After receiving Qin Xue's reply, Qin Hao stood there for a long while. At this time, Nicole's mental power had already dissipated, and her strength was no longer strong enough to be revived by the medical method of the Holy Messenger.

So now Qin Hao's only hope can only be pinned on the Queen of the Worm. Although the Queen of the Worm has left the home planet, Qin Hao knows that she will definitely come back, but how can the Queen of the Worm help when the time comes? became a problem.

Although the worm queen has always been kind to Qin Hao, she is obviously not a warm-hearted person. As a zerg, she only has interests in her eyes, and she only does things that are beneficial to herself. easy.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed, anyway, there is at least a ray of hope now, and it is this ray of hope that can support him from collapse.

Qin Hao stood dumbfounded under the silent night sky. He waited for a long time before finally breaking himself free from the pain.

"Batulu, if the queen mother comes back, let me know immediately!" Qin Hao said to Batulu, he can't stay on the home planet all the time, there are still many things for him to do outside.

Although what happened to Nicole filled Qin Hao with self-blame and pain, but he couldn't be immersed in the sadness for too long. He had to get busy, because the envoys of the Holy Land would not give him this time. It is possible to discover human civilization, and it is possible to call at any time!

After experiencing the first conflict, Qin Hao never expected that the Holy Envoy would be a peace-loving race, even human beings included, any civilization in the universe is not a charity ambassador, otherwise human beings would not have discovered the psionic crystal in the first place , and immediately attacked Alpha Star.

After explaining to Baturu, Qin Hao drove the missionary spaceship to leave the home planet, and then returned to Mengsk.

In the naval base, Qin Hao met General Cohen.

"General... I'm sorry, I can't save Nicole yet..." Qin Hao said with his head down.

"Temporarily?! That means Nicole can still be saved?" General Cohen didn't care about Qin Hao's disappearance. What he cared about was that his daughter didn't die completely!

"Maybe she can be saved, but the person who can save her has left now, and I have to wait for her to come back." Qin Hao said.

"It's okay! We can wait! As long as she can save Nicole! One year, two years, five years, ten years, I can wait!" General Cohen said.

"General, thank you for understanding..." Qin Hao said.

"Hey! Nicole's life is not good,

It's not your fault, your only fault is that you didn't come back before she left and didn't see her for the last time, but since she can be saved, it doesn't matter! "General Cohen said that after receiving the news that Nicole was still alive, his mental state was obviously much better. Although his face was still tired, the previous decadence was gone.

"Perhaps if I came back earlier, she wouldn't have to do this..." Qin Hao still blamed himself.

"Okay, all of this is over, if you feel sorry for her, then make up for her after she comes back to life!" General Cohen said.

"Well! General, don't worry, I will definitely save her!" Qin Hao promised.

"I believe you!" General Cohen nodded.

That night, both Qin Hao and General Cohen stayed at the naval base, and neither of them went back to General Cohen's mansion, because they were both afraid of touching the scene.

In the following period of time, Qin Hao, like General Cohen, both devoted themselves to work crazily, because they could temporarily forget Nicole only if they kept themselves busy with work.

Qin Hao and General Cohen worked day and night, and the effect was also very significant. A large number of original technologies from the Holy Messenger were sent to Mengsk, and then assigned to different scientific research groups. These scientific research groups were all running crazily. They are all frantically absorbing the knowledge from alien planets and deciphering the technologies of these other civilizations.

Whenever a result is cracked, Qin Hao and General Cohen will submit these scientific and technological achievements to the appropriate family, and their enterprises will produce and realize them.

In just one and a half years, human science and technology have advanced by leaps and bounds. Although the distance between them and the Holy Messenger is still far away, their own progress is obvious.

At this moment, the Korha galaxy centered on Mengsk's nemesis has become the technological center of mankind, and more than 90% of human scientific research achievements are almost from here.

Nowadays, those families on the earth have changed their views on Qin Hao a lot. After all, they have all received real benefits from Qin Hao. In Qin Hao's words, they might not even be able to touch Mao.

Although some families complained about Qin Hao's injustice, no one would stand up and publicly express their opposition to Qin Hao at this time.

In addition to the explosion of technology, President Claude has also fully displayed his abilities. The entire Interstellar Federation is run by him in an orderly manner, and the common people are richer than before.

Coupled with the stimulation of new technologies, the entire human society appears to be thriving.

During the past year and a half, Qin Hao didn't participate much in the technology cracking of the Holy Envoy, because he handed over these things to Ji Moluofu and General Cohen, and he only distributed the scientific and technological achievements. Only when it is time to participate, General Cohen and Ji Molov are busy at other times.

But this doesn't mean that Qin Hao is free. He has been busier than anyone else in the past year and a half, and he can only sleep for two or three hours almost every day.

During this period of time, Qin Hao selected several administrative stars in the Orlis galaxy and built them into large-scale research and development bases. A large number of scientific researchers were also dispatched here, but the research directions of these scientific researchers , not in mechanical electronics or energy transmission, but in the biological field.

Facing the threat of the Holy Angels, Qin Hao knew that it was not enough to rely solely on reverse research. After all, the missionary spaceships carried civilian airliners and primary military technology. Technology crushes.

It is almost impossible to catch up with the technological level of the Holy Messenger by breaking the civilian technology of the Holy Messenger. Therefore, if humans want to fight the Holy Messenger, they must overtake in a corner!

And Qin Hao just had this opportunity in front of him, that is, in addition to mastering part of the technology of the Holy Messenger, he also mastered the biological technology of the Zerg!

Therefore, using the three administrative stars of the Orlis galaxy, the largest biotechnology research center of mankind has been established, and millions of bioscientists work here.

Qin Hao, on the other hand, submitted all the biotechnology knowledge he had from the Zerg to these scientists. It took Qin Hao more than a year just to recount what he had mastered, and this did not include the knowledge in his mind. knowledge that has not yet been unlocked.

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