Interpol Mission

Chapter 1252

No matter how unscrupulous she was, she could not ignore some things.

However, ye Jiu did not say this sentence.

Ye Jiu is such a character, as long as he is not 100% sure, he will not say it first, but do it first. When it's done, others will know the result.

It's more useful than shouting all over the world yourself.

Seeing ye Jiu's silence, ye comforted him in turn: "May 4th, don't worry too much. Your brother-in-law has made some preparations for this progress. It's just a matter of course..."

But the comfort of Ye Jiu is really not very effective.

Ye Jiu knows very well that at the level of Secretary General Huang, whether you have made progress or not has little to do with your own ability and credit. On the contrary, some other factors are more important.

For example, the old Xiao family.

Sister, this is afraid of his heart guilt, in case of impulse to do something, more difficult to clean up.

"I hope the old Xiao family can be sensible."

After pondering for a long time, ye Jiu squeezed out such a sentence from his mouth.

Ye obviously misunderstood his meaning and said with a cold smile, "if the old Xiao family is determined to do something bad, then we don't have to worry about anything. They can't get all the benefits. They can't drink any soup. "

Ye Jiu knows, elder sister, this is a real fire.

If the old Xiao family really wants to do something bad, it is tantamount to declaring war directly with the old Huang family. In this capital city, the old Huang family is not as bold as the old Xiao's, but it is not a soft persimmon.

The counterattack in the future may be fierce!

They say that cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents.

What about breaking a person's future?

At this moment, the door rang, and someone opened the door and came in.

Ye Jiu gets up in a hurry.

Needless to see, it is his brother-in-law, Secretary General Huang, who is back.

Even if the waiter has a door card, he doesn't dare to break in like this.

When the door opened, it was his brother-in-law, Secretary General Huang, who was in his forties, a very calm and dignified middle-aged man.

"Brother in law!"

Ye Jiu quickly and respectfully called out.

Secretary General Huang and Yi Junheng are quite friendly friends. They are two years younger than Yi Junheng, but they are totally different types.

Yi Junheng takes his work seriously, but he treats people with a sense of Confucianism. He is a professor with profound knowledge.

Secretary General Huang is a typical upper class bearing, no matter when and where, he is not angry.

Otherwise, ye Jiu would not have seen him, just like "a mouse sees a cat".

In this world, only his father and Secretary General Huang can give ye Jiu such pressure, but Yi Junheng does not. Ye Jiu respects Yi Junheng more.

He is not only respected as his father-in-law, but also for his selfless conduct.

See ye Jiu, Secretary General Huang Yan a smile, suddenly like spring breeze.

"Four, five."

"Uh huh..."

"Sit down, sit down, don't be stiff, don't be stiff."

Secretary General Huang said as he walked straight past and sat down on the sofa as if he had changed his personality in an instant. Since the realization of his brother-in-law "fear" himself, Secretary General Huang in front of Ye Jiu, almost never face.

This, of course, is to take care of the feelings of the leaves.

Their husband and wife are very sincere and affectionate. Secretary General Huang does not want to upset his wife at all.

Ye Jiu agreed and sat down in a hurry. However, his sitting posture was much more upright than before. His waist was straight and his eyes did not squint.

Ye Zi brought over a cup of tea, gently handed it to Secretary General Huang, and asked in a low voice, "how is the situation?"

Secretary General Huang gave a smile and said, "it's ok..."

Ye Jiu's heart suddenly sank.

He knew it could be worse than he expected.

For so many years, my brother-in-law doesn't know much about his brother-in-law's personality and behavior. At any time, Secretary General Huang has always been confident and seems to be in control. When I talk to my wife, I don't feel confused. I usually use affirmative sentences.

This "OK" actually means that the situation is very bad.

Sure enough, Ye was angry: "what do they want?"

"In this case, they have made mistakes first, and have they not been reasonable?"

Secretary General Huang gave a generous smile, waved his hand, and said, "don't get excited. Things have not reached the point where they can't be reversed completely. I have asked Chao Ge to send a message. You also know, they can not give others face, super brother's face is still to give. "

"Let's see what conditions they have."

Secretary General Huang's attitude has been very gentle, but ye Jiu saw a well hidden fatigue in his eyes.

It seems that after this "emergency", Secretary General Huang has not been idle. He must have found someone to communicate. However, at their level, ordinary communication is also very laborious.The leaves are still choking.

For so many years, I've never been so bent. Once upon a time, Lao Huang's family needed to see other people's faces?

But after all, this is in the capital, not in Jingjiang.

Secretary General Huang gently shook his head, turned to Ye Jiu, and said gently, "May 4th, you don't need to have any psychological pressure. I don't blame you. You don't know that's the case Besides, you didn't do anything wrong. If someone wants to bully us Jingjiang people, you must call him back! "

It's a very aggressive thing to say.

Ye Jiu was suddenly moved.

He can see that Secretary General Huang is not comforting him casually. He really thinks that he has done nothing wrong. What's the point of complaining about everything that has happened?

No self degradation.

Just when ye Jiu was ready to speak, Secretary General Huang's phone rang.

"Hello, brother Chao..."

Secretary General Huang answered the phone in a hurry and said politely.

This "super brother", according to Secretary General Huang, even the old Xiao family must give him some face. It can be seen that he is a very important person in the capital.

It's not surprising to say that any cat and dog can afford to be Secretary General Huang's "brother"?

"At dawn, the situation is not optimistic. Xiao Yanyan is quite tough..."

On the other side of the phone, Chao Ge didn't talk nonsense, he said bluntly.

Secretary General Huang raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "now Xiao Yanyan can fully represent the old Xiao family?"

In the eyes of Secretary General Huang, Xiao Yanyan, Xiao Baili and even Chen Daiyue are all "dandies". The children of aristocratic families do not follow the right path, and Secretary General Huang does not look down on them.

Why, the old Xiao family has "degenerated" to such a large family, is it up to Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Baili's two "dandies"?

Are they really so sure that they are determined to fight the old Huang family to the end?

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