Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1133: Private Visit by Microservice

"Well, it's okay, you are very considerate." Qin Hao nodded, he didn't care about the identity arranged for him by the high priest, and this identity really met his requirements.

After all, Qin Hao is not a real divine body, he has not been enshrined for thousands of years, so he does not have that kind of superior feeling in his heart, and naturally he will not feel that the identity of the high priest's spouse will offend him.

In addition, Qin Hao didn't take the identity of the high priest's spouse very seriously. Although the high priest was as beautiful as a flower, when he thought that this aunt was conservatively estimated to be almost a thousand years old, Qin Hao's feelings for her instantly became only under the respect...

"Your Majesty, do you have any plans for the future?" the High Priest asked.

"I want to go to the folks to see, and isn't this body from the civilization of the Interstellar Federation? If there is a chance, I also want to go there to find out the truth!" Qin Hao said along the way.

"Your Majesty, if you can ask the Interstellar Federation to find out the truth, it will indeed be of great significance to us." The high priest said.

"Well, I will think of a way!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Your Majesty, I would like to thank you on behalf of all the believers." The high priest said immediately.

"Okay, get ready, I'm going to go to the people to observe the people's situation in a few days." Qin Hao said.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you, you can leave anytime!" The high priest nodded, and at the same time she handed Qin Hao a small communicator, and said to Qin Hao: "Your Majesty, you can use this communicator Put it away, you can contact me at any time through this, if you encounter troubles that are not convenient for you to solve, you can notify me at any time, and I will help you solve it."

"Okay! I'm fine here, you step back first!" Qin Hao waved his hand after accepting the communicator.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The high priest bowed and retreated.


"Sister, do we want to arrange someone to follow?" Leila asked the high priest after returning from Qin Hao's place.

"No! If he needs us, he will naturally notify us. If he doesn't call us, we don't need to interfere with his actions." The high priest said.

"But what if something unexpected happens?" Laila asked worriedly.

"If someone did not open his eyes and provoked him, if he did it directly, it would be considered that those guys were unlucky. If he asked us to help solve it,

Just suppress it directly! Just take this opportunity to weaken the strength of those families. Recently, some families have not been very firm in their beliefs. "The high priest said with a sneer.

"What if he does something outrageous?" Laila asked. After all, the divine body has never touched civilians, so it's hard to guarantee that he will do something.

"Then whoever catches up will be unlucky!" The high priest said with a frown. She had already made up her mind that she would never offend the God Body before the Daisians arrived. She just wanted to get through this period with peace of mind. tough times.

"Alright then!" Laila nodded.

"Notify your family and the forces that have made friends with them, and tell them not to kill themselves, and if they encounter him, just hide away!" The high priest said to Laila.

"Okay sister, I will warn them." Lila nodded.

"By the way, his identity must not be known to anyone." The high priest said.

"Sister, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it." Lila nodded.

"That's good!" The high priest nodded.

A few days later, Qin Hao reckoned that his identity as the consort of the high priest had spread throughout the civilization of the Holy Envoy, so he was ready to set off. With this amulet, Qin Hao believed that he was in the civilization of the Holy Envoy. Even if he walked sideways, no one dared to stop him.

After getting ready, Qin Hao greeted the high priest, and then started his "private visit" journey in the civilization of the messenger of the Holy Land.

After coming out of the holy hall, Qin Hao came directly to the airport, because Qin Hao had ordered him before, so although the high priest released the news that he had chosen a spouse, Qin Hao's appearance was not made public, so most people did not Little did he know that the not-so-handsome guy in front of him was the spouse of the high priest.

At this moment, Qin Hao also accepted some camouflage. Although the amoeba is dead, the Shenglin messenger also has related technology. Qin Hao's appearance has not changed much, but his ears and eyes have been camouflaged. He also had pointy ears and eyes full of whites when he was young.

Since it was a private visit via Weibo, Qin Hao would not reveal his identity before leaving the house. He bought a boat ticket like ordinary people, and then took an ordinary flight to leave Danalis.

Regarding money, the high priest gave Qin Hao a card with unlimited overdraft so that he could buy whatever he wanted, and no one could find out his identity through this card.

Sitting on the spaceship, Qin Hao started an interstellar journey. Among the people in the cabin with him, except for a few clergy, most of them were believers who came to worship in the temple, so Qin Hao sitting here did not look awkward .

After the spaceship left Danalis, its first stop was Mobike star in the same galaxy. This planet is only a dozen astronomical units away from Danalis star, and the required voyage time is only more than one month. hours only.

But Qin Hao didn't plan to disembark at this stop, because it's too close to Danalis, and it's also an educational planet, where there are basically churches and clergymen, and there is nothing Qin Hao wants here. thing.

After two days and two nights of sailing, Qin Hao walked out of the cabin at the sixteenth station of the spaceship.

At this time, the planet Qin Hao is on is called Vellore Star. It is a very famous industrial planet in the civilization of the Holy Messenger. There are a large number of laboratories and factories here. The purpose of Qin Hao's coming here is very simple. With these technologies come!

Although he has become the divine body of the Holy Messenger, Qin Hao has not forgotten his mission. He needs to win more survival opportunities for human beings, so under conditions, he will definitely get more aliens for human beings. Technology!

"Hey! Master, it's rare for you to be an undercover agent in this huge universe!" The divine body smiled wryly in Qin Hao's mind.

Qin Hao, an undercover agent, originally sneaked into the civilization of the Holy Envoys, and then stole scientific and technological materials and precious materials for human civilization. As a result, he unexpectedly became the supreme ruler of the Holy Envoys by accident. It is embarrassing, but the one with the deepest emotion is naturally the unlucky Shen Body.

"Okay, don't be wronged, if you weren't greedy, you wouldn't have fallen to this point." Qin Hao said with a sneer.

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