Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 266 In The Army Of 100People, Take The Head Of A General

Just as Shen Fei was about to arrive at the open space, a figure not far away caught his attention.

The man was also dressed in a red scarf army uniform.

The only strange thing is that

The thumb of one of his hands is mutilated.

Shen Fei is very familiar with this wound.

Cold front? !

Shen Fei stopped and quickly ran towards the Red Turban Army.

The distance is getting closer.

The Red Turban Army, who had lost half of his thumb, also found Shen Fei running towards him.

Although I couldn't see each other's face clearly.

But Shen Fei could see that the opponent's other hand was already holding the weapon around his waist.

It looks like it's ready to go any time.

This action made Shen Fei sure again,

The man not far away was most likely Leng Feng.

When Shen Fei passed by him, he whispered in Chinese, "It's me."

Surrounded by Red Turbans.

Such a voice, unless it is also from the Dragon Kingdom, is easily ignored.

Even if you admit the wrong person, there is no risk.

Shen Fei guessed right.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Leng Feng put down the handle of the gun, walked towards him, and whispered, "What's the situation, they gathered so suddenly?"

"And... what's the origin of those planes and tanks?"


The current Leng Feng is also confused.

"I do not know either."

As Shen Fei walked forward, he slowly shook his head and whispered, "But you have to be mentally prepared."

"I suspect they are the Dane military group."

"If it's them, then the murderer of Long Xiaoyun has arrived."

What? !

Leng Feng's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and he subconsciously stood in place.

Involuntarily, scenes of once with Long Xiaoyun appeared in my mind.


Has it finally appeared?

Leng Feng gritted his teeth and asked in a deep voice, "Dane Military Company? Who is the murderer?"

At this time,

Shen Fei, who was walking in front, happened to see a mercenary team and got down from one of the helicopters.

take the lead,

It's a 40-year-old man, wearing a suit-style camouflage shirt, unshaven beard, and dark sunglasses.

It was the murderer who killed Long Xiaoyun.

Shen Fei didn't hide it, kept his promise, and said solemnly, "At 7 o'clock, the one who just got off the helicopter."

"It's code-named Daddy, and it's the commander of the Dane military group."

There was a sound of thunder in the sky.

Shen Fei could clearly feel that after he finished saying this, Leng Feng seemed to be a completely different person.

It seems that the temperature around him has dropped a lot.

Shen Fei stopped and frowned, "Don't be impulsive."

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Do not impulse!

Three words are easy to say, but if you really want to do it, it is even more difficult.

Covered by a headscarf.

Leng Feng's eyes have become extremely cold, and the gun in his hand is making a creaking sound because of the strong grip.

no coincidence,

It was the mercenary commander code-named Dad who sensed the danger.

It turned its head slowly, just looking at the location of the cold front.

Two people,

Across the dark night sky, there was a long-distance stare.

At this time,

The mercenary with big shoulders and round waist, codenamed Big Bear, asked in surprise, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Athena and the others on the side were also very surprised.

The captain's father has a gloomy and steady personality.

Very little murderous intent.

But just now,

They clearly saw a strong killing intent in the eyes of their captain.

There are no enemies now?

In front of,

Just a bunch of cannon fodder.

Hearing the big bear's voice, the old man came back to his senses, shook his head, and didn't say anything more.

just now,

It actually felt the presence of danger in the midst of a group of cannon fodder.

this danger,

Give it the illusion of being stared at by a beast.


in the crowd.

Leng Feng's eyes were still looking at the old man in the distance through the crowd.

After being imprisoned,

In fact, half of his life has been ruined.


He knew very well that he had been expelled from the army, and he would never return to Wolf Warrior in the future.

And in prison,

When he knew that Long Xiaoyun had been killed, his life was all ruined.

Leng Feng will never forget.

When the bad news came, how sad and uncomfortable he was.

in other words,

The only motivation for him to survive is Long Xiaoyun!


The murderer who was struggling to find it stood not far away, less than 200 meters away from him in a straight line.

Not impulsive?

Leng Feng asked himself if he couldn't do it.


It is impossible for any man with backbone to calm down.

Leng Feng is a bloody man.


He would not disobey the orders of his superiors in the middle of a battle, and kill the drug lord with three shots across the wall.


He would not have kicked the foreman seriously after seeing his comrade-in-arms' home being forcibly demolished, and was sentenced to three years in prison.

It can be seen from these things.

Cold Front has strength.


His character is also very impulsive, or warm-blooded.

The enemy is now,

He simply couldn't turn a blind eye.

"Shura, thank you for taking care of me along the way."

"You go, I don't want to implicate you because of me."

After a long time.

Leng Feng's emotionless voice rang in Shen Fei's ears.


The most unpredictable scene appeared.


Shen Fei couldn't help but sighed.

He originally wanted to sneak into the village, kill a few Red Turbans, and get some clothes.


He never imagined that he happened to see the Red Turbans gathering.

More unfortunately,

He even met the biggest enemy in Leng Feng's life.


Shen Fei didn't regret what he just said.

That was the condition he promised Leng Feng, and naturally he couldn't go back.

Shen Fei stood in front of Leng Feng and said helplessly, "You have to think about it. There are thousands of Red Turbans, a dozen helicopters, and dozens of Type 59 tanks here."

"Once the gun is fired, it will be the result of nine deaths."

Of course Leng Feng also knew these things.


In order to avenge Long Xiaoyun, he couldn't control that much anymore.


The Red Turban Army had already begun to stand in line, and several black men in uniforms of senior generals also appeared beside the father's mercenary squad.

don't do it anymore,

Maybe it's really too late.

"I won't implicate you!"

"You go!"

"Perhaps, after the chaos breaks out, you can take the opportunity to take advantage of it!"

Leng Feng didn't talk nonsense any more, taking advantage of the darkness, he raised his pistol.

Although this distance is far,

But Leng Feng is sure to kill with one hit.

boom! !

next second.

In the clearing of the night,

A huge gunshot sounded, and the Red Turban army of thousands of people was in chaos in an instant...



Good night! ~

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