.. , Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

The following voting session couldn't be easier. Among the five sects and thirteen sects, except Tiance was destroyed and Yingtian Academy was about to come to an end, the remaining sixteen sects voted for Qin Hao without exception. Become the new martial arts leader.

Afterwards, the heads of the various sects and their disciples stepped forward to congratulate Qin Hao. These people had bright smiles on their faces, clasped their fists together, and the flattering words made people feel goosebumps pimple.

At this time, for the vast majority of people from the martial arts sect, the smiles on their faces and the criticism in their hearts are the true portrayal of them.

Of course, among so many martial arts sects, there are also people who sincerely support Qin Hao, such as Mu Qin of the Tianshan School. Although this guy doesn't have a good impression of Qin Hao, he is infatuated with Granny Liu, as long as it's something Granny Liu wants to do. , he supported almost without exception.

Among the remaining sects, the members of the Donghai School are also cheerful. After all, they are also related to Qin Hao, and they themselves have no competitiveness against the leader of the martial arts, so Qin Hao can be elected as the leader of the martial arts. It's not a bad thing to say.

After all, Qin Hao's grandfather, Qin Jue, used to be the head of the Donghai School. Although he was expelled from the sect, he has a clear conscience. Even the matter of being expelled from the sect was brought up by Qin Jue himself. He just didn't want to get involved East China Sea faction only.

Although Qin Hao has not returned to the Donghai faction, but has become the head of the Tianshan faction, his friendship with the Donghai faction is still there. If Qin Jue is still alive, the relationship between the two parties can go further. In this way, Even if Qin Hao took care of the Tianshan faction more, he would have to help the Donghai faction, right?

Therefore, Qin Hao's becoming the leader of the martial arts alliance is beneficial to the Donghai faction.

Some people here are happy while others are worried. People like Lin Jianxing of Heihumen are muttering in their hearts. Who knows that Qin Hao is now powerful, and will he settle accounts with them? After all, Qin Hao is already a bit unstoppable It means that the powerful Zhao family and Yingtian Academy are both destroyed as soon as they say they will be destroyed, so wouldn't a mere Black Tiger Gate be slaughtered when they want to?

"Grandma..." Qin Hao looked at Granny Liu, and at the same time he sent a voice transmission to ask, "Grandma, why don't you take advantage of today to avenge the Black Humen!"

"Hey! Forget it, son, if you have this kind of heart, mother-in-law will be very happy, but it's better to get rid of this enemy than to get married. Lin Jianxing has already bled before, and he has almost ceded all the family assets. There is no need Kill them all again, and didn't you say that we have bigger enemies to face? Human power can no longer be internalized..." Granny Liu sighed.

For a long time, Granny Liu really hated Lin Jianxing and Heihumen very much, but if she really wanted to kill Heihumen,

She really didn't think about it. Although her son was killed and her martial arts were useless, Granny Liu was not the kind of bloodthirsty person after all. Before that, Lin Jianxing had already ceded all the family's territory under pressure, and then handed over the fleet. In Grandma Liu's opinion, it was almost the same.

In Granny Liu's view, killing is nothing more than nodding. Everyone is a member of the martial arts world, so there is no need to go too far. Heihumen and Lin's family have already closed their schools because they lost their territory and financial foundation. , this lesson is profound enough for them.

Moreover, the threat of the Holy Messenger is right in front of us, and it would be of no benefit to human beings to drive them out.

"Grandma, isn't this wronging you?" Qin Hao asked.

"Hey, I can't be wronged. If Xiaohui's martial arts were abolished yesterday, I would not let it go so easily, but it has been so many years, and I am not as gnashing my teeth as I was then." Granny Liu shook Shaking her head, there was another reason she didn't say, and that was that she didn't want Qin Hao to cause too many killings.

After all, it is enough to slaughter two sects and families. If the Heihumen and the Lin family are destroyed again, then Qin Hao's bloodthirsty reputation will never be cleared.

Although frightened by the strength of Qin Hao's master and apprentice, those sects and families would dare to be angry and dare not speak out, but everyone must be convinced and dissatisfied with him as the leader of the martial arts, and it will also cause everyone to feel insecure, and everyone is afraid of themselves Offended him because of some trivial matter, which led to the tragedy of extermination.

This will cause great obstacles to Qin Hao's practitioners who will lead the entire human race against the envoys of the Holy Land in the future.

It was precisely because of these considerations that Granny Liu let go of her personal grievances and did not plan to pursue the matter of Heihumen any longer.

"Thank you, mother-in-law..." Qin Hao bowed to Granny Liu. Although Granny Liu didn't say it clearly, how could Qin Hao not think that Granny Liu has always treated him no worse than his own grandson, and he really took Liu The mother-in-law is treated like a grandma.

"Everyone! Please rest assured that I, Qin Hao, am not a bloodthirsty person. Some of you and I may have had some misunderstandings before, but starting today, these misunderstandings will be wiped out!" Qin Hao said to the people of those sects, and then turned to those people. Representatives of Western practitioners who came to watch the ceremony.

"Please also go back and tell the forces behind you. Just say that I, Qin Hao, said today that the previous grievances and grievances will be wiped out. I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely and work together for the future of mankind!" Qin Hao said with a smile. What he said was mainly I told Bahn, Heli and the others, so that they would not be in panic all day long after they got the news, and finally take the risk and cause themselves to be killed.

"Then the Zhao family..." At this time, Wudang Taoist Priest Juechen asked tentatively.

"Master Daoist, the personal grievances between me and the Zhao family are too deep, it's impossible to be kind. You saw it today, they didn't even want face in order to kill me!" Qin Hao turned his head and said to Daoist Juechen, what happened Now, he has to announce the Zhao family's crimes, so as not to be charged with killing innocent people indiscriminately.

After all, Qin Hao is not a worm queen, he can't do things like killing people without a reason.

Afterwards, Qin Hao spoke out the enmity between him and the Zhao family in detail. In the eyes of these martial arts people, the hatred of killing his father is irreconcilable, so many people understood that Qin Hao wanted to destroy the Zhao family. .

"Benefactor Qin, although the Zhao family is at fault, not everyone has participated in such evil deeds. If they were all killed, wouldn't that be..." Shaolin abbot monk Huai Su stood up and advised.

"Master, what you said makes sense. I am not the kind of bloodthirsty person. If the members of the Zhao family are willing to be relocated to the immigrant planet and not return to Earth for generations, I am willing to let those innocent people live!" Qin Hao said that he didn't want to kill all those women and children. As long as these people left the earth and lost the foundation of their cultivation, they would no longer be a threat to Qin Hao, but Qin Hao would definitely want to kill those practitioners. disposed of.

( = )

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