Interpol Mission

Chapter 1262

Ye Jiu felt that he could not "perfunctorily" pass. Besides, if he wanted to continue to follow up the case, he would always have to identify himself with his counterparts in the capital city. He could not have been so vague all the time.

When ye Jiu coughed and wanted to speak.

A few more people came in outside the door.

Everyone's got a straight uniform. However, the faces of the two new colleagues changed in an instant.

Even ye Jiu is no exception.

Well, although the new comers are all colleagues and all wear police uniform, their police uniform is different from that of a supervisor and a company.

Ordinary people may not know it, but ye Jiu and they can see it at a glance.

All of them, except one, are national security police.

It's not the police.

Considering the identity of Professor Zou, the national security police came after receiving the report, but it can also be justified.

This is a high-level security unit.

Professor Zou is the leader of one of the important research groups.

It's normal to disturb Guoan. If there's no one there, it's not normal.

"Director Jiang!"

The first governor went up.

He said hello to the only middle-aged female comrade in police uniform.

The police rank of this one is higher than that of him. He is actually a third grade police constable. His face is very serious. You can see at a glance that he is the type of iron lady.

Director Jiang nodded to the first governor, and then introduced: "wensuo, this is Comrade Guo'an, Luo Zhi, and this is Director Wen of the local police station."

A first-class inspector who was close to Director Jiang stepped forward to salute Director Wen.

"Hello, wensuo. Luo Kaicheng

"Hello, Luo Zhi. I've heard a lot about you."

Director Wen quickly returned the salute, and then took the initiative to reach out and Luo Kaicheng, very polite.

Although national security and public security are two different systems, they often cooperate in practical work. The reason is very simple: only public security can have a real "full coverage" grass-roots system, and national security does not.

In fact, not all cases involving national security are very "tall". On the contrary, many of these cases are very "grounded".

Who told you that spies will always wear suits and enter the upper class?

Real spies never label themselves.

So sometimes, a thief may be an informer of foreign spy development. The police station comrades are much more experienced in catching thieves than those in Guoan.

Many clues about the Guoan case sometimes come from the informer network on the public security side.

You can't stand the police. There are so many policemen.

Small police stations, even the joint defense team members, have their own informants.

How can you catch whoring, gambling and thief without informer?

If you don't catch whoring, gambling, swindlers and thieves at the basic police station, where can you get the income from fines and confiscations?

Where does the performance bonus of temporary police, joint defense team members and public security officers come from?

No matter where it is, even if it is in the capital, this is normal.

This is also the reason why Luo Kaicheng took the initiative to salute Director Wen. Since he wants others to cooperate in the handling of the case, he should be more polite to them. It's human nature.

After a brief exchange of greetings, I immediately cut into the main topic.

"Wen Suo, what is the specific situation, please give me an introduction."

Luo Kaicheng said.

The three national security police officers he brought with him have already started on-the-spot investigation.

They came a long time later than the public security comrades. The scene investigation of the public security side was basically finished, but the national security police were still meticulous and began to "follow the process".

Public security is public security, and national security is national security.

Can't Guoan's comrades be lazy just because they have already done the scene investigation?

There is no such statement.

But some evidence can be shared.

There is no way to do this. There is only one piece of material evidence, which is unique. If the public security comrades take it away, Guoan can only share it. Of course, which company will be the main one in the end of this case will have to wait for the superior leaders to make a decision.

It's not up to them to make decisions.

National security is no higher than public security. It does not mean that as soon as Guoan comrades come over, they should take the initiative in investigating and handling cases.

However, in fact, if there is evidence that Professor Zou's death is indeed related to national security, most of the case will be transferred to Guo'an, and the public security department will help consciously.

The cases are graded.

Cases involving national security have a high priority.

Director Wen immediately introduced the case.

"We received the report at more than seven o'clock in the evening, and it was the Security Department of this unit who reported the case. According to the comrades in the security department, they received a report from political commissar Zou about a few minutes to seven Old political commissar asked Professor Zou to have a meal, but Professor Zou didn't respond. When he came in, he saw that something had happened. He immediately reported to the security department... ""Wait a minute. Is Professor Zou living with old political commissar Zou?"

Luo Kaicheng interrupted him and asked suspiciously.

It doesn't make sense.

Professor Zou Zhenggang, at this age, does not have his own family and wants to live with his old father?

Look at the housing level of old political commissar Zou, it is not suitable for three generations to live together.

With a bitter smile, Wen Suo said, "Professor Zou Zhenggang's wife Oh, my ex-wife He took his children abroad a few years ago. Now Professor Zou is single, so he just lives with his parents and takes care of each other. In fact, both of them are in good health. They can take care of themselves and take care of Professor Zou's daily life According to our understanding, Professor Zou is a workaholic, especially when he is engaged in research. It is common for him to stay up all night for several consecutive days without sleeping. "

With that, wensuo gently shook his head again.

It is indeed a pity that such a young and middle-aged leader in science and technology suddenly suffered a violent death.

Although the security units in the capital are not as rare as those in the lower provinces and cities, there is only one such unit with such a high security level in the jurisdiction of Director Wen, which has always been the key contact unit of their police station. The wensuo is not familiar with many situations here, at least it is quite familiar with it.

Ye Jiu listens to the side to nod secretly, Wen Suo this words, also can be regarded as his perplexity.

"Professor Zou's ex-wife and children have gone abroad? When did it happen? In which country? "

Luo Kaicheng frowned and asked.

Wynn couldn't help looking at him.

Indeed, comrade Guo'an's attention is not the same as that of public security.

What Wen is paying attention to now is mainly the case itself. The cause of Professor Zou's death is his most concerned at present. But Luo Kaicheng is obviously different from his idea.

"Well, I'm not sure when I'll be out of the country. As for which country to go to, I heard it was the United States... "

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