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After the heads of these sects finished listening to Qin Hao's words, they were all silent.

These leaders stopped talking, but Qin Hao did not shut up. He continued to say to these people: "It is precisely because of the strength of the enemy that we must unite. Only the unprecedented unity of mankind can defeat the enemy."

"Leader, we understand the situation, what do you want us to do?" asked the head of a sect.

"The first step is to integrate the strength of our martial arts people. What you have to do is to turn in the roster of your own sect, and clearly mark everyone's strength!" Qin Hao said, the heads of those sects It was an uproar.

"Leader, you are going too far..." Yan Fei, the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, said dissatisfiedly. Although the heads of other sects did not speak, they all showed reluctance.

After all, such a matter of handing over the roster has never happened in previous martial arts conferences, and none of the previous martial arts leaders has made such an excessive request. After going out, who can feel safe?

"Well! It's a bit too much, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I can fight the aliens alone, I won't bother you!" Qin Hao nodded, and then he said slowly: "But I'm just informing you, not discussing with you, you don't have to abide by it, the Zhao family and Yingtian Academy are lessons from the past!"

"Leader, are you threatening us?" Yan Fei said dissatisfiedly. He tried to stir up everyone's emotions. Although it is impossible to fight against Qin Hao alone, if Qin Hao can be angered , he had to compromise.

Although Qin Hao's master and apprentice have the strength to destroy the entire martial arts faction, as he himself said, he cannot fight against aliens alone, so it is impossible for him to slaughter all the martial arts factions.

"You're right, I'm just threatening you. I'm afraid of death. Aliens are very powerful. I can't beat them, and I don't want to die. So whoever dares to drag me back on my way to survive, then I will Let him go to hell first!" Qin Hao admitted directly without any politeness!

"Uh..." Qin Hao's frankness made the leaders of those sects instantly quiet down. They have already talked about this point. If anyone jumps out to object, they will probably suffer incalculable consequences.

So everyone including Yan Fei didn't dare to say anything more, they only dared to make eye contact with each other, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Everyone, I will take care of the unification of Western practitioners,

But you need to submit the lists of your respective sects to the Tianshan Sect within a week. If you don’t come, or falsify on the lists, among other things, the head of that sect will undoubtedly die! "Qin Hao's icy eyes swept over these heads, making these heads who are used to seeing big scenes instantly feel a bone-chilling chill.

"Okay, everyone! Let's go, seven days, I only wait for you for seven days, once the seven days arrive, I will execute the head of the deceitful sect, and the sect that refuses to submit the roster, I will directly exterminate the sect!" Qin Hao gave another warning when the heads were about to leave.

Because of the examples of the Deng family and the Zhao family, none of the leaders present felt that Qin Hao was just bluffing. They all knew that this cold-blooded and cruel guy in front of him could really do such a crazy thing. of.

"Great Elder, send them down the mountain!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and walked out of the hall first.

"Elder Chai, are you telling the truth?" The head of a sect approached Chai Junfang.

"Hehe..." Chai Junfang shrugged. He suddenly felt that with a leader like Qin Hao in his family, he was indeed much stronger than others. Now the Tianshan School has replaced Yingtian Academy and become the leader in martial arts. Its reputation is even stronger than that of Yingtian Academy in the past. After all, even Zhao Jue, who had the same prestige for a while, did not dare to openly issue such orders to other sects.

"Everyone, what are you going to do?" The heads of several sects were also communicating with each other.

"Hmph! Turn in the sect list? Don't even think about it!"

"That's right! I don't believe he dared to slaughter all martial arts factions!"

"Do you really think that if you are strong, you can do whatever you want? Is it a lie that he is our mountain guard?"

"Can the mountain guard array withstand the fleet's bombing?" I don't know who said this, and in an instant, the entire hall became quiet again.

"Let's go! Let's go! Anyway, I won't hand over the list!"

"Me neither! I don't believe in evil!"


The heads of these sects left Tianshan one after another. Before they left, almost more than half of them said that they would never obey Qin Hao's order and hand over their sect's list in such a humiliating manner.

But only on the third day, the Tianshan faction received more than half of the lists handed in by the sects, among them there are many great sects and powerful forces like the five sects and the thirteen sects.

As soon as the seventh day came, all martial arts sects, big and small, sent their lists to Tianshan Mountain. Although it was not known whether it was fake or not, at least no sect dared to refuse to hand over their lists.

The former leaders were just talking big for face, but when the time limit came, none of them would dare to bet on Qin Hao's ruthlessness with the life and death of their sect.

"Master! This is the list handed in by all sects!" Chai Junfang came to Qin Hao holding the list.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked people to bring these lists to Qian's house. At this time, Qian Feng had prepared professional personnel, who would collect and register the lists, and then catalog them into a book.

For Qin Hao, the sect is not important, what he needs is a well-trained army of practitioners, who can fight against the army of spiritual warriors of the Holy Envoy!

So after Qin Hao got the list, he immediately started to organize these people.

In addition to reorganizing the cultivators of various factions in the martial arts, Qin Hao also issued an ultimatum to those cultivator factions in the west. Because half of the blood clan has been subdued by Qin Hao, the Wizard Association has already taken refuge in Qin Hao. So the process didn't take much.

Half of the vampires took the lead in expressing their views, followed by the Wizarding Association. With these two role models ahead, other Western practitioners were not too worried about their face. After all, some people had already surrendered first.

As for the remaining cultivators of the Orc Alliance and those members of the Saint-Malo Knights, after a little hesitation, they all announced their recognition of Qin Hao's dominance.

After all, the powerful martial arts have been integrated by Qin Hao, and these Western practitioners also know how much they are worth, and if they continue to resist, they will only bring disaster to themselves.

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