Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 257 Huh? When I Got Off The Boat, I Was Besieged By 0s Of People?

The next day, early in the morning.

Tanzania, Pangani port.

This is a river in the northeast.

It originates from the southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro, flows about 400 kilometers southeast, and flows into the Pemba Strait in Pangani.

It is a very important freight channel.


It is also the closest port to Dodoma, Kyoto, Tanzania.


With a whistle sounded.

The freighter that Shen Fei and Leng Feng were riding on slowly leaned against the river about 100 meters away.

They did not enter the port.

Because from a distance, all kinds of people on the pier are refugees with their families.

All-out war has broken out in their country.

These war-torn people, the only way out now,

It's all about finding ways to get out of your country.


Not everyone can afford the expensive plane prices.

So they can only rush to the wharf and port, trying to sneak into other countries' ships to smuggle.

The chances of such success are not high.


I would rather be a peace dog than a chaotic person.

As a civilian in a war-torn country, it is a disappointment to be alive.


on the deck.

The captain approached Shen Fei diligently and said very politely, "Mr. Shura, the port you want to call has arrived."

"But.... according to the latest information I got, there has been a full-scale war in Tanzania."

"I suggest you don't go to their country at this time!"

Because of the previous pirate incident, the captain has long admired Shen Fei.

Even repeatedly, showing that he wanted to hire Shen Fei as a sailor, the price was very fair.

The rest of the sailors saw Shen Fei even more like a savior.

"No need."

Shen Fei shook his head calmly: "If he didn't fight, maybe I wouldn't come."

Leng Feng stood aside and did not speak.

He didn't know what Shen Fei was going to do,

But as a professional soldier, he doesn't ask too many questions that shouldn't be asked.


The captain sighed with great regret, and immediately said, "Okay, then I won't force you, the speedboat is ready, and you can go ashore at any time."

"Thank you again for your life-saving grace to our freighter before."

Shen Fei sighed inwardly.

This captain is really shameless.

I've been shouting thanks for the whole day, but I haven't seen any actual action.

Typical miser.


The reason why Shen Fei made his move was to gain popularity.

Now that you get what you want, you don't have that much resentment.

"Good luck along the way."

Shen Fei said politely, did not stop any longer, and walked towards the bottom of the freighter.

Leng Feng followed closely behind him.


The two successfully boarded the speedboat and drove towards the port.

The distance is getting closer.

When they saw a boat approaching, the listless crowd on the dock all stood up like crazy.

"There's a boat coming!!!"

"Quick... Mom, get up, there is a chance to leave!"

"Husband wake up, there is a boat coming."

"Help... please save my poor child..."

Before landing completely, countless excited voices had already sounded on the pier.

Because of the dialect, Shen Fei couldn't understand what they were saying.

He glanced sideways at Leng Feng beside him.

It is clear,

The other party could not understand what they were saying. Without any choice,

Shen Fei can only enter the system store and purchase the skill [Global Language Proficiency].

The price is 149999 popularity.

Debit Success.

Start comprehending skills.

Countless languages ​​poured into his mind like a daigo.

This feeling,

It's like more than 1,000 beautiful female technicians, whispering in different languages ​​in Shen Fei's ears at the same time.

a little itchy,

Quite comfortable.

Perhaps it is because of the ability to comprehend more skills. Now Shen Fei comprehends primary skills very quickly.

In less than a few minutes,

He could already fully understand what the people on the shore were saying.

at this time,

The speedboat has also reached the shore.

The sailor in charge of controlling the speedboat, who had seen such a battle, was already pale with fright.

"Sir, are you from the United Nations Rescue Organization?"

"Please, take us away!"

Thousands of refugees have surrounded them.

for a while,

Say anything.

The message from most people is basically the same, that is, begging Shen Fei to take them away.

Faced with such a situation,

Shen Fei's expression did not change in the slightest.

These people are really pitiful.


He had no sympathy at all.

Shen Fei shook his head and replied politely, "No, I'm here to do business in your country, and I can't take you away."

"This freighter does not belong to me, and the captain also told me that it is inconvenient to intervene in disputes between your countries."

"Now, please get out of the way."

Shen Fei's tone was as calm as if he was playing chess with the old man in the park.

He didn't take the thousands of refugees in front of him into his eyes at all.

His answer made many refugees look desperate.

No one knows when the war will reach the port.

If they can't leave by then, the consequences will be very serious.


A refugee rushed forward, pulled a dagger from his body, and threatened viciously, "Sir, I saw you talking to the captain just now."

"It can be seen from his respectful attitude towards you that you are also a big man!"

"I warn you, if you don't want to die here, let your ship lead us away."

The dagger in his hand was a rusted weapon made of iron.

For Shen Fei, such a weapon would not have any lethality.

He tilted his head and looked at the refugees like a fool.

He sneered mercilessly, "There is a war in your country, and you still have weapons in your hands."

"So, your choice is not to help your country, but to threaten a passerby like me?"

That's right,

That's why Shen Fei has no mercy on anyone on the dock.

One can be unpatriotic.

after all,

What you choose is called faith, and what you are born with can only be called shackles.


A person can't even love his own home, can he?

If you encounter a problem, it’s okay to choose to escape for the first time.

But when he met someone who seemed weaker than him, he pulled out a dagger and threatened in a blink of an eye?

Such people....

It is also limited in strength than dog legs.


The knife-wielding refugee had a look of anger and shame on his face, obviously not knowing how to answer.

He hesitated for a few seconds, but still rushed up and said viciously, "What do you know, a foreigner?"

"Since you don't want to take us away, then you can die..."

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