After the helicopter landed, the hatch opened slowly.

In front of them are two teams of bodyguards wearing black suits and holding black umbrellas.

Look closely,

They are almost the same height, and all the positions of the tiger's mouth have calluses. At first glance, they are Lianjiazi.

So standing in the rain, full of momentum.

"Mr. Shura, we are here."

"The old chief is waiting for you inside."

The voice of the helicopter pilot sounded.

Shen Fei didn't speak, and jumped out of the helicopter.

Land firmly.

A bodyguard with a black umbrella stood behind Shen Fei and helped him block the raindrops from the sky.

at this time,

Another bodyguard with a similar metal detector came over and said politely, "Mr. Shura, according to the regulations, I need to check you."

It's not the first time Shen Fei has seen such a big man.

The last time I was in Russia, I had a similar treatment.

He didn't speak, and slowly opened his arms, indicating that the other party could follow the regulations.

Inspection is not complicated,

The black-clothed bodyguard glanced around Shen Fei's clothes with the instrument in his hand, and immediately stood aside, making a gesture of please.

Shen Fei stepped forward.

After passing through the courtyard where the helicopter was parked, he came to another courtyard.

To be precise, it should be a place like the back garden.

look around,

There are all kinds of precious flowers everywhere, as well as very beautifully carved rockeries.

Shen Fei doesn't have much research on these.

What attracted his attention the most was the pavilion in the lake in the center of the courtyard.

And the mysterious old man who sat in the pavilion and looked at him with a smile.

"It really is this old man."

Shen Fei looked at the old man in the lake pavilion through the rain curtain, and couldn't help feeling a lot for a while.

To know,

This old man can be said to be the founder of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although it has now retreated behind the scenes, its influence is terrifying.

Said to be a spiritual leader,

Not too much!

As an ordinary citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, Shen Fei has a feeling of seeing the emperor in ancient times.


Now is a new era, but there is no need to kneel.

Otherwise, Shen Fei felt that it would be difficult for Shen Fei to kneel down on his knees.


After taking a deep breath, Shen Fei paced forward.

Passing through the long hand-chasing corridor, with the eyes of the mysterious old man scrutinized, he walked to the pavilion in the lake.


A faint smell of green plum mixed with the strong aroma of wine penetrated Shen Fei's nasal cavity.

In such weather,

To be able to drink a glass of green plum liquor in a safe and secure way is really a great pleasure in life.

The mysterious old man didn't get up, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, sit down."

Simple four words, but it makes people feel very friendly.

It doesn't feel like a stranger,

It's like a kind greeting from your family when you return home.

Shen Fei nodded.

He saw a saddle stool opposite the mysterious old man, so he sat down without being polite.

The small flame between the two was still burning.

very warm.

The mysterious old man stirred the copper-colored Sanding jug and asked casually, "How is your body recovering?"

have to say.

Shen Fei had seen so many big people, but only the mysterious old man in front of him gave him an unpredictable feeling.

talk to him,

It was like looking at a bottomless, mysterious pool of water.

This feeling is like sitting on pins and needles.


Shen Fei is also a person who has experienced countless lives and deaths, and can suppress the strange feeling in his heart.

He smiled calmly and said, "Thanks to Elder Zhong, the recovery is not bad."

Old Zhong?

Mentioning these two words, the mysterious old man smiled lightly and seemed to say casually, "However, Old Zhong told me that you can recover thanks to your own recovery ability."

have to,

Sure enough, in front of people of this level, there are no secrets at all.

Shen Fei thinks,

If it weren't for the systematic encryption, I'm afraid the old man in front of him would have a clear understanding of how many grains of rice he ate yesterday morning.

He did not continue to entangle on this issue.

Shen Fei looked at Qingmei Baijiu and asked, "Old man, you made a special trip to let me see you. Should you have something to explain?"

"Haha..." The mysterious old man smiled and shook his head: "Young people are always restless."

"Before I get down to business, I want to ask you a question, do you know where this place is?"


Shen Fei frowned slightly.

From Russia to here, there were three flights on the way.

Shen Fei is sleeping most of the time, so I really don't know where he is now.

It can only be roughly determined that it is the plain area of ​​the Dragon Kingdom.

Most likely it is Nanhe or Dongshan.

Shen Fei didn't randomly guess a place name, but shook his head and said he didn't know.

Seeing that he didn't know, the mysterious old man didn't say much.

He picked up the green plum liquor roasted on the fire, poured a glass for Shen Fei, and another glass for himself.

After doing this, the mysterious old man said unhurriedly, "This is Xudu!"

Xudu? ? !

Hearing these two words, and smelling the green plum liquor, Shen Fei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

good guy,

If he remembers correctly,

The place where Cao Cao and Liu Bei boiled wine and talked about heroes was Xudu.


It is also cooked with green plum wine.

It's just that there was no white wine in ancient times, and it was probably something like rice wine that was boiled at that time.

How to say....

The courtyard where you are now is the birthplace of the hero of cooking wine theory?

Shen Fei was a little surprised.

He looked around. Although he didn't understand ancient buildings, he could see that both the workmanship and the pillars of the pavilion in the lake were ancient.

Come to think of it,

Certainly not that simple.

Smart people don't need too many words.

Seeing Shen Fei's appearance, the mysterious old man knew that he already understood his intentions.

He picked up the wine glass and said with a smile, "Yes, this is where Cao Cao and Liu Bei discussed Taoism."

"At the beginning, Cao Cao asked Liu Bei, did you know the change of the dragon? Xuande said, I don't know the details."

"Cao Cao also said that the dragon can be big and small, can be raised and hidden, the big can make clouds and mists, and the small can hide and hide;

Ascension soars between the universes, while concealment lurks within the waves.

Fang is deep in spring this year, and the dragon rides change with time.

Dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero of the world. Xuande has been in all directions for a long time, and he must know the heroes of the world. Please try to point it out. "

Listening to the mysterious old man's speech is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Not only the tone is not hurried or slow, but also very kind, making people not feel boring.

Having said that,

The mysterious old man picked up the glass and took a sip.


His eyes were condensed, as if he had changed a person in an instant, with the domineering domineering of the world.

The ancients said it well,

Thunder, rain and dew are all graces.

At this moment, Shen Fei really realized what it means to accompany the king like a tiger.

One second was as warm as family, and the next second was as insurmountable as Mount Tai.

This kind of momentum alone is enough to make people feel uneasy.


Shen Fei, who has lived in two lives, is very calm.

The mysterious old man was obviously a little surprised when he saw Shen Fei's appearance.

He didn't show it, but said with a smile, "Asura, you are also fighting in the north and south, are you interested in chatting with the old man about the current world situation?"

"Let's not talk about it, how about the Russia you healed?"

"You feel,

What is the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and them? "

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