"Forget it, since they dare to mess up the situation, they must have come prepared. Although emotionally speaking, I am more willing to support Tara, but brother, since you call me big brother, I can't let you Lost the money, so you should still bet on Lajax.  ̄︶︺From sんц馆浼镄嗹见尛裞读棢つWw%W.%kaNshUge.lā" Luke said.

"Brother, is this okay?" Qin Hao asked a little embarrassed.

"Hey! It's their business that they mess up the game. You bet to win money. What's wrong with that?" Luke said with a shrug.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was speechless. It's none of his business to mess up the scene, but the casinos in the Leviathan area are also owned by the Bernstein family!

Although a little embarrassed, Qin Hao still listened to Luke's suggestion and bet on Rajax, but he didn't bet too much money, he just bet a few thousand dollars as a sign.

"You're so small?" Luke glanced at Qin Hao.

"Hey, it's just for fun. It's just for fun anyway. Do you want to make money with this?" Qin Hao laughed.

"Well! Good attitude!" Luke nodded, and when he heard Qin Hao's words, he couldn't help giving Qin Hao a high look.

Here, after Qin Hao finished betting, the host on the field has already set the atmosphere to the extreme. As the host, he is very clear about his responsibilities. It's possible, after all, it takes a lot of money to raise giant beasts and those fighters.

And where did the money come from? Isn't it from the casino?

The host's biggest job is not to introduce the dueling parties, but to do his best to exaggerate the atmosphere and encourage the audience to bet. Only when they bet all their money can the casino make money, draw money, and make profits.

So when almost all the audience placed their bets, the host got a reminder, and he took the initiative to give up the stage, leaving the arena to the two contestants!

"It's started! It's started!" Luke exclaimed excitedly. Although someone came to disrupt the situation this time, it could be seen that Luke was not particularly nervous.

At this time, Qin Hao also concentrated on watching the two people who were about to fight in the arena. Under the recording of the high-speed camera, even the audience, no matter how far away, could clearly watch the battle between the two people through the big screen.

While watching the two people fighting, Qin Hao also began to pay attention to the energy changes in the arena. Although through Lipton's memory, Qin Hao had some understanding of the fighting methods of the spiritual warriors of the Holy Spirit Envoy.

But it was the first time for him to actually observe the battle between the two spirit warriors of the Holy Spirit.

So Qin Hao attaches great importance to this observation, and he hopes to learn something from it. After all, the Holy Land Envoys are very proficient in the use of spiritual power.

Following the exit of the host, the two fighters walked towards the center of the arena.

"Rajax!" Tara said solemnly.

"Hehe, we meet again!" Rajax said with a smile on his face.

"You shouldn't be here!" Tara said coldly.

"I don't want to either. You can't kill people here, but it's just a fate, and you can't help yourself." Rajax said with a smile.

"In that case, then I have nothing to say, this time I will definitely not hold back." Tara said with a cold face.

"Really? Then let me tell you something quietly, when I fought last time, I only used three points of strength!" Rajax laughed.

"What?!" Tara was obviously taken aback.

"Okay, since you don't want to make the first move, then I won't be polite!" Rajax took advantage of Tara's stunned moment, and suddenly a silver light flashed in his eyes, followed by a silver light. Lightning fell from the sky and hit Tara's head!

"Hi!" Tara yelled, and then a silver light flashed in his eyes, and a light shield rose above his head, blocking the lightning.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The two fought each other, but this kind of battle with first-class sound and light effects seemed a little boring in Qin Hao's eyes. Tara and Rajax basically stood still. , and then use the mental power to substantiate the move, it looks like two mages are fighting each other, although it looks very exciting, it is not exciting at all.

"Brother, is this the fighter you admire? It's a bit boring!" Qin Hao said to Luke.

"Hey! What's the rush? This is just a warm-up." Luke laughed.

Following Luke's voice, the two fighters on the field are ready to take action. Through the temptation just now, they have found some information about each other, and now it's time to make a real move.

"Hum!" With a flash of silver light, a long sword appeared in Tara's hand, and a trident appeared in Rajax's hand.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The two rushed towards each other at the same time. On the way of attacking, the two were constantly attacking each other with their mental power.

"Boom boom boom..." In the midst of constant confrontation and resolution, the two finally rushed in front of each other.

"Ding, ding, ding..." There was a melodious impact sound, and the two fighters, the envoys of the holy arrival, fought together.



"kill him!"

"Cut off his left hand!"


The arena was full of voices. This fierce battle had obviously brought up the atmosphere of the audience. Almost all the audience stood up from their seats. Even if the concentration is relatively good, the guy who is not infected by the atmosphere , At this time, he had to stand up and watch the battle, because the audience in front of them all stood up and shouted, if he didn't stand up, he wouldn't be able to see it!

"Ding ding ding ding..." Amidst the dense collision sounds, Tara slashed down with a sword, and Rajax raised his trident to parry the attack. At the same time, the two began to compete for strength, and the two sides refused to give in to each other.

"Rajax, if you don't surrender again, don't blame me for being rude!" Tara threatened.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are!" Although Rajax was dressed roughly, he was not convinced at all.

"Since you want to die, I will grant you!" Tara shouted loudly, and then pushed forward hard, forcing Rajax back. Stab Rajax's throat!

This deadly blow forced Rajax, who had just finished his move and hadn't had time to recover from it, to retreat steadily. After three or four steps, he saw the right time to dodge Tara's sword. At the same time, he followed the trident and pierced Tara's lower abdomen.

"Ding!" Tara swung his sword to block the attack of the trident, and at the same time, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and a sharp spike appeared from Rajax's back out of thin air, and then pierced his back. Tara's invincible trump card!

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