Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1113: Spies can hold up to 00,000 troops

.. , Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

"That's true!" Mirabell nodded, and then said to Qin Hao, "How much do you know about this civilization?"

"They claim to be an interstellar federation. I scanned their body structure. They are similar to ours. The general appearance is almost the same, but they don't seem to have any kind of energy in their bodies. They are a complete technological race!" Qin Hao Said.

"That's it..." Mirabell nodded. She didn't have too many surprises or contempt for this newly discovered civilization as a purely technological race. In the known universe today, the famous Borg civilization, they are Pure technological civilization, although they don't have any talent for cultivating energy, their developed technology not only allows them to have a powerful fleet and numerous capital ships, but also uses technology to transform themselves, turning their originally fragile bodies into the deadliest weapon. Powerful technology has made the Borg one of the two giants in the known cosmic civilizations, and even powerful holy messengers must avoid them when encountering them.

"Archbishop, do you have any special orders?" Qin Hao asked.

"Hmm... this newly emerged civilization is not recorded in the known advanced civilizations. They are either newly emerged advanced civilizations, or they come from our unknown universe, but no matter what the situation is, they are very important to us. In other words, it’s all an opportunity,” Mirabell said.

"Archbishop, what do you mean?" Qin Hao asked.

"This civilization has just appeared in our field of vision, and other advanced civilizations probably don't know about them yet. This is an opportunity for us. If we can form an ally with them, it will definitely be a great opportunity for us Holy Spirit Envoys." Great opportunity!" Mirabell said.

"I think so too." Qin Hao nodded.

"I have already reported the matter of the Interstellar Federation to the High Priest, and I have not yet received any further instructions from the High Priest, so when you go to pay the ransom again, don't blindly reach an agreement with the other party, first as much as possible. Get to know each other and never offend them,” Mirabell said.

"I understand!" Qin Hao nodded. According to Lipton's memory, Qin Hao knew that the Holy Envoys are an independent civilization, and their high priest is the spokesperson of the Holy Body. She has the absolute authority of the Holy Envoys. Well, she must be the one to make the decision on such a major matter as diplomatic relations.

"Okay! Then go ahead and learn the details of this civilization as much as possible. If there is a circle of civilization behind them, you must find out!" Mirabell urged.

For the understanding of the civilization of the Interstellar Federation, Mirabell and even the entire high-level of the Holy Messenger, they all obtained information through Lipton,

At this time, this Lipton was disguised by a spy named Qin Hao, so the information obtained by the entire senior emissary of the Holy Promenade was all false. Based on this, it was naturally impossible for them to draw correct conclusions.

Therefore, in the eyes of Mirabel and other high-level envoys, the civilization of the Interstellar Federation is a civilization quietly rising under the noses of many higher civilizations, but the probability of this is not very high, after all, so many higher civilizations are like hunters , waiting there with wide-eyed eyes, once a new civilization rises, they will definitely not let these new civilizations grow.

So the most likely option is that this Interstellar Federation civilization comes from a distant unknown universe, and now they have intersected with the known universe due to expansion.

Looking at the vast starry sky, the more developed the civilization, the more it understands the vastness of the universe. There are too many unknown star fields. Although the probability of discovering a new advanced civilization is very low, it is not surprising. Once a civilization is discovered, Behind her often represents a civilization system, just like the Interstellar Federation discovered the civilization of the Holy Angel, but behind the civilization of the Holy Angel, there are as many as dozens of advanced civilizations in the entire known universe.

So after discovering this Interstellar Federation civilization, Mirabell instinctively believed that this civilization cannot be alone in the unknown universe, and there is probably a civilization system behind her. If this is the case, then through This civilization, to get in touch with that civilization system, can give the Holy Envoy an absolute advantage in diplomacy!

Once he can win enough allies for himself, then the crisis about the Vulcans that the envoys are facing now can be completely solved!

Why have high civilizations always been restrained? The reason why only small-scale conflicts break out and major battles seldom happen is because everyone has battleships. Although there are differences in numbers, the power of battleships is too terrifying. Once a war breaks out, both sides will suffer. , so even the side that won the war in the end will become weak and weak, and eventually become the prey of others!

This is like the nuclear deterrence of the earth age. The power of nuclear weapons is too powerful, and no one can bear its harm. Therefore, a short period of peace is ushered in for mankind. When nuclear weapons can be controlled and countered , the war is bound to break out!

The same is true among advanced civilizations. Because of the power of the capital ship, the conventional fleet is vulnerable to it. It can even easily destroy a planet or a star system! So no one really dares to fight that kind of life-and-death battle with a civilization with capital ships.

Because even relatively weak advanced civilizations may send capital ships to attack the opponent's core galaxy when the battle situation is unfavorable. There are too many transition nodes in the starry sky, and capital ships are too precious to defend. All transition nodes, and the defense of other fleets can't even delay time.

Once the capital ship raids the core galaxy, the civilization will suffer a devastating blow, which is why generally higher civilizations leave one or two capital ships to guard the core galaxy.

Because only battleships can stop battleships!

It is precisely because no civilization can bear the risk of the destruction of the core galaxy, so the conflicts between advanced civilizations are almost restrained. Generally speaking, there is a conflict between medium-sized conventional fleets, and no one will easily use capital ships.

But this time, the Emissaries of the Holy Land sent additional battleships to the border between them and the Vulcan civilization, which also showed their determination to never back down this time.

Of course, no one believes that the envoys and the Vulcans will really fight. This is just a deterrent, an attitude that shows that in the end the two sides will still resolve the dispute at the negotiating table, but now the two sides are still in dispute. The problem will not be solved in a short time, and this is precisely the reason why Qin Hao can let the human beings bluff with confidence, because the envoys of the Holy Promenade have no time to study human civilization carefully now!

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