While the high priest was talking with Laila, Qin Hao was quickly adapting to his new power in the ward.

God Body and Grandpa fought in Qin Hao's Sea of ​​Consciousness space before, and as the two of them attacked each other, a lot of their spiritual energy was scattered, and even if these spiritual energy escaped from the main body, it was impossible for them to escape out of thin air Disappeared, so they were all absorbed by Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness space in the end.

If it is an ordinary person, after absorbing so much power, the end will either explode and die, or the body must be dismantled in order to survive this catastrophe, just like Qin Ju before.

But Qin Hao is not an ordinary human being. After he was genetically modified by the Zerg, he possessed a spirit crystal in his sea of ​​consciousness. The function of this spirit crystal is very magical. It can transform energy and store energy.

The Zerg is an extremely greedy race. They are predatory, and there is no such thing as being full. After the spirit crystal has obtained energy that exceeds its own capacity, it will liquefy the energy, then solidify it, and finally solidify it Energy has become a part of the spirit crystal. While strengthening the spirit crystal, it also expands the energy storage potential of the spirit crystal.

So for the Zerg Emperor, it is impossible to be exhausted by energy. This greedy race will never know how to be satisfied. The meaning of their existence is to constantly plunder, constantly evolve themselves, constantly strengthen themselves, and then prepare for the next plunder. be prepared.

So for Qin Hao, who has the gene of the insect emperor and the spirit crystal, although the escaping spiritual energy is extremely huge, it will not cause him to explode. At most, these energies are all solidified into A part of the spirit crystal made him unable to dispatch it.

At this moment, Qin Hao is in a very strange state. In terms of his current energy and strength, he is just a junior prince of the insect emperor clan, but in terms of the strength of his spirit crystal, he has completely broken through. Prince level, reached the level of primary master.

For example, although Qin Hao only has a few million cash, he has built a super treasury that is on the same level as a national central bank. The strength and capacity of the treasury are exceptionally strong, so that no matter how much money Qin Hao takes in the future, he will not have to worry about having nowhere to save it.

Of course, the metaphor of the treasury is not completely appropriate, because this super powerful spirit crystal is not completely useless to the current Qin Hao, at least it can generate extremely powerful coercion, although it is not too much for him in a real fight. It is a big help, but if you release your breath, it can still bluff people.

In addition to the extreme strengthening of the spirit crystal, Qin Hao didn't get any real benefits. In addition to memory and knowledge, the mental power ball left by his grandfather also contained a lot of pure energy, because Qin Hao's " The "big warehouse" has been repaired, so now these energies will no longer be used to strengthen the Spirit Crystal.

Although the power contained in that energy ball is only a drop in the bucket compared to the power released by the two people in the previous battle,

But for Qin Hao, his strength has been increased by more than three times. After absorbing the power of this energy ball, Qin Hao has been promoted from the previous junior prince to the middle class.

If Qin Hao returned to Earth now, even if he didn't make much progress in martial arts skills, it would still be enough to suppress the few remaining bosses.

In addition to these formidable powers, Qin Hao's biggest improvement in strength is that he has obtained a lot of knowledge from his grandfather, including the use of the eye of the universe. Among these knowledge, in addition to the energy that his grandfather once taught Qin Hao In addition to the running track, there are some other skills, but most of them cannot be displayed with Qin Hao's current strength.

But Qin Hao can use all the methods of using the eyes of the universe that his grandfather taught him before, and he also understands the uses of the tricks that his grandfather taught him before through the memory of the Daisi people.

"The eye of the universe... so powerful..." Qin Hao muttered to himself.

"Of course, master, you must know that not everyone in Daisy can conceive the eye of the universe, and those who can conceive this thing are the best among them!" Divine body also said with great emotion, If he hadn't been greedy for the eye of the universe, he wouldn't have fallen to this point.

"Hey... If possible, I would rather not have this bloody eye of the universe, I just hope that grandpa can always be by my side..." Qin Hao sighed, if the Daisy man didn't die on the planet Kerian Otherwise, his grandfather would not have come into contact with his corpse, and there would be no danger of exploding to death.

If grandpa hadn't been dismissed under the crisis, then Qin Hao might have lived a normal life. Even if someone framed him in the graduation exam, he wouldn't have joined the army with his grandpa. At that time, he might have been an ordinary Going to university, maybe finding an ordinary job, this life will pass so smoothly.

Of course, in this case, if Qin Hao is still desperate to serve as a soldier, then he must have died on the Alpha star battlefield, because without the protection of the eye of the universe, Qin Hao would not be able to integrate the genes of the Zerg race.

Compared with the genes of the Zerg, humans are too weak. It’s not that the Zerg didn’t do experiments at the beginning, and humans couldn’t bear their genes at all. All the experimental subjects died, and only Qin Hao survived by accident.

And then again, if Qin Hao didn't have the Eye of the Universe, would the Queen of Worms pay so much attention to him? If he was an ordinary human being, then for the queen, he would have no value other than feeding the swarm.

So there are not so many ifs in the world, everything is when! Fate! Lucky too!

"Huh..." Qin Hao took a deep breath, and he began to think about what he was going to do next. According to the divine body, he is now basically at the top of the civilization of the Holy Envoys, and now the entire civilization of the Holy Envoys All will be under his control, which is indeed good news.

If all the envoys of the Holy Land obeyed Qin Hao, then the safety of human civilization would be guaranteed.

"Master, don't be too happy too early. The existence of human civilization has already alarmed other civilizations. Although they got the news from the Holy Messenger, they all think that human beings are advanced civilizations, but they will definitely try to contact human beings. Yes, once the lies of human civilization are exposed, even if you control the Holy Envoy, you may not be able to keep human civilization!" At this time, the divine body poured cold water on Qin Hao. When he invaded Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness before, he I checked most of Qin Hao's memories, so I know about human civilization.

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