Interpol Mission

Chapter 1118

"Ha ha, ye Jiu, that's good. It's really three days after I've been away from home."

Yi Junheng laughed and took a sip of his tea cup, half jokingly and half seriously.

Ye Jiu suddenly made a big red face.

To be honest, so far, he is still nervous when facing Yi Junheng. It's like in the face of my father and my brother-in-law, Secretary General Huang.

Yi Junheng praises him so much that ye Jiu can easily regard it as "ridicule".

Yi Zixi, however, was smiling. She gently poked Ye Jiuyi and said jokingly, "well, ye Jiu, how could I not know you could say that before? Beautiful words, tongue blooming lotus

Aunt Yan glared at Yi Zixi, and said angrily, "ah Zi, don't talk nonsense. How can you call it rhetoric? I think Xiaoye said it very well. People feel it and say it very reasonable. "

"Now, the more leisure the unit is, the more right and wrong it is. On the contrary, there are less messy things in those units that are too busy to do at all. Everyone's energy is focused on work, so there will be less small moves. If you want to make wind and rain, you can't do it. "

"You are like Xiaoye and his pure business unit. There is less right and wrong. Everyone is running to work."

"Otherwise, Xiao Ye's achievements can be so outstanding?"

However, aunt Yan knows that when ye Jiu receives the award for his meritorious service, it is not clear how many first-class meritorious medals will be put up when this anti-corruption work is finished.

In any case, after all the credit has been added up, how can the two first-class merit run away.

Now it's up to the first-class model of the Ministry of public security.

Referring to Ye Jiuli's contribution, aunt Yan felt that she had great hope.

Therefore, before she knew it, aunt Yan's perception of Ye Jiu had changed greatly, officially opening the mode of "mother-in-law watching her son-in-law more and more like it.".

It seems that all female comrades are like this, regardless of their age, as long as they look at the right eye, they will immediately become extremely "short".

By mother a "good training", easy purple Xi then spit out her tongue, no longer "nonsense", but the face is still smiling.

"Then, what are the benefits of road construction besides going out and bringing in?"

Yi Junheng ignored the little "discord" between their mother and daughter, and continued to ask Ye Jiu questions with great interest.

It can be seen that Yi Junheng is a little bit of the school entrance examination.

"It can stimulate domestic demand..."

Ye Jiu replied without hesitation that the most basic things could not help him. Of course, when it comes to governing a city with millions of people, he can't catch up with his father-in-law.

"Uncle Yi, now Guangwu, Jingjiang and other cities, even Xingzhou, many rural youth, even urban youth, are hard to find jobs. Many people's way out is to go out to work. A large number of labor outflow will certainly affect the local economic development. Therefore, it is also important to stimulate domestic demand. "

"If we go all out to build roads or even borrow money to build roads, we can stimulate domestic demand in at least one or two years. When the roads are repaired and the traffic is smooth, as soon as the logistics is developed, there will be more business opportunities. In a short period of time, road construction can also drive the development of other upstream industries. Even if the debt is raised, it is actually very cost-effective. The overall increase in the economy will go up. "

Ye Jiu doesn't blush. He just opens up and talks.

I'm kidding. Comrade Ye Jiu from another time and space has the software of "learning powerful country" in his mobile phone.

So many books, is it for nothing?

"Well, it's a good way to build roads."

Yi Junheng gave Ye Jiu a positive.

"What else do you have in mind? In order to develop the economy of Guangwu, it is not enough to rely on road construction alone. Other supporting measures should also be taken... "

Yi Zixi jokingly said, "Dad, are you going to promote a cadre who focuses on economic construction?"

Yi Junheng rarely in a happy mood, he actually joined his daughter in joking: "as long as ye Jiu is willing, it's not too bad to promote him for a while."

Comrade Ye Jiu immediately began to sweat, waved his hands repeatedly and said, "no, no, uncle Yi, I'm just talking on paper. When it comes to economic construction, I'm far from it..."

Yi Junheng said with a smile: "don't be humble. Talk about it. What else do you suggest? "

It can be seen that Yi Junheng is a bit of a joke, but it is true that he attaches more importance to Ye Jiu's opinions.

After all, ye Jiu's "road building theory" coincides with Yi Junheng's mind. Yi Junheng has this plan.

"Another suggestion is that we should give full play to the positioning of border cities and engage in large-scale trade..."

Although Guangwu is not a border city on the border line, it is also a border city on the provincial border. Connecting Lingnan and Lingxi provinces, and the southwest gateway of Jingjiang, Guangwu has a bright future in cross-border trade.

"But Uncle Yi, I think that the border trade should be led by state-owned units. It is certainly wrong to privatize all state-owned assets as a burden. Now there are signs all over the country, and some state-owned enterprises with poor performance have been sold. On the surface, it is true that a large amount of funds can be obtained in a short period of time, which is of great benefit to the fiscal revenue, but in the long run, there is definitely a problem. ""After all, the state-owned assets are limited. Now that they are sold, what else can be sold in a few years? However, the supplement of private economy is always limited. It is impossible to make up for all the market gaps after the sale of state-owned enterprises. If there is no strong leader in large-scale trade, I am afraid that it will eventually become a loose sand, unable to form a joint force. There is no way to form a core competitiveness. "

"But now many state-owned enterprises are really losing money. It's not so easy to start."

Yi Junheng asked quietly.

Ye Jiu immediately said, "talent introduction, uncle Yi!"

"In fact, talent introduction is fundamental. With talent, there is everything. "

In later generations, many big cities have launched a "talent war". All kinds of talents are the fundamental to ensure the rapid development of cities and the rapid growth of economy.

"At present, other cities do not have such a concept. Guangwu can try to be ahead. Retain local talents in Guangwu and introduce talents from outside How to do it can be studied again. But as long as we can keep one of the ten local talents and bring in one of the ten foreign talents, it is victory. "

"Urban development, economic development, must ultimately fall on the talent policy..."

"Well said, very good!"

Yi Junheng looked at Ye Jiu and said happily.

"Ye Jiu, it's right to have such an idea. With this kind of pioneering thinking, no matter which post you are in, you can be handy. "

Yi Zixi is smiling and her eyes are shining.

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