.. , Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

Miposhika quickly paid the price for his underestimation of the enemy. The missile rain flying all over the sky hit, and the fleet of the Holy Promenade Messenger didn't care at all. In their view, these missiles were just outdated and should be sent to the museum It is nothing more than cultural relics, they have almost no actual combat value.

Although the technology of the Holy Messenger is very advanced, and the technology in terms of phase technology is far beyond the current human civilization, they have never thought of developing a weapon such as a phase missile, because the directed energy weapons of the Holy Messenger civilization are too developed. It went well, leading them to have powerful beam weapons. This kind of light-speed ballistic weapon is powerful, and its range and speed far exceed the physical attack of missiles.

Therefore, the Holy Envoy Civilization never thought of developing such an expensive weapon with a very low cost-effectiveness ratio! After all, each missile is equipped with a phase engine, which is a lot of money. In comparison, the beam cannon that can be charged and fired is much cheaper when it fires!

But humans have no choice, because of Qin Hao's relationship, they are well aware of the gap between themselves and the Holy Envoy, although humans now have some directed energy weapons, but in terms of overall strength, they are no match for the Holy Envoy. The beam cannon still has a huge gap.

In order to avoid being crushed by technology, human beings can only overtake in curves. If they continue to develop beam weapons, they will definitely not be able to catch up with the Holy Messenger in a short time. Therefore, they have developed plasma weapons with relatively slow trajectory but more powerful power, as well as fee-based weapons. The efficiency ratio is relatively low, but it is a phase missile with terrifying lethality at close range.

Although phase missiles are expensive, but now that the survival of human beings is threatened, do they care about the price? If they could smash the enemy to death with gold bricks, they would throw them out without hesitation at this time!

Therefore, in just a few years, human beings insisted on building a missile frigate fleet composed of 300 warships, and these missile frigates were all equipped with phase missiles, because Qin Hao knew very well that conventional missiles were very important to the Holy Envoy. In other words, there is no damage capability at all.


Seeing that the rain of missiles was about to reach the vicinity of our own fleet, the commanders at all levels of the Holy Messenger calmly issued an interception order.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The high-frequency laser weapons locked on to the target one after another, and then fired!

In space warfare, missiles are one of the slowest weapons. Their slow flight speed and their lack of flexibility compared to carrier-based aircraft make them very easy to be intercepted. The survival rate on the battlefield is extremely low, and it is almost impossible to cause effective damage to the enemy. Moreover, the shield of the Holy Promenade warship is far ahead of human civilization. After the missile explodes outside the shield, it is almost impossible to cause actual damage to the hull. This is also the first time when the human fleet encountered The reason for the massacre.

at this very moment,

Miposhika obviously wanted to repeat the old trick. When faced with the rain of missiles flying in the sky, he still let the close-in defense weapons of the battleship intercept these missiles.

"Buzz!" But the moment these high-frequency laser weapons fired, all the phase missiles disappeared!

In the next instant, they staggered by a short distance, and moved a few hundred meters horizontally, completely avoiding the previous high-frequency laser weapon lock.

Although the ballistics of laser weapons are launched at the speed of light, it still takes a second or two for them to turn and lock. Although this time is very short, the missile rain is already very close to the fleet of the Holy Messenger!

"What's the situation?! Intercept them!" Miposhika was stunned by this sudden change, he immediately ordered a second interception, and at the same time Miposhika had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Swish, swish..." As a close-in weapon, the steering input of these high-frequency lasers was very fast. After only two seconds, they re-locked on the target and fired.

But it was just these two seconds that brought those missiles closer to the warships of the Holy Messenger again. The conventional engines of these missiles are also the most advanced plasma propulsion of mankind. Under the promotion of conventional engines, they can also maintain One tenth of the sublight speed, so two seconds is enough for these missiles to approach their targets!

"Buzz!" The second phase transition has begun. As a one-time consumable, missiles are a one-time consumable. Although human civilization has already put all their eggs in one basket, the issue of cost must also be considered, so the phase engines loaded on these phase missiles are also cheap. They can only support two phase jumps. If they are intercepted twice in a row, these missiles can only choose to dodge the attack, and cannot go over the shield anymore.

If they are intercepted three times in a row, most of these missiles may not be so lucky. As a slow-flying attack method, even if the phase engine is loaded, the survival status of these missiles on the battlefield is also worrying. .

But today, Miposhka and his fleet underestimated the enemy. They didn't pay attention to human civilization at all. Therefore, when the missile rain hit, the fleet of the Holy Messenger continued to move forward without intercepting it at all. It was not until the missile rain was very close that they turned on the high-frequency laser weapons.

It is also this underestimation of the enemy that gives humans the best chance to attack. The first jump of the phase missile avoids the interception of high-frequency laser weapons, and the second jump avoids the second interception while also passing the target. The shield, and then bumped into the hull armor of the Messenger of the Holy Spirit!

Qin Hao has done some research on the technology of the Holy Envoy, and he also sent Hu Ke a copy of the information on the battleship of the Holy Envoy. After Hu Ke got the information, he studied it for a few days before formulating this plan. A wave of ambush plans, in this ambush plan, Hu Ke even expected that the envoy of the Holy Spirit would carelessly underestimate the enemy.

Therefore, for the first batch of missile attacks, he chose the kinetic energy attack missiles with the strongest damage to armor-Flogger III phase torpedoes!

"Boom boom boom boom..." Accompanied by dazzling rays of light, these Lasher III phase torpedoes successfully hit their targets one after another. Each torpedo caused heavy damage to the target, and those of them were only a few hundred meters long Some of the frigates were even broken in the middle!

Even if they were not interrupted, those frigates lost their combat capability after being attacked by one torpedo. If they were attacked by two torpedoes, they would basically be close to martyrdom. , then there is basically no possibility of survival.

As for the larger size, there is the 3,000-meter-long destroyer. Although their survivability is better, they were also severely damaged under the attack of this heavy torpedo. Basically, they withdrew completely after three consecutive hits. In the battle sequence, if it is hit at a vital point, it will even face the fate of ship destruction and human death.

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