Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1082: The Cruel Collision of Civilizations

.. , Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

Although there is no need for these practitioners to participate in the battle for the time being, Qin Hao can no longer stay on the home planet to supervise these people's cultivation.

So after telling these cultivators the news that the war was coming, Qin Hao suspended the monthly exams for these guys. After all, without Qin Hao being present to supervise, he was afraid that the swarm would become too big, and he would make these cultivators crippled. up.

After leaving these cultivators to practice on their own on the home planet, Qin Hao left the home planet on a missionary spaceship. For these cultivators, Qin Hao was not worried that there would be deserters among them, because the home planet was isolated from the world, and these humans Cultivators also don't have the ability to cross the void, so as long as Qin Hao doesn't send a boat over, they can't run even if they want to.

Moreover, in this kind of battle that is related to the survival of human beings, the probability of desertion is actually not very high, because once human beings are extinct, so what if the individual escapes? Change the ending of being alone and dying in a foreign land? In that case, it would be better to die in a vigorous battle, right?

So Qin Hao left these humans on the home planet with peace of mind, and he drove the spaceship back to the earth alone.

"Your Excellency, President, immediately issue a federal mobilization order. The Holy Messenger is coming!" Qin Hao sent a message to President Crowder as soon as he arrived on Earth.

"What!?" President Claude exclaimed. Although he was also one of the few people who knew the inside story, he was surprised that the Holy Angels discovered the human base camp so quickly.

Originally, in President Crowder's view, the universe and the starry sky are vast and boundless. Maybe even as the president himself, those aliens did not find out where the human beings are. However, he did not expect that in just a few years, they would find their own doorstep. up!

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, President Claude has seen the world after all, he calmed down his mind, and then asked Qin Hao: "Tell me the truth, what is our winning rate? ?”

"I don't know, maybe 1%, maybe 100%..." Qin Hao sighed. If he only relied on his current strength, the probability of defeating the Holy Envoy was less than 5%, so Qin Hao had no chance at all. If he wants to defeat the Holy Angel, his goal is to hurt the other party, making the other party feel that attacking human civilization is an act that is not worth the gain, so that he withdraws his troops.

Of course, if the Queen of Worms is willing to help wholeheartedly, then Qin Hao is absolutely confident that the combined forces of humans and Zergs can defeat the Holy Envoys in a relatively short period of time, and even counterattack to their hometown.

In fact, the alliance between humans and Zerg is nothing more than putting gold on the face of humans. If you want to defeat the Holy Angel, then the main force is definitely not humans, not even Zerg.

It's the queen herself, a witness to the civilization of the universe who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, and she is the real big boss!

It's a pity that Qin Hao has somewhat touched the queen's temper, so Qin Hao didn't ask the queen to take action at all. The queen was even willing to sacrifice Alpha Star and all her swarms, and she was unwilling to show herself too much power, will she act to save mankind?

That is obviously impossible! According to Qin Hao's understanding of the queen, if the human beings are finally defeated and the envoys of the Holy Land begin to slaughter humans, the queen will at most take Qin Hao away alone, and she will even give up on the home planet and the swarm here. Anyway, after she found a suitable place, it would not be difficult to breed a new swarm.

So although the 100% winning rate exists, Qin Hao also knows that it is just a good wish. The queen of insects will not care about the life and death of human beings. If human beings want to survive, they can only rely on themselves!

"Then what do you want to do?" President Claude asked.

"I want to assemble the fleet to go to the Perseus z3 galaxy to stop the alien fleet for the first time! If it goes well, we can severely damage the enemy's vanguard fleet!" Qin Hao said to President Claude.

"Is there anything I can support?" President Crowder asked.

"I need a large number of soldiers to stabilize human society and issue recruiting advertisements. This war will definitely not end in a short time, and we should not think that we can stop the enemy with the smallest price. The casualties must be very terrifying. So I need a backup force!" Qin Hao said.

"I know, these years, I have been helping you train the reserves..." President Claude said.

"I know about this, but the reserves are not enough, far from enough!" Qin Hao said.

"But if you count the reserves, one-third of all men of the right age have already joined the army!" President Claude shouted.

"President, you should probably be mentally prepared. In this war, all male citizens of the right age may die. You must be prepared to send women and children to the front line!" Qin Hao said expressionlessly.

"What?! How is this possible! How can women and children go to war! This is what men should do!" President Claude roared.

"What if all the men are dead!?" Qin Hao still had no expression on his face. He said to President Claude: "Your Excellency, this war is not a civil war between us humans. We are not qualified to surrender. This is a civilized war." The collision between the winners survives and the losers perish! Women and children should not go to war, but if the men who protect them are dead, then they must either take up arms and die in battle, or stay at home Waiting for the slaughter of the enemy! The loser has no right to live!"

"..." Qin Hao's words completely shocked President Claude. It's not that this President has never experienced war. It was as cruel as when he was in the Roentgen galaxy, and ended in failure.

But in that war, even on the side of the loser, civilians were protected, even ordinary male citizens were not harmed, let alone women and children.

So when Qin Hao said the collision between civilizations, the winner lives and the loser dies, he was really shocked.

"Okay, Mr. President, that's all I have to say. You can taste it for yourself. Don't forget to issue a mobilization order. All adult men must be drafted into the army, and all adult women must enter the factory to work. Even children, as long as At the age of eight, you have to do something within your ability, and those who don't need to go to the front line to fight must also receive the necessary military training, we must prepare for the worst!" Qin Hao said to President Claude.

"Uh...well...well..." President Claude said blankly.

"That's right! If I unfortunately die on the front line, let General Cohen take over my position!" Qin Hao turned his head and said before leaving.

"..." President Claude has nothing to say. Even Qin Hao, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is ready to die in battle. The cruelty of this war can be imagined.

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