On April 30, ye Jiu arrived at Jiangkou.

When he arrived at Jiangkou, it was already at night. He took a taxi at Jiangkou railway station and went straight to the hotel.

The security and political Commission told him directly on the phone that he didn't have to report to the Municipal Bureau or go to the anti crime office to report. Let him meet at the hotel.

Ye Jiu can understand the caution of the ANC. Since the evil forces have penetrated into the interior, his appearance in the public security bureau is "exposed".

Will cause certain hindrance to the next work.

In 2003, the urban traffic in Jiangkou was not particularly congested, so the taxi took about half an hour to drive to the hotel reserved by the security and political Commission for ye Jiu.

This is a small hotel, not very impressive, ye Jiu estimates, should be the level of a guest house. Even a small hall is not served.

After so many years of working as a criminal police officer, ye Jiu has seen all kinds of wonderful little hostels. Some of them just set up a table in the corridor as a reception desk.

However, the small hostel ordered by the security commissar did not even have a reception desk in this corridor.

Ye Jiu didn't ask much. He looked at the sign at the door and went straight up to the third floor.

Looking at the stairs with mottled concrete floor under his feet, ye Jiu concludes that the building must have a history of at least ten years.

Considering the "development history" of Jiangkou, it should be the first part of "new buildings" to be built. Ten years ago, it should still be very "high-grade".

After ten years of backwardness, we can only say that the development of Jiangkou is too fast.

River mouth speed is not fun to say.

On the third floor, ye Jiu finally meets the "lobby" of the hostel.

As you might expect, a small bar, placed in the corner of the third floor corridor, is the reception.

Ye Jiu took out his ID card.

This ID card clearly records that ye is from Dahua Machinery Factory in Ping'an city. Before becoming a soldier, ye Jiu's household registration was in Dahua Factory. Now he is a vice captain, and his ID card has not yet been changed.

Children of factories and mines!

At present, this identity is quite appropriate.

In recent years, too many laid-off workers and unemployed young people from state-owned enterprises have come to Jiangkou to fight. Among them, only a very small number of people have been able to make a successful foothold and live a decent life. Most of them have no connection with this bustling metropolis. Even if he has worked in Jiangkou for ten years, twenty years or even thirty years, he can only go back to his hometown.

In addition, there are still a small number of people who have gone astray.

At the front desk is a sister in her thirties. When she looks at Ye Jiu's ID card, her eyes flash with contempt.

This is also a common fault of "metropolitan people". They always feel that all places except their own cities are rural areas. People from those places, without exception, are rural people.

In fact, judging by her temperament, she must have come from other places to work.

Not in line with the image of Lingnan charterer!

Ye Jiu lives in Room 309, a small single room. To his surprise, the small guest house looks shabby in appearance, but the decoration of the room is not bad. At least it is clean and has no strange taste.

This satisfied Ye Jiu.

Immediately put down the backpack, lit a cigarette, waiting for the security commission to come.

Until more than 11 o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on the door.

A regular knock on the door!

Ye Jiu opened the door and it was the security commissar who arrived.

It seems that Comrade an is extremely tired and even walks a little bit.

Ye Jiu was shocked.

Although the political commissar is over 40 years old, when he is in the army, he often trains with his young people and has a good physique. Not long ago, I saw him in Xingzhou. He was still a good man with a strong spirit.

How can I be so tired?

Ye Jiu hurriedly let the old leader into the room and poured tea for him.

Although the hostel is small, the basic facilities are quite complete, and there is also boiling water supply.

As for the "high-tech equipment" like electric kettle, don't think about it for a moment. It will take several years for the popularity of electric kettle in low-end hotels. At present, this kind of hostel can open a water bottle for each room, even if the service is considerate.

You can not only make a cup of hot tea, but also make noodles, and even put some mustard into it. You don't have to worry about being surrounded by dozens of people.


Ye Jiugang called a name and was stopped by Lao an. He said to him seriously, "call me my name, not Commissar."

Ye Jiu immediately understood.



"It's coming very fast. Thank you for your support

The Security Administration Committee nodded with satisfaction.

Ye Jiu smiles.This time, the leaders of the Ping'an Municipal Bureau and their Baihua sub Bureau really gave Lao an face. As soon as Lao an called and the official letter from Jiangkou anti-corruption office arrived, Lang Zheng and Liu Gao approved without saying a word.

You should know that ye Jiu is still the actual head of the "Pang Tianxing case" special case team. He and a group of people are responsible for most of the work of the special group.

It's no surprise that such a complicated case can only be closed after a year or two.

Now that ye Jiu is gone, Liu Gao has to reassign his staff again. Other key comrades suddenly take over the case, and it will take a process to get familiar with the situation of the case. I can't say, but I still have to worry about Liu Gao.

Ye Jiu estimates that the big brand of "Jiangkou Public Security Bureau" is better. In the eyes of mainland comrades, Jiangkou is a synonym for being tall and tall. Even in the eyes of many people, Jiangkou and Victoria are equal.

Now even Jiangkou Public Security Bureau knows Ye Jiu's "great reputation". It's a glorious thing to ask him to lend him a helping hand.

After earning such a big face, Liu Gao was willing to work hard.

If the Public Security Bureau of another city comes to secondment Ye Jiu, do you think Lang Zheng and Liu Gao will be so cheerful!

"Angie, what's going on now?"

Ye Jiu put the tea in front of the security committee and asked in a hurry.

What the ANC arranged for him was a standard single room. In addition to a bed, there were actually two chairs and a small round tea table, which was very "luxurious".

"A month ago, I was officially transferred to the anti crime office, deputy director and political commissar of the criminal police detachment. However, before the task of the anti crime office is completed, my main job is to be there. The Criminal Police Detachment just put on a name. Of course, if necessary, I can also transfer people from the criminal police detachment. "

The security and political Commission took a sip of the tea cup and said.

Ye Jiu nodded slightly.

This situation, the political commissar of security has said to him on the phone. What he cares about now is that Lao an has transferred him in such a hurry and what he wants him to do.

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