Interpol Mission

Chapter 1105

The judges and prosecutors who have been looking at all this in silence are a little puzzled and can't help asking each other.

Leng Qingfeng said in a low voice: "this is Ye Jiu, the first meritorious official who solved their case at the beginning. Now he is fighting against the underworld and evil in Guangwu. I specially asked him to come here. He'll take this guy on the road

The middle-aged judge who looked at him as the leader was somewhat surprised and said, "isn't it said that the comrades of the armed police are in charge?"

No wonder the judge was surprised. For him, it was not the first time for him to experience such a situation.

Generally speaking, execution shooters are found from the armed police force, and they are not allowed to meet with the death penalty until they arrive at the execution ground.

Regardless of superstition or superstition, there are some taboos.

Leng Qingfeng smile, whispered: "he was originally armed police origin, or armed police special combat brigade instructor."

As for the fact that he personally invited Ye Jiu to come over for a drink, director Leng would not explain it on such an occasion.

"Oh, that's fine..."

The middle-aged judge nodded repeatedly.

A moment later, with the sound of shackles dragging the floor, the remaining four prisoners of death were escorted out one by one. Tang Hongliang was in the fourth place.

Unlike Zhou Kai, Tang Hongliang looks very depressed and his eyes are a little red and swollen. There is no doubt that he has just cried. With the obvious dark circles around my eyes, I'm afraid I didn't sleep well last night.

In fact, this is the normal performance of many death row prisoners.

Most people are still afraid of death.

Even the most vicious criminals are few exceptions.

After all, there are very few "flat headed brothers".

Despite Ye Jiu's clear warning, Zhou Kai was still full of anger and gnashing teeth at the moment of seeing Tang Hongliang. If the whole person was not firmly held down by armed police soldiers, he might have to pounce on him and take Tang Hongliang's "dog's life"!

Tang Hongliang dodged and did not dare to look at Zhou Kai.

However, the next moment, he saw Ye Jiu, his eyes suddenly showed a surprise expression, called: "Ye, ye officer, you also come?"


Ye Jiu nods slightly.

For Zhou Kai and Tang Hongliang, two equally insane criminals, ye Jiu doesn't know who he hates more in his heart.

These guys are damned anyway.

However, from the standpoint of ordinary people, he may be more disdainful of Tang Hongliang.

In the end, he and Zhou Kai are good friends who grew up together when they were young. They even do things like murder, robbery and rape. As a result, he secretly steals Zhou Kai's wife and gives him a green cap.

The character is really despicable.

If ye Jiu must give them a simple evaluation, ye Jiu's evaluation of Zhou Kai is "bad", while that of Tang Hongliang is "cheap"!

Under the orders of the guard police and armed police soldiers, five dead prisoners stand in a row.

Surrounded by the crowd, the middle-aged judge stood in front of the five dead prisoners and began to read the execution order of the Supreme People's court.

Before that, the final judgment of the higher people's court had been read to them alone, and these people had a clear idea of their final fate.

“…… In accordance with the order, our court has verified Zhou Kai, Tang Hongliang, Kang Jiqiang, XX, XX, XX, bound to the execution ground and executed by shooting! "

Said the middle-aged judge with dignity.

Zhou Kai's indifference made Tang Hongliang shiver. His tears flowed down and his body was a little soft

Five dead prisoners, each with a different performance.

After the execution order of death penalty is announced, it is not immediately escorted to the execution ground. Before that, there is a process of arranging the death penalty prisoner to meet his close relatives.

This is also the legal provisions, the death penalty should enjoy the power.

Of course, they will be arranged to eat a relatively rich meal.

When I go there, I'll be a "dead man".

However, this is relatively abundant. After all, these prisoners are detained in detention centers. If they don't send some food from their families, each meal will be full at most. If they want to eat well, it is impossible.

According to the rules of the detention center, meat and fish can only be seen once in three days.

Not much.

Usually it's vegetables and rice.

It's good to be full.

There should be no preferential treatment for these criminals.

The "decapitated meal" arranged by the detention center for the five dead prisoners is still a bowl of white rice, a stir fried pork with green pepper, a vegetable dish and a soup.

The quantity is relatively large and the tube is full.

However, when meeting with close relatives, if the family members of the criminals care about them, they usually bring two good dishes, which can also be enjoyed by the death penalty criminals after checking.

Tang Hongliang's wife came, but Zhou Kai's wife didn't.Maybe she didn't have the face to meet Zhou Kai and Tang Hongliang.

As for why Tang Hongliang's wife would come to see him, and what kind of mental process this woman has gone through, outsiders do not know.

And brought him a boiled chicken.

The stew is rotten and the smell is delicious.

The process of meeting close relatives was rather dull, far from the scene of crying and parting in life and death as everyone imagined. Most of the faces of close relatives were ashamed.

It's understandable, but it's not something to show off.

Looking at a large bowl of fragrant chicken soup, Tang Hongliang had no appetite. After eating only two mouthfuls, he shook his head sadly. His face was full of tears, and his wife's eyes were full of attachment and reluctance.

This murder and rape, the ferocious "devil", at this moment, perhaps also in regret?

How beautiful is a free life in the sun and a free life?

Tang Hongliang's wife was also in tears. She picked up a chicken leg and fed it to Tang Hongliang's mouth. She choked and said, "have some more..."

The death penalty can't eat the meal himself.

From the moment they were escorted out of the prison, their hands had been tightly handcuffed, and it was impossible to open the handcuffs to them from the beginning to the end.

The meal can only be fed by others.

If there are no close relatives to visit, the "decapitation meal" will be fed to them by the police.

Most of the executed prisoners can't finish the meal.

Tang Hongliang sobbed and shook his head. It can be seen that he always wanted to say something to his wife. He opened his mouth several times, but he did not say a word.

He may not know what to say when it comes to life and death.

In a word, I'm sorry for my wife, my children, and all my relatives and friends. When I come to this day, I'm just taking the blame. It's too late to say anything else.

Tang Hongliang's wife thought for a moment, put the chicken leg in the bowl in front of Tang Hongliang, carried the chicken soup and came to Zhou Kai. She looked at Zhou Kai with tears in her eyes and sobbed and said, "Zhou Kai, I know you hate Tang Hongliang But we hate you, you know? "

Zhou Kai was stunned and looked at her without saying a word.

Of the five dead prisoners, he was the only one who ate big meals, big chunks of meat, fearless.

"It's no use saying anything now. Tang Hongliang is sorry for you and you are sorry for him You grew up together as brothers for many years Now that I have to leave, I don't remember those things If you eat this chicken leg, forget it When I get there, I'm still a friend, and I have a care... "

Then he handed another chicken leg to Zhou Kai's mouth.

Ye Jiu's heart moved slightly.

Speaking of it, this woman is still very virtuous.

Zhou Kai burst into laughter, startling Tang Hongliang's wife.

For a moment, Zhou Kai's wild laughter stopped suddenly.

"Well, you're right. I'll listen to you. It doesn't matter if everyone is going to die anyway. Before I die, I eat a bite of your meat, you give him an apology, I forgive him

"When I get there, I won't trouble him..."

Then he opened his mouth and bit off a large piece of chicken and ate it.

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