"Really? Then you are assigned to that department?" The girl immediately asked excitedly, she was very excited to meet a new person.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was stopped by the question, who knows what departments are on this planet...

"Is it convenient to say? That's okay!" The girl was quite understanding, and then she seemed to think of something suddenly, and then smiled awkwardly at Qin Hao and said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is How about you, Lois?"

"My name is Qin Hao." Qin Hao didn't bother to give himself a fake name, anyway, no one knew his name here.

"Qin Hao, that's a very strange name..." Lois smiled. This kind of two-syllable name is very rare in the civilization of the Holy Spirit.

"Hehe, okay." Qin Hao nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Do you often come here to drink alone?"

"Yeah, I come almost every day!" Lois said.

"Is your department busy?" Qin Hao continued to talk.

"It's okay, I just help the teacher, so I have a lot of free time every day." Lois said unsuspectingly when Qin Hao asked her because there was always no one to chat with.

Because the population of the Holy Envoys is too small, and they are distributed on millions of administrative planets, it is like spreading beans in the sea. Those rich commercial planets are okay, and there can be a population of one hundred thousand on them, but in these Most industrial planets have only a hundred or ten people, and those resource stars are even worse, where the number of people basically does not exceed single digits.

Few people think that there is a lack of communication, and lack of communication means loneliness. That's why Lois was so enthusiastic and talked about everything after seeing Qin Hao as a living person.

"Are there many people in your laboratory?" Qin Hao continued to ask tentatively.

"It's just me and the teacher. We have applied for an extra manpower half a year ago, but there is no news yet." Lois complained dissatisfied.

"Aren't you busy?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"It's not busy, but there are so many people!" Lois said with a natural expression.

"Uh..." Qin Hao never expected that Lois's lab applied for more researchers for this reason.


What's the name of your lab? "Qin Hao asked thoughtfully.

"We are the 1702nd Space Laboratory under the Diweiqi Group! My teacher is the famous Professor Carreras!" Lois said proudly.

"Ah!?" Qin Hao exclaimed pretending to be shocked.

"What's wrong?! Have you heard my teacher's name?" Lois asked.

"No... no... you are from the 1702 laboratory? Professor Carreras' space laboratory?" Qin Hao asked with a surprised expression.

"That's right! What's wrong?" Now it was Lois' turn to be confused.

"Hi! I'm going to report to Lab 1702!" Qin Hao said.

"Ah?! Really? You are going to report in our laboratory! That's really a coincidence!" Lois also exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes! Yes!" Qin Hao also showed an excited expression.

"Great! If the teacher knows that the transfer order has been approved, she will be very happy!" Lois said happily.

"I didn't expect to meet my colleagues right after I got off the spaceship today. We are really destined, so let's do it! Today's drink is mine!" Qin Hao said very generously.

"Really? Then I won't be polite!" Lois said with a smile. As a girl, she also prefers to be greedy for such petty gains.

"Whatever I want to eat and drink is mine!" Qin Hao said with a big wave of his hand. The card on his body has unlimited overdraft, and he doesn't have to pay it back, so of course he has nothing to worry about.

"Really, then I'm not being polite! Don't be unable to pay the bill!" Lois laughed.

"Don't worry, even if you eat up this store, I can afford it." Qin Hao smiled.

"Oh, I didn't see it, are you a rich second generation?" Lois said with a smile.

"Do you look like me?" Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"It's not like that!" Lois shook her head, Qin Hao's aura had nothing to do with the rich second generation.

"Then it's over!" Qin Hao smiled slightly. He was indeed not a rich second generation, but he could be regarded as a soft food on the side of the envoy of Shenglin.

Although Qin Hao's status at this time should be regarded as a "divine body", but now he has to rely on the influence of the high priest for food, clothing, housing and transportation, so from a certain level, it is not wrong to say that he is a soft food.

Then Lois ordered some food and drink. Although she said that she would kill Qin Hao, she didn't order too expensive food. After the two of them finished eating, Lois took the initiative to say to Qin Hao: "You Are you going to the lab to report today? How about I take you there!"

"Okay!" Qin Hao was worried that there was no breakthrough, and now that someone took the initiative to lead the way, of course he was willing.

After coming out of the drink shop, Qin Hao followed Lois to a teleportation matrix, and then Lois activated the corresponding coordinates.

"Shua!" With a flash of light, the two came to the depths of a mountain.

"It's quite hidden here!" Qin Hao exclaimed.

"Of course, if you don't have the correct coordinates, you won't be able to find this place at all!" Lois said with a smile.

Under the leadership of Lois, the leading party, Qin Hao easily entered the door of the laboratory, and then walked all the way to the inside.

"Isn't this precautionary measure too hasty? But it seems that there is no difficulty for an experienced spy to sneak in here?" Qin Hao murmured in his heart as he walked.

"Qin Hao, you have to swipe your ID card here, I'll wait for you inside!" In front of a separate door, Lois swiped her card and walked in.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was stunned. He didn't know what to do now, whether to force his way in or turn around to leave. The separation door doesn't seem to be very strong to open. If he forced his way in, maybe he could...

Just when Qin Hao was hesitating, there was a light sound behind him and above his head. Qin Hao looked back and saw that the wall behind him and the ceiling above his head had cracked many small holes, and the dark gun barrel protruded from it. Energy sparks flickered inside the barrel.

From the perception of mental power, Qin Hao can clearly perceive the horror of the energy in the muzzle of these guns. Even a master of his level will definitely not be able to withstand a few hits!

"Qin Hao, quickly swipe your card, if you hesitate for more than a minute, you will be attacked!" Lois reminded loudly when she saw that Qin Hao didn't swipe in immediately.

"Oh! Oh!" Qin Hao hurriedly took out his ID card, and swiped it in the card slot!

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