"Can you still play like this?" Qin Hao asked in surprise.

"It's all just pediatrics. I can't tell you the real method." Luke said with a smile.

"Hey! It seems that there are shady scenes everywhere! Isn't it easier to fake a match between these giant beasts?" Qin Hao sighed helplessly.

"Hehe, that's right, giant beasts of comparable strength have completely different fighting power when they are full and hungry," Luke said.

"Then in the next game, that giant beast didn't eat enough?" Qin Hao asked.

"What? Which one do you want to bet on?" Luke asked.

"Of course I didn't have enough to eat." Qin Hao said.

"Oh? You are quite strange. Others are full of food. Such a giant beast has enough strength!" Luke said.

"Hey, brother, don't fool me. If it's two people fighting, the hungry one will definitely win, but if it's a giant beast, the hungry one will be more aggressive!" Qin Hao laughed. Lol, he has dealt with bugs for so long, how can he not understand this truth?

In the battle between human beings, it is true that they are more powerful when they are full, but giant beasts will not appear to be lacking in strength just because they have not eaten a meal. Living in the wild all year round, they are often in a state of hunger and fullness , In this state, the giant beasts usually store energy, and a short period of hunger does not affect their combat effectiveness, and it will also stimulate their hunting instincts, making them even more vicious!

"Okay, brother, you actually know this!" Luke said in apparent surprise.

"Hehe, although I'm not very familiar with the arena, I still know a little about giant beasts." Qin Hao said.

"Oh? Are you a megazoologist?" Luke asked curiously.

"Well, I have been in contact with some giant beasts, and I have some understanding of them." Qin Hao said.

"Really? Brother, are you kidding me?" Luke asked.

"Of course it's true. It's not a big deal. What can I lie to you?" Qin Hao laughed.

"Then I don't know where you work with brother now?" Luke asked.

"Recently I've been unemployed at home." Qin Hao said.

"That's it,

After the show is over, I'll treat you to a couple of drinks, what do you think? " Luke invited.

"That's impossible!" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Oh? Brother, do you have anything else to do?" Luke asked.

"That's not true. I'm traveling in Terrarada, so of course I have plenty of time." Qin Hao said.

"Then you..." Luke's face was a little ugly. If the kid in front of him had time, he refused to have a meal with him. Is it looking down on him?

"Haha! Brother, of course we can have dinner together, but you can't invite me, I have to invite you! After all, I learned a lot from you just now!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Brother, you can do it!" Hearing Qin Hao's words, Luke smiled again on his originally unhappy face.

"Hehe, just kidding, brother, don't mind!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"How could you not mind! You'll have to drink two more glasses later!" Luke said with a smile.

"Okay, okay! I'll punish myself with three cups later!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

While Qin Hao was chatting with Luke, two more slaves fell down in the arena. The lives of these guys are very worthless. Life is fighting, and it turns out that the time they are fighting is only the peeing point of the whole game.

As waves of slaves entered the field, and then were carried off one by one, the time finally came to the moment of the second crucial game!

"The next wonderful duel is between two behemoths, they are the Quela behemoth from Nomoz star in the Varta galaxy and the Hulu beast from another star in the Omega galaxy!" This time the host introduced It didn't last long, he just briefly introduced the names of the two giant beasts, and hurried to the safe area, because at this time the gates on both sides of the arena were ready to open.

These behemoths don't have any advanced intelligence, they don't care who is the host, any life that appears in their field of vision will be regarded as an enemy or prey by them!

In particular, one of the two giant beasts is hungry, and it is extremely aggressive. Compared with the other giant beast of the same size as myself, if conditions permit, the host is obviously more ideal hunting target!

"Roar!" With a roar, a giant beast entered from the left side of the arena.

This giant beast is more than five meters tall, and its body length is about eight meters. It has three pairs of legs and a long tail, and it is covered with this hard heavy armor. It reflects the luster of metal.

In addition to its extremely strong defensive ability, this giant beast also has a pair of sharp horns. With the impact of its size and strength, these horns can even easily tear through the armored shell of a chariot!

"Snoring... Snoring..." With a muffled sound of snoring, another giant beast also entered the arena.

This giant beast enters from the right side of the arena. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a gorilla, except that it is seven or eight meters tall. Its black fur is also covered with a structure similar to scales, which looks like a defense. amazing.

"Brother, who do you think will win?" Qin Hao asked.

"What? Still want to bet?" Luke asked with a smile.

"Hehe, forget it, gossip with you, big brother, and then go to your casino to win money, it's too dishonest." Qin Hao laughed.

"What's the matter, do you think brother and I are short of this little money?" Luke said with a smile.

"Okay, brother, the game has started, let's watch the game." Qin Hao didn't continue to entangle in this matter.

"Okay..." Luke smiled and nodded.

At this time, the two behemoths had already reached the center of the field. Among them, the grunt, which was similar to a super gorilla, was better, but the other six-legged Querra behemoth was different. It was in a hungry state. So as soon as he entered the field, he showed a strong aggressiveness.

As soon as the two giant beasts met, the grunting beast continued to growl. Its meaning was obvious, that is, to signal the opponent to back off. It is now full, so it does not want to have such a senseless fight .

But the other side is different. The Quila giant is in a state of hunger. After meeting the grunt, it lowered its head and pointed the sharp horns on the top of its head at the grunt.

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