After being seated, the girl ordered several bottles of wine with the waiter directly without waiting for Qin Hao to speak. Qin Hao didn't know much about these wines, but just because the girl picked the place of origin and the year, he knew these wines The price is definitely not cheap.

But Qin Hao didn't stop it, not because Qin Hao had the money to burn it, but because he didn't plan to give money at all!

"Bang! Bang bang bang..."

"Sir, I opened it for you!"

The waiter who delivered the wine was also familiar with the routine. As soon as all the wine was served, he opened it first and then asked. Before Qin Hao could answer, all the wine was opened, and it was too late to return it.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao laughed out loud. He knew this kind of routine well, but he didn't bother to expose it.

"Sir, please try this. This is the sweet orange wine produced by Star Durant. It has a very unique taste." The girl poured Qin Hao a glass, and at the same time moved to his side, half leaning on Qin Hao to accompany him drink wine.

On Qin Hao's side, he tasted the wine one after another. He didn't know much about wine, and he couldn't taste it. To him, it was nothing more than water mixed with alcohol of various flavors.

While drinking, Qin Hao chatted casually with the girl beside him. At the same time, he was thinking about what kind of reason to make trouble. Although Qin Hao came to make trouble, but getting angry for no reason will definitely Involved in the girl in front of her.

Although he disapproved of this profession, Qin Hao was unwilling to cause trouble to an innocent passerby because of his own affairs.

It took about ten minutes for Qin Hao to sit down here, and the opportunity was presented to him. You must know that in this romantic place, there are all kinds of people, and it is too easy to find fault!

"Sir, don't be like this..."

"Yo, are you still shy?"

"Sir, please, please don't do this, I'm just going to drink with you..."

"Stop pretending to be innocent for me..."

Qin Hao glanced sideways at a table not far away. The lights there were dimmer than Qin Hao's side. There were three men sitting there, and three girls accompanying the wine. One of the girls looked like That is, he looked sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was hiding back with a blushing face.

"Chila..." Following the sound of cracking silk, a man with a middle part, who looked gentle, at this time roughly tore off the girl's short skirt,

Under the coquettish attire, a pair of bear underwear seemed a bit out of place.

"Ah!" The girl let out a scream, and then covered it with her hands, but what she got in return was only the wild laughter of the men.

"Damn it, you want to set up a torii even after being a bitch! Now that you've sold it, take care of the uncle and pretend to be innocent like me! I'll take care of you right now!" Although the gentle man was still wearing glasses, But at this time, he showed his fierce face.

"Don't come here! Don't! Help!" The girl was so frightened that she backed up again and again, while calling for help loudly.

But the waiters next to him were indifferent. These waiters only serve those customers. The only thing they can do now is to provide various tools and rooms for the gentle man. As for the girl's wishes, who cares?

In this kind of wealthy club, those girls of commoner origin, whether they come to work voluntarily or are forced to serve, they are no longer human beings here, and even if they die, they will just lose some money. For customers who can come here, money is precisely the least cherished thing.

"You shout! No one will come to save you even if you shout out your throat, and the more you shout, the more exciting you will be, won't you?" The gentle man walked towards the girl with a lewd smile on his face. He walked slowly on purpose, just to let Girls experience the horrors to their fullest.

"Don't...don't, I'm just here to sell wine to earn some tuition fees, I'm not here to do that, please let me go, please..." The girl had already retreated into the corner.

"Hmph! I don't care why you came here. Now that you're here, you have to do whatever I want! Even the Heavenly King and I can't save you!" the gentle man sneered.

"Really? Can the heavenly king and I not do it?" Qin Hao pushed the table and stood up. He just made trouble, which is of course the best excuse.

For Qin Hao, he could not only start a fight, level the situation for the Deng family, but also save a poor girl, so why not do it?

"Boy, don't fucking meddle in your own business!" The gentle man turned his head and warned, the average man can't stop him if he reaches this level, and he dares to fight with anyone who stops him!

"Hehe, no one has talked to me like that for a long time..." Qin Hao shook his head and smiled. With his current strength and status, even the big bosses of the Storm Team would not be able to treat him like this. say.

"Boy, what are you holding? Who do you think you are? No one dares to talk to you like that? I beat you, believe it or not?" The gentle man turned his head and stared.

"I don't believe it!" Qin Hao said jokingly.

"Damn it! I really gave you a face!" The gentle man became angry from embarrassment. He immediately ignored the girl, turned around, picked up a wine bottle, and threw it at Qin Hao.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed, and said to himself that he really was, what's the point of being with an ordinary dude, his goal was the Deng family, not the gentle scum in front of him, so he dealt with him earlier, and then found fault with Deng. It is true that the family settles accounts.

"Boom!" The gentle scum rushed over fast, and shot back even faster, Qin Hao just waved his hand casually, and the boy was blown away like a shell, and then half of his body was embedded in the wall.

You must know that reality is not a cartoon. People crawl out from the wall and can still chase and fight. At this time, the bones of the gentle scum have been smashed, and the brains are splashed everywhere, not to mention the ones in Qin Hao's hands. The flesh and blood tissue from the heart of the hive is gone, even if the Da Luo Jinxian comes, this child is hopeless.


The guests at the next tables and the girls who served the wine screamed and then ran around. These people were all terrified.

" dare to kill people here?! Do you know where this place is?" The few people who came with the gentle scum were also frightened. This is the site of the Deng family, who dares to kill people casually here?

The two waiters next to him retreated out of their hearts, obviously looking for someone to take care of. Qin Hao didn't stop these two people, he just came to make trouble, if the Deng family didn't come, he wasn't in vain Are you busy?

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