Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 229 Lords, Lis10 To The Dragon's Roar

one second,

two seconds,

Three seconds!

Under the gaze of countless eyes from all over the world, the pictures in the live broadcast room were quietly frozen at the angle overlooking the steel plant.

viewers with better eyesight,

You can vaguely see the black paint crater penetrated by the thermobaric bomb.


But there was no expected explosion.

It was as if the pause button was suddenly pressed when the movie reached its climax.

This sudden feeling is disturbing.

[Don't worry, let the missile fly for a while! 】

With the fall of Shen Fei's voice, the whole earth shook violently.

Immediately, a circle of visible energy fluctuations spread out.


The tallest building in the steel mill collapsed with a deafening roar.

follow closely,

Like the leads that ignited the gun battle, all the buildings on the ground fell one after another, turning the ground into ruins in an instant.

To know,

This is Black Sun's steel factory, and all equipment is made of pure steel.


Under the destruction of the thermobaric bomb, everything is like destroying the grass and pulling the rot, and there is no resistance at all.


When the last tall building fell, another huge sound rang out.

This time,

With the thermobaric bomb as the center and a distance of 10 kilometers, it quickly began to collapse downward.

The violent shock made the feeling in the entire mountain forest very obvious.

Look closely,

The broken bodies of countless members of the Black Sun extremist organization were thrown to the ground.

Most have died.

Even those who still have a breath are like cut off earthworms, struggling in vain.

Quadruple waste, Kyushu split!

The sky does not overlap, the earth does not carry around, the flames are not extinguished, the waters are endless and endless!

Under the thermobaric bomb,

The earth is devastated, and all living beings are ants!


in the live room.

"Damn... This is a waiting ****, human beings are really too weak!"


"Isn't it... This missile... Is it really Big Brother's?"

"Take this scene to mourn the 77th anniversary of Fatty and the little boy's sacrifice in the Japanese battlefield!"

"What the Black Sun extremist organization has lost is only life, and what Big Brother has lost is a whole valuable missile!"

"It's too strong... How much is this thing? Hang a little yellow car!"

"This... this is too awesome. It's the end of the world. Can you give this thing to the Japanese country?"

"Yes, it needs to be soaked in both rain and dew!"

"The number of likes is equal to the number of times the toilet has been bombed!"


The explosion came and went quickly.

After two consecutive rounds of violent explosions, the entire steel plant has been completely razed to the ground.

In the central position, it collapsed into a deep pit with a depth of hundreds of meters, revealing the densely packed tunnel inside, like an ant's nest.


"what happened????"

"Is it a nuclear bomb???"

"No, even a nuclear bomb can't cause such a serious explosion underground!"

"Quick, gather the team and prepare to counterattack!"

"Protect the laboratory, protect Master Miller!"

After the explosion stopped, the surviving members of the Black Sun extremist organization quickly began to gather.

They are also worthy of a bunch of well-trained desperadoes.

Even this kind of bombing did not make them completely incapacitated.


Everyone can't understand, what kind of missile can produce such a blasting effect? !


What they didn't expect was that when the explosion stopped, it was not the end of the disaster, but the beginning!

When thousands of members of the Black Sun extremist organization were just trying to climb out of the deep pit, there was a sudden crackling sound in the air.


Many members of the Black Sun extremist organization have heard such a voice.

They looked at each other, trying to find the source of the sound.

at last,

They were shocked to find that the sound came from all directions, including inside their bodies.

Just at this time,

An extremist organization member suddenly stopped running and stared blankly at his hands.

It could feel the heat in his hands, as if they were being roasted on a fire.

next second,


In its palm, a blue flame emerged, instantly vaporizing a pair of hands.

That's right,

not burnt to black,

It's not skin-to-skin!

Instead, not even bones and scum were left, and even the blood had not had time to flow out, and it had been completely evaporated.

Does it hurt?

It doesn't hurt!



The member of the extremist organization still made a shrill scream.

Because such a scene is too unbelievable.


Swish ——————

follow closely,

More and more members of extremist organizations began to burn inexplicably.

The pits of the whole steel mill,

In the blink of an eye, it has become a purgatory on earth.

Thousands of extremist group members were burned to the ground before they could even make a sound.

at last,

This strange blue flame did not disappear, but gradually gathered together to form a spherical fireball that gradually floated upwards.

In the sky,

It was really like two suns rising.

a crimson,

a dark blue.

One represents beginning and rebirth, while the other represents death and weirdness.


in the live room.

"This.... what the hell is going on here!?"

"Fuck, what happened to the flame just now, Amaterasu??? What kind of missile can have such an effect?"

"So... Big Brother's true identity isn't actually a person???"

"It's too scary, can any experts come out and explain, what's going on with this missile?? Even a nuclear bomb doesn't have this effect!"

"Yeah, it disappeared suddenly, and then exploded underground, and it could explode twice. This is exaggerated, but in the end, it can create an inexplicable flame????"

"Uh... is Big Brother really an ordinary mercenary???"

"I know, is the spiritual energy revived? The elder brother is in the Nascent Soul period. The previous missiles were just a trick?"

countless questions,

Like a tide, it swiped across the screen.

From all over the world, tens of millions of viewers have been frightened by the explosion just now.

I'm even more eager to know what's in the middle...



good evening~

Thank you [1993-Uranos Spear Level] for the certification of the great god!

Thank you [Zhitian Gang? Straight Man] for the great god certification!

Thank you [Z..灬] for the great God certification!

Thanks a lot,

The little author can't repay it, take the time to make a JK bomb for everyone, right? ? ?

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