"Let's go play that!" April said, pointing to a gambling table not far away.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, and then walked towards the gambling table pointed by April. April held Qin Hao's arm as if it was really his female companion. Came to the front of the gambling table.

In front of this gambling table, there are relatively more people around, and it is also more lively. They are playing a game similar to poker. The rules are similar to Texas Hold'em, but not the same.

"Let's play this," April said.

"I haven't played this one before. Let me see if you play a few games first." Qin Hao said while handing April some chips, worth about 100,000.

One hundred thousand chips may not be a big deal to someone like Luke, but it is a huge sum of money in the first floor of the casino.

"So much? Are you not afraid that I will lose everything to you?" April asked curiously.

"If you lose, you lose." Qin Hao shrugged. Anyway, Lu Jia gave the money, so it doesn't matter if you lose.

"Then I'm not welcome." April took a deep look at Qin Hao, and then took the chips.

Then April joined the gambling game. She was able to work in the casino, so she knew all kinds of gambling skills here, so after entering the game, April began to kill the world with her excellent gambling skills. In the blink of an eye, not only did Qin Hao not lose his betting money, but he also made a lot of money.

"How is it? Do you have to treat me to a meal?" April asked with a smile.

"Is this suitable for you? This is where you work, and you actually helped me win money?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"What's wrong with that? I didn't take advantage of my identity to cheat. Besides, I'll help you win money. Why do you have any objections?" April rolled Qin Hao's eyes coquettishly, because they came The people of the messenger clan only have the whites of their eyes, so Qin Hao was very uncomfortable with this glance.

"Uh... alright, I'll treat you to dinner later!" Qin Hao was taken aback by April's words, yes, he even accused her of helping him win money, which is really unreasonable.

"Then let's go now, I'm a little hungry!" April said.

In fact, April helped Qin Hao win some money, and then looked for opportunities for him to treat him. The main reason was to take Qin Hao away from the casino without offending Qin Hao. Now, although April and the dealer suspect Qin Hao Cheating, but they have no proof,

Therefore, Qin Hao cannot be taken away directly.

The best way is to use a reasonable excuse to let Qin Hao leave by himself. On this basis, it is nothing for the casino to lose a small amount of money, not to mention that the small amount of money was won from those gamblers.

What the casino wants is a stable money-making environment, not someone causing trouble, so for Qin Hao, a suspected cheater, just get him out and stop him making trouble.

"Eat now?" Qin Hao also realized April's purpose at this time, but he had just finished eating, and he didn't come alone, so he couldn't just leave with the chick in front of him without saying a word, and waited. What if Luke came out and couldn't find him later?

"Why? Not willing?" April gently scratched Qin Hao's cheek with her slender index finger, and then said to him in a provocative tone: "After dinner, we have other things to do." What about the activity... don't you want to try it?"

After saying this, April also took the opportunity to give Qin Hao a sigh of relief, and the faint fragrance hit Qin Hao's face.

"Okay, this chick is very good at using her capital!" Qin Hao had to admit that April is really good-looking, even though her eyes and ears are different from people on Earth, but this does not affect her charm.

But Qin Hao has a relatively indifferent view of female sex itself. After all, he was tempted a lot during the human civilization, and after acquiring the Zerg gene, Qin Hao has a stronger ability to control his body , that primitive impulse couldn't defeat his rationality.

"If I go to eat, I have to say hello to my companion." Qin Hao slightly distanced himself from the girl.

"Oh? Do you have any companions?" April asked in surprise.

"Of course, but I don't know where he went." Qin Hao said with a shrug.

"It's okay, just describe his appearance to me, and I can help you find him," April said.

"Alright!" Qin Hao nodded, and then briefly described Luke's appearance.

"Hey?" April frowned. According to Qin Hao's description, she vaguely felt that she had seen this person somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while. After all, Qin Hao described it through words, so April Although I can hear the general idea, it is difficult to form a sense of the picture.

"Find someone for me!" Then April said to the satellite talker on her collar, and she repeated all the characteristics Qin Hao described.

"Okay! Miss April, I'm searching..." The other end of the intercom is obviously an intelligent robot. In the civilization of the Holy Messenger, because the population is too sparse, most of their work is done by robots. to complete.

About half a minute later, the robot sent back a message: "Miss April, the target has been found, and he is in Box 4 on the second floor."

"Go to the second floor?!" April was taken aback, the second floor is completely different from the first floor, there are big customers there!

"Let's go find your friend!" April pulled Qin Hao and walked to the second floor. At this moment, she was very nervous. As a staff member of this casino, April knew very well that to Qin Hao Even if the guy who played in the scattered hall on the first floor cheated, the harm he caused was extremely limited, at most it caused a little confusion and affected the reputation of the casino.

But the upstairs is different, there are some big names playing there, and the gambling money is calculated to be more than one million. If someone cheats there and steals a huge sum of money, the reputation of their casino will be completely ruined.

"In such a hurry?" Qin Hao was pulled by April and ran to the second floor. Although Qin Hao could pull April back with a little force, he didn't do that, but followed the girl He went straight to the second floor.

Soon, April brought Qin Hao to the door of Box No. 4.

After taking a deep breath, April didn't go in directly. After all, the people playing inside are all big shots. If she rushes in, if she can't produce evidence of cheating, what will the impact on the casino be? is very bad.

"Pa-ta..." Gently opened the door, April took Qin Hao's arm and walked in, as if Qin Hao was a newcomer who wanted to join the game, and she was just Qin Hao's female companion Same.

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