Interpol Mission

Chapter 1094

The "Dai Yusheng incident" has a great impact on Guangwu's anti underworld work.

Not surprisingly, the explosion had a huge impact, directly alerting the leaders of the Ministry, so that the provincial leaders arrived in Guangwu early the next morning.

Of course, after knowing that the situation has been brought under control and the criminals have been arrested, the provincial leaders are in a better mood. However, they still held a closed door meeting with Yi Junheng, mayor of Guangwu, Secretary Guan and other local leaders, as well as Wang Zhisheng, Shen Xudong and other comrades from provincial departments.

At the closed door meeting, the provincial leaders put forward a more obscure criticism.

Yi Junheng made a review on behalf of Guangwu municipal Party committee and government.

In addition, the explosion in a high-end residential area has also caused some panic among the citizens of Guangwu.

Before that, the support of the citizens of Guangwu was almost one-sided, and they strongly supported the government's efforts to crack down on crimes committed by gangsters and evil forces.

But now, there are some discordant voices.

Some citizens began to question whether the working methods of the campaign were correct.

There is no doubt about the campaign itself. The citizens are disgusted with these bullying and bullying gangsters. They are eager that the government will get rid of these bad guys overnight.

A small number of citizens questioned the degree of punishment for the evil forces.

They still feel that there are a lot of protective umbrellas hidden behind these evil forces, and that the anti black and evil elimination office is far from enough to crack down on these protective umbrellas.

Otherwise, how dare criminals retaliate against society so madly?

Although the anti-corruption and anti-corruption work has been carried out for more than a month, no one has been shot.

In fact, this is because ordinary citizens do not understand the judicial process.

It is not to say that if we catch the elements of the underworld and evil forces today, they will be bound to the execution ground for execution tomorrow.

In this process, there must be a process of investigation, prosecution, first instance judgment, final judgment and death penalty approval. Even if it is the fastest speed, it will take at least two months.

What's more, most of the underworld forces in Guangwu exist in the form of gang crimes. It is difficult to complete the investigation and evidence collection work in one or two months.

In the follow-up, there are Procuratorates' examination, prosecution and court's first and second instance, which can't be rash and take time.

But ordinary citizens don't care!

Are reasonable gourd eaters or melon Eaters?

Therefore, after seeing off the provincial leaders, Yi Junheng immediately convened a meeting with the main leaders of Guangwu municipal Party committee and municipal government, the anti crime office and the main members of the special headquarters.

All the captains of the special headquarters attended the important meeting.

At the meeting, Yi Junheng took the leadership responsibility for the "Dai Yusheng incident" and put forward self-criticism to himself.

Wang Zhisheng, on behalf of the provincial anti crime and anti crime office, also took the leadership responsibility and also carried out self-criticism.

At present, the most important leaders in Guangwu's anti-corruption work are the two of them.

The attitude of Yi Junheng and Wang Zhisheng made the atmosphere of the conference room suddenly tense.

To be honest, many participants did not know enough about the "Dai Yusheng incident".

The bombing, which sounds very frightening, didn't it cause any particularly serious consequences? Two cars were bombed, a security guard was killed and a car owner was injured.

Although it is said that the death of a person is a great event, in Guangwu, to put it bluntly, the case of the dead is not ye jiuqiu's fearless spirit of facing criminals and putting his life and death at risk is indeed worthy of such high-level commendation.

Therefore, the self-criticism and self-examination attitude of secretary Yi and director Wang has made it difficult for some comrades to understand.

It doesn't seem necessary to rise to such a height, does it?

However, most of the people who have such ideas are relatively young people. Those big people who have been through a lot of troubles and have high positions and power have different thinking modes with young people.

Usually, when the main leaders carry out such self-criticism and self-review, it means that some existing policies may undergo major changes.

In fact, it is.

At this meeting, Yi Junheng proposed that we should change the past "step by step" mode of struggle, and concentrate our forces to "encircle and suppress" the remaining criminal gangs of rogue and evil forces in the city.

According to the previous investigation, there are 13 criminal gangs of various kinds, large and small, in Guangwu urban area and the two suburban counties, which are nicknamed "Thirteen Taibao" privately by the masses.

After two months of severe crackdowns by the special headquarters for the fight against gangsters and evils, six rogue gangs have been basically wiped out, and the leading criminals and key members of the main gangs have been arrested.

The other seven rogue gangs have only been monitored for the time being and have not "started" on them.

Facts have proved that this model is still deficient.Therefore, Yi Junheng's opinion is to "clean up" the remaining seven gangsters in one time in the shortest time, so that they can no longer go unpunished.

As for the shortage of manpower, we will send another one.

In short, we can't delay any more!

Wang Zhisheng fully agreed with Secretary Yi's proposal, and he has asked the provincial government leaders to borrow personnel from other public security organs in the province to participate in the unprecedented "General Assembly war".

The Armed Police Corps of Jingjiang province will also send a detachment to Guangwu to further increase the combat forces on the front line.

These follow-up support teams include the emergency special combat team transferred back from the border area of Tianan province.

In other words, ye Jiu's former comrades in arms will gather in Guangwu soon.

This most elite force's participation in the war is destined to become the ultimate nightmare of the criminal gangs of Guangwu black and evil forces!

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