After half a year of research and development and debugging, the first trial mecha was finally completed. This biological mecha numbered 0001 was the core achievement of Qin Hao's biochemical laboratory. look ..,

When this large mecha with a height of six meters appeared in front of Qin Hao, Qin Hao clenched his fists excitedly!

This biological mecha looks completely different from the traditional mecha with steel and iron bones, which is similar to a large robot. Although it is roughly humanoid, it can stand and move like a human, with a torso, limbs and hands and feet, but it is long. It has an inverted triangular head like a praying mantis, and its body is covered with a carapace-like dark green shell with a little bit of chitin. Behind it, besides a lizard-like tail, it also has a pair of black sky-like tails. The huge elytra of the cow hides a pair of insect wings that allow it to fly under the black elytra.

"Finally a substantial breakthrough!" Qin Hao muttered to himself. Since he established two high-level laboratories in the Orlis galaxy, although there have been good news, they are all breakthroughs in individual technologies. , or the cracking of the Holy Messenger's technology.

But these breakthroughs and cracks have never been able to be realized. It was not until today that Qin Hao really saw the first complete scientific research result provided by the scientists!

"Grand Marshal, this is the biological mecha test machine we developed. Although it is only a test machine, all the data are already perfect. Now we need to test it in actual combat!" And its chief designer Qi Bin.

"Dr. Qi, have you tested this mech before coming here?" Qin Hao asked.

"We have tested a single machine several times. The practitioners you sent to us, Generalissimo, drove it to complete various basic test indicators, but because of the lack of actual combat environment, we need more detailed feedback data." Qi Bin told Qin Hao Said.

"What kind of testing environment do you want?" Qin Hao asked.

"The more real the better!" Qi Bin said to Qin Hao.

"Are you so confident in it?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"Don't underestimate this biological mecha. Compared with traditional mechas, it is a brand new technological revolution! This biological mecha combines the biochemical technology of the Zerg and the spiritual power transmission technology of the Holy Messenger, as well as Human beings combine mechanical engineering technology with terrifying fighting potential!" When Qi Bin talked about his research results, he was really eloquent, and even in the face of Qin Hao, the general marshal of the Federation, he didn't care about it at all. fear.

This is true of a real scientist. No matter how high the status of the person in front of him is, no matter how prominent his status is, when it comes to his own technical field, he is the real protagonist.

"Then what is the general combat effectiveness of this mech?" Qin Hao asked.

"That depends on the level of its driving. According to the cultivator you provided us, if a third-level driver controls it, it can form about a second-level combat power. Under the control of a second-level driver, It can form a two-and-a-half-level combat power." Qi Bin introduced.

"It sounds like the effect is not bad!" Qin Hao nodded. This improvement has exceeded his expectations. After all, this is just a test machine for verifying technology.

"Its real strength is more than that, it's just its initial ability. In our design, it has the same evolutionary ability as the Zerg Emperor. After absorbing the evolutionary genes of the spoils through its tail, this biological mecha can Self-improvement! So as to gain more powerful power!" Qi Bin said very proudly, if it is just an increase, what is the difference from ordinary mechs? Evolution is the biggest feature of his mecha, and it is also his favorite place!

"What?! It can still evolve?!" Qin Hao was taken aback!

"That's right! Infinite evolution!" Qi Bin said proudly.

"Then is this kind of evolution controllable?" Qin Hao asked. If it is a random evolution, if some useless or even cheating abilities are evolved, wouldn't it be a trap?

"This needs further testing..." Qi Bin shrugged. Although they have tried their best to study it, the biotechnology of the Zerg is too profound, and it will not take a year or two to fully master it. Can do it.

Qi Bin and the others are basically crossing the river by feeling the stones. Although the first machine has been manufactured, the stability and reliability of many technologies have not yet been verified. They hope to obtain more data through this actual battle. , thus perfecting this biological mecha.

"Hehe, okay, then I'll help you arrange a few actual combat tests to see how well this mecha performs. Let's go for a walk as mules or horses!" Qin Hao nodded with a smile.

"No problem!" Qi Bin nodded immediately, and then stopped talking to Qin Hao. He turned around to greet his assistant, and then began to do the final test on the biological mech.

For Qi Bin, the value of Qin Hao, the generalissimo, to him is to arrange a suitable experimental environment for him and provide him with sufficient funds and materials. As for the other things, he doesn't care at all. From his point of view, Qin Hao, the generalissimo of the Federation, was no different from a small leader of the supplies department, so after he got what he wanted, he didn't bother to talk to Qin Hao.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao shook his head and smiled. He is used to it. Most of these top scientists have this temper. If these guys really care about their high status and flattery, then they will not be able to achieve in the academic field. to such heights.

That afternoon, all the preparations for the test were completed. After all, Qin Hao, as the master of the swarm, wanted to mobilize some worms to participate in the test. Complete the final test of the mech.

"The target of the first test is a giant silver-horned beetle, and its strength is about the same as that of a third-level practitioner to a second-level practitioner." Qin Hao said to Qi Bin.

In fact, after the Alpha Star was destroyed, the low-level units of the Swarm had already been transformed. After all, the environments of the Home Planet and the Alpha Star were still different, so the Swarm abandoned the gene expression method of the giant beetle, and chose the vicious dog as the low-level unit. ground arms.

So this giant silver-horned beetle was specially hatched by Qin Hao from the nest. Anyway, he now has enough energy crystals in his hand and has mastered the gene lock, so it is not difficult to hatch an extra silver-horned beetle.

The reason why Qin Hao chose Yinjiao as the test object was mainly because the size of the Vicious Dog Warlord was too small. The six-meter-high mecha could not exert its own combat ability at all except for trampling on it. On the contrary, Yinjiao's strength It is comparable to the vicious warlord, but it has a five-meter-high figure like a small building, so it is just right for fighting against biological mechs!

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