.. , Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

Seven or eight kilometers away from the cultivator's camp, these biological mechas were ready to attack. They stretched out their right hands one after another, and then their palms cracked, revealing the energy cannons inside!

"what happened?"

"There seems to be something wrong!"

"Well, I'm also a little uneasy..."


At the same time, the masters above the first level in the camp became restless. They have a strong sixth sense. Although the biological mechs are still far away and have not yet launched an attack, they have already sensed the danger. .

"Attention everyone! There may be Zerg attacks!" Many experts began to warn. During this period of time on Homeworld, Zerg raids are common, so everyone here maintains vigilance in a fighting state.

As soon as they heard the warning from the masters, those cultivators with lower levels also took action one after another. They knew that they were weak, so they trusted those masters very much. After the first wave of warnings, these people rushed out of the camp , and then began to search for possible dangers everywhere.

At this time, the first round of attack by the biological mecha began!

"Swish, swish..." A round of energy bombs went straight to the camp of the practitioners!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The energy bomb exploded in the camp, immediately blowing up the camp in a mess, but fortunately, those human cultivators had been forewarned in advance, and they were scattered around. Although the violent explosion also caused some damage , but no one died.

"Enemy attack!" With a roar, all human cultivators were fully on alert, and at the same time, they followed the direction of the attack and found the incoming biological mechs.

"what is that?!"

"Looks like a person? It doesn't look like it. How can there be such a big person?"


Because it was the first time they saw this kind of biological armor, these cultivators didn't know it, and because of the long distance, they could only tell that these attacking guys were roughly in the shape of a human, but the reminder was much bigger than a human!

"Everyone, be careful!" Everyone stared at these mechs.

"Swish, swish..." The second round of energy cannon struck.

"Dodge!" Accompanied by a sound of warning, the human cultivators crazily dodged the incoming energy bombs, and those who couldn't dodge also sought cover one after another, and at the same time stimulated their own strength to avoid serious injuries.

"Boom boom boom boom..." This wave of energy bombs destroyed the forest area near the camp, clearing out an open space around it, and the human cultivators suffered a few casualties in this baptism.

In fact, every time the swarms attack, the cultivators have to pay the price, and they have become accustomed to it. Although every day they still scold Qin Hao for being cruel and cold-blooded behind his back, but for this kind of death, They are used to it.

"Counterattack!" After the second round of attacks, the top human masters made their moves one after another. Some of them bent their bows and set arrows, some of them chopped out streaks of aura, and the guys from the Wizard Association were the most exaggerated. Start casting spells, and gorgeous magic energy goes straight to the sky!

If you want to ask which cultivator's power has been improved the most on the home planet, it is undoubtedly the wizards of the wizard association. Not only have their cultivation speed greatly increased on the home planet, but they can finally cast spells without relying on spell-casting materials up.

On Earth, because the free energy factor is too rare, wizards can only rely on their own power to release spells without using spell-casting materials, so the power is very weak.

But now it is different. The home planet has a wealth of energy factors, so after the wizards recite the spell and use the magic power in their bodies to build the magic circle, the surrounding energy factors will surge like crazy in the magic circle, making the wizards release The power of spells is multiplied.

"Boom boom boom!" These counterattacks from human cultivators hit those biological mechas. In addition to the resistance of the energy shield, the chitin shell of the mechas is also very forbearing. Except for a few attacks that can hit Except for the chitin shell, most of the attacks are blocked!

"Come on!" The leading Zhao family driver roared in the communication system, and then these mechas rushed towards the practitioners in formation, and at the same time, the energy cannons in their hands were fully fired!

"Boom, boom, boom..." There were traces of the explosion everywhere on the ground, and the human cultivators dodged one after another. The human cultivators, like the Zerg Skywalkers, had powerful attack power, but their defense was astonishingly weak , so each of them dared to resist the attack of the energy cannon, so they could only dodge in embarrassment.

Just as the human beings were dodging everywhere, thirty bio-armors rushed over and landed on the ground to attack those cultivators!

"Kill them!" The practitioners were also excited. Although they saw the appearance of these monsters, they all regarded them as Zerg.

Because although these biological mechs have undergone a certain degree of evolution, their heads are still inverted triangle-shaped praying mantis heads, and their bodies are also covered with dark green chitin shells. There are not only tails but also insect wings on the back. From our point of view, it looks like a bug no matter how you look at it.

"Kill!" With a roar, the human cultivators rushed forward, most of them were weak, and if the biological mechs flew in mid-air, many of them would be powerless with these mechas.

But since these mechas landed, the human cultivators had nothing to be polite about. They surrounded the mechas and launched an attack.

This time, the human cultivators could be said to have tried their best. They poured all their attacks on the bodies of these biological mechas, scarring these sturdy biological mechas in an instant.

But even so, these mechas were still standing, and under the control of the driver, they started to fight back one after another.

"What's the situation, how can these humanoid bugs use human moves?"

"Isn't this the Zhao family's martial arts?"

"Damn! What's the situation?"


The human cultivators were very surprised, because these weird human-shaped bugs clearly used the martial arts of the Zhao family, which is simply unimaginable.

But now is not the time to study these things. These biological mechas do not give human cultivators a moment's respite. They launched a strong attack. Afterwards, the power increased several times. The thirty Zhao family pilots were originally second-level masters, but the strength they displayed this time is no less than the level of first-level swordsmen!

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