battle.

It is false to say that I am not excited.

It was also because of the first relationship that I felt uncomfortable when I saw the soldiers of my own camp falling down in waves.

"It's useless..."

The ghost's voice sounded: "I tried to persuade them just now, but they refused."

"And... most of them have been exposed to severe nuclear radiation, and even if they don't die here, their time is running out."

Hearing the ghost's words, Shen Fei couldn't help but feel panicked.


A nuclear bomb has already caused too many casualties.

And most of the survivors who seem to have survived have no cure.

"Oh shit..."

"Is it the black sun??"

"Wait until tomorrow and send you to hell together!"

Shen Fei cursed in his heart and stopped talking nonsense. He picked up a fully automatic rifle and charged with the soldiers.


Just at this time,

In a sea of ​​fire behind the battlefield, a figure rushed out.

He was covered in raging fire, and he could no longer see his appearance and appearance at all.

It's like a ghost crawling out of the underworld!


follow closely,

Under everyone's attention, the soldier, covered in fire, raised his explosive pack high and rushed towards the extremist organization.


A loud explosion sounded.

The soldiers were torn apart, and at the same time, a gap was blown up in the positions of the extremist groups.

The firepower was significantly weaker.

one's sacrifice,

At least 10 minutes were reduced in this annihilation battle, and the lives of many comrades were saved.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

He has been on the battlefield a lot,

The intrigue between mercenaries has been experienced countless times.

No matter how cruel the images and methods are, Shen Fei will not be touched too much.

Bad people, dogs don't eat!

That's what it's saying.


Such a spirit of sacrifice, which is only recorded in books, made Shen Fei shocked.


Shen Fei and Task Force 141, soon found out.

There is not only one ruthless person who is willing to sacrifice his life and save his teammates like this.


As if the scorching sun was tearing through the dawn, soldiers, one after another, covered in fire, rushed out of the fire...


Thank you [Zhitian Gang---Lao Si] for the certification of the gods!

Thank you [lionofish] for the two great certifications! ! ! !


You have sent a total of five great gods for certification. I am really grateful. The little author bows to you! ! ! !


It's really good....

I am relatively easy to satisfy, and this is the first time I have seen such a big battle.

don't send it.

It's not easy to make money!

One more bow to you!

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