..The Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

After more than ten days of interstellar travel, Qin Hao followed Lipton's fleet back to the central galaxy of the Holy Messenger, and landed on a planet of Harros's family.

During the journey, Qin Hao's fleet also landed on some planets, and then resupplied. On these planets, Qin Hao saw too many technologies that he had never been exposed to. Although from Lipton's memory, Qin Hao He knew what these technological products did and could even operate them, but when he saw them with his own eyes, he was still deeply shocked.

"The technological gap between humans and them is more than a thousand years..." Qin Hao sighed. If humans are allowed to develop by themselves, let alone a thousand years, even two thousand years will not be able to close this gap.

Before that, even Qin Hao had already overestimated the technology of the Holy Envoy, but in fact they still underestimated the gap between the two sides.

However, the generation difference of two thousand years means that it takes such a long time for human beings to catch up with each other under the condition of normal development. But now, some technological objects of the Holy Messenger have fallen into the hands of human beings. Through reverse engineering, The technological level of mankind is advancing rapidly, which makes the generation gap between the two sides shrink rapidly.

When Qin Hao really took control of the Harris family, and then used the opportunity of paying the ransom to systematically transmit the technology and books of the Holy Messenger back to humans, I believe that the gap between human beings and the Holy Messenger will only take a hundred years , and even shorter can be smoothed!

After the spaceship landed, Qin Hao walked out of the spaceship with others, and then walked into the phase shift matrix!

"Buzz!" A weak time-space distortion pulled Qin Hao, making him feel a little uncomfortable, but in an instant, the environment around him changed.

"Patriarch, we are here!" said the young man next to Qin Hao, and in just a short while, they had already returned to the headquarters of Harros's family from the airport.

This phase transition matrix is ​​a cutting-edge technology of the Holy Angels, and its existence completely simplifies the transportation of the Holy Angels within a planet.

As long as they are within a planet, the messengers of the Holy Land do not need such things as planes and vehicles at all. As long as the distance exceeds two kilometers, they will use the method of phase warp to advance, and because the technology is advanced enough, this phase warp The technology is very stable, even ordinary people can bear it, unlike the jumping method of the queen who directly tears the space, ordinary people will be seriously injured or even die because they cannot bear the force of space oppression.

In the civilization of the Holy Spirit with highly developed technology, their transportation within the same planet is carried out using this kind of jump matrix. The jump matrix is ​​as dense and convenient as a bus station on their planet.

After returning to the family,

The first thing Qin Hao did was to convene a meeting of the high-level members of the Harros family. Although he is the head of the family at this time and is very authoritative in the Harros family, there are still procedures that must be followed.

Two days later, almost all the bigwigs of the Harrods family were able to come back.

"Everyone, the purpose of calling everyone here this time must be clear to you. The family is unfortunate. Both Gouzi and Donashika have been captured by other civilizations. We need to pay a ransom to redeem them." Qin Hao Said to the high-level people of these Harrods families.

"Patriarch, do you know how much the other party is asking for?" asked a family elder who was seated at the front.

"First of all, they need 150,000 units of high-quality energy crystals." Qin Hao is really a lion. One unit of energy crystal is enough to manufacture all the main and auxiliary guns needed by a battleship.

"What!?" The family elders below were also taken aback.

"Patriarch, is this too much? 150,000 units? This is the total output of our family vein for five years!" A family leader in charge of production exclaimed.

"Tsk tsk... What a big dog!" Qin Hao murmured in his heart, knowing that although the Harros family is quite powerful, they are not considered the top ones in the civilization of the Holy Envoys.

But that's it, their output of energy crystal veins in just five years is thousands of times more than all the energy crystals that humans have now!

"Besides, they also need some other rare resources..." Then Qin Hao took out a list, which he planned carefully on the way back. Many of these things are not used by humans at present, but With the development of science and technology, human beings will use these scarce and scarce materials sooner or later, so he is now asking for them in advance.

"This... this is too much..."

"Patriarch, let me say something that shouldn't be said. Although you are the patriarch of the Harros family, one of the prisoners captured this time is your son and the other is your younger brother. Although it is understandable for you to save them, if you need to use the family's more than Half of the material reserves, that's a bit..." A high-ranking patriarch frowned and said, he was obviously unwilling to make Lipton pay such a high price for these two people.

"What? You asked me to give up on them?" Qin Hao's face darkened. He was playing Lipton now, and he was fighting for the interests of human beings, so of course he had to fight for it.

"No, no, no... I mean, you might be able to discuss it with them. This asking price... is really too high!" The elder didn't dare to contradict Qin Hao's Lipton face to face, but he was also unwilling to let He paid the great interests of the family for his son.

"Hmph! Do you think this is just my family business?" Qin Hao sneered. He saw that the other elders were also showing dissatisfaction, so he couldn't use his identity to suppress them.

"..." The other elders didn't take this issue. Obviously, they just thought that Lipton was using the family assets to save his own son.

"Hmph! Now the Holy Cult is facing the threat of the Vulcans. Don't you want to offend another higher civilization because of our Harros family at this time?" Qin Hao said coldly. Sure enough, as soon as he said this, the following The elders didn't dare to say anything.

If anyone dares to object at this time, it is not a matter within the Harros family. If this matter reaches the bishop's ears, the problem will be serious!

"Besides, the reason why I am willing to bear this huge loss is also to win over that higher civilization. Now I have established a good personal relationship with the generalissimo of that higher civilization. If we can form an ally with them, our Holy Envoys are fighting When we were Vulcans, we would have more confidence, and thus our family's status in the holy religion would also be higher. Is the benefit comparable to mere materials?" Qin Hao asked loudly!

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