Interpol Mission

Chapter 1040

"Ye Da is indeed both intelligent and brave..."

But in a moment, Chen Xi adjusted her mind and said with a smile. However, in that tone, the meaning of being superior can not be completely eliminated.

After so many years, I've really formed a habit. It's hard to change.

Ye Jiu said with a smile: "Secretary General Chen flattered me. I came from a soldier's background, but I don't like to fight unprepared battles."

Again, Chen Xi said, "it's unnecessary for us to frown."

Ye Jiu can't help it.

To be honest, after contacting Li Fan and Ning Wanjun, ye Jiu has been affected by some factors consciously or unconsciously, and gradually began to pay attention to his "bearing".

But I have to say, this thing is really not easy to learn.

As the saying goes, rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change.

Ye Jiu has never been a man of good temper and good demeanor since he came here. He insists on learning from general manager Li Zong Ning. It is really difficult for him.

However, on such occasions, Captain ye should pay more or less attention to his attitude.

Therefore, nine elder brother's face always hangs the smile.

"Secretary General Chen, it doesn't matter whether you are the enemy or not. I am a policeman. I only know that whoever commits a crime must be punished by law. "

I know you are here to test me today, or even ready to negotiate with me.

The problem is, your attitude is not right!

It feels like I'm asking you.

Is the old Chen family really so powerful?

Not to this day, you have not made my background investigation clear, right? That your level is too low, ye nine elder brother disdains to regard you as the opponent!

Chen Qian's face changed again, and she was preparing to retort. In the meeting room, warm applause had already been heard.

The leader came in.

Ye Jiu quickly followed the applause.

Chen Xi immediately put on a smile and began to clap her hands.

The attitude changes so quickly that even ye Jiu is surprised.

On the scene of this kind of ability, to be honest, ye nine elder brother still some can't learn, in the future will have to work harder to adapt. At present, ye Jiu has also begun to realize that many things can't be done blindly. We must pay attention to a strategy.

However, although Ye Jiuge has made up his mind to study hard and adapt to it, he is afraid that at the critical moment, his dog's temper will break out again.

It seems that ye Jiu's temper is out of control sometimes.

Soon, the meeting officially began, and Secretary Guan personally presided over the meeting.

Yi Junheng delivered an important speech.

First of all, Secretary Yi affirmed the great achievements made by the "anti underworld and evil elimination headquarters" during this period.

Yes, Yi Junheng does use the word "great achievements".

No one thinks that Secretary Yi's words are too exaggerated.

In fact, before Wang Zhisheng left for Guangwu, he held a meeting with the main leaders of the provincial department. At the meeting, director Wang made a very objective forecast of the prospects of Guangwu's "campaign of eliminating the underworld and evil".

Wang Zhisheng believes that it is possible to achieve the goal by basically forming a "system" to eliminate gangs of all sizes in Guangwu within a period of one year.

On this point, several other major leaders of the provincial department also agreed.

After all, the social security situation in Guangwu is so complicated that even if all the gangsters are still standing there waiting for the police to catch them, coupled with the meticulous work of the follow-up investigation and evidence collection, it will be quite tense for a year, so the ad hoc group and the Guangwu municipal political and legal system must make full efforts.

Who knows that in less than a month, five large-scale gangs, such as "Fuxing society", "Xiaoyao Gang", "Feilong Gang", "black flag army" and "flying tiger team", have been eliminated.

Moreover, almost all the troops were destroyed. Almost none of the chief criminals, principal criminals and key members of each gang missed the net, and all of them were arrested and brought to justice.

This is particularly difficult.

This means that these five rogue gangs are truly "established" and have been eliminated and will not be able to revive again in the future.

As for the follow-up investigation and evidence collection work, although it is very cumbersome, it is only a routine work. If there is enough time and manpower, it will soon enter the stage of public prosecution, and a batch of cases will be judged first.

In fact, this is also the next requirement of Yi Junheng to the project headquarters.

Secretary Yi asked the four departments of the public security, procuratorial and legal departments of Guangwu to work together and spare no effort to try their best to adjudicate a group of criminals as soon as possible and crack down on them severely and quickly!

"The chief criminal of the criminal gang of the criminal gangs with the most heinous crimes and those who have reached the standard of death penalty shall be resolutely killed!"

This is the original words of secretary Yi.

Thoroughly beat down the arrogance of the rogue criminal gang.

Next, Yi Junheng also talked about "fighting the tiger".

"After investigation by the public security organs and procuratorial organs, the biggest problem for the rampant gangs of gangs in Guangwu is not that these criminals have any great skills, but the umbrella behind them!""It is because of these various kinds of protective umbrellas that the gangs of black and evil forces are so arrogant that they have been rampant in Guangwu for so many years without being seriously attacked. Flies should be swatted, tigers should be beaten more. We must not let go of any protective umbrella that is verified to be true. We must investigate the responsibility and deal with it seriously. "

Yi Junheng said firmly and forcefully.

Ye Jiu noticed that Chen Qian, who had been sitting there with a polite smile at the corner of her mouth, pulled her facial muscles involuntarily, and her eyes instantly became sinister.

It seems to have been stabbed.

"Here, I also advise those who are lucky not to think how deep they are hiding or how hard their networks are. That's useless..."

Yi Junheng gently waved his hand and said without politeness.

"The only way out for these people is to surrender to the procuratorial organs as soon as possible, to confess their own problems, and to strive for leniency. No other way can go."

"If you are lucky and want to fight the organization to the end, you can only die."

"There is still time to rein in the precipice, and there is a chance for self-help!"

Chen Xi couldn't help biting her teeth, and her cheeks were bulging.

Just at this time, Secretary General Chen also turned his head and looked at Ye Jiu around him. Unfortunately, he was just in the eye of Ye Jiu.

In Comrade Ye Jiu's eyes, it was full of banter.

At this moment, Secretary General Chen really has the impulse to stand up and walk away, and finally suppress his anger.

The expression on her face changes, naturally can't escape Ye Jiu's attention, panoramic view.

I couldn't help shaking my head.

If the old Chen family really wants to negotiate with him, the "negotiator" is really unqualified.

She didn't come to negotiate at all, but to draw hatred

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