"Don't worry, I will protect myself." Qin Hao waved his hands.

"But my lord...the battle on the front line is imminent, and there may be some unexpected situation." The high priest continued to persuade, she really didn't want Qin Hao to get involved in the military affairs, after all, it was related to the life and death of the Shenglin envoys!

Although the high priest dared not disobey Qin Hao, she didn't really believe in Qin Hao's "divine body". Her purpose was to pretend to be a snake for a while, and wait for the Daisi people to find Qin Hao and kill him. In this way, she would She can continue to be her high priest, and she doesn't have to worry about someone pressing her down.

However, for the Holy Envoy family, the high priest still hopes that it will be good. After all, if the Holy Envoy is defeated, even if Qin Hao dies on the front line, then what the high priest can get is a dilapidated Holy Envoy who ceded land and paid compensation. Civilization, that was not a good ending for her.

"Are you questioning my ability?" Qin Hao's face suddenly fell down.

"Believers dare not!" The high priest knelt down in fright.

"Okay, there is no need to say more about this matter. I must go to the front line, but you can arrange professional people to do the fleet command. If I take over the fleet directly, without revealing my true identity Under such circumstances, it is difficult to convince the public, so you just need to give me the position of supervising the army." Qin Hao said to the high priest after thinking for a while.

"Your Majesty, if you insist on this, I will cooperate with you." The high priest nodded. Since Qin Hao didn't directly ask for the command of the fleet, she didn't want to contradict Qin Hao anymore.

"Well! Go get busy with this matter, and remember to call me when the fleet leaves." Qin Hao said to the high priest.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The high priest nodded, and then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?" the high priest asked.

"It's like this. I heard that a member of the Bernstein family is also in our holy church. It seems to be an archbishop?" Qin Hao asked.

"I don't know about this, I need to ask La Ryan." The high priest said, she is the master of the Holy Church, and a mere archbishop level person will definitely not attract her attention. As for that La Ryan It is the priest in charge of the personnel affairs of the Holy Church.

"Well! Okay, find him and promote him to the level of priest. I promise the Bernstein family." Qin Hao said.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The high priest nodded immediately,

Promoting an archbishop to become a priest is nothing more than a nod to her, and as long as it is properly arranged, although the rank of the members of the Bernstein family has been raised, it can also be emptied, and she will not be impressed by the current structure of the Holy Church. .

So this matter is much easier to handle than Qin Hao's seizure of military power, and the high priest has just contradicted Qin Hao, so at this time, of course, she will not annoy Qin Hao anymore!

At this moment, Qin Hao and the high priest are basically in a state of fear of beating the wolf with a stick. The high priest mistakenly believes that Qin Hao is the divine body that has descended. After all, he is a divine body and the belief of the whole people. If he wants to change the position of high priest, it is just a matter of one sentence.

And Qin Hao is not willing to push the high priest too hard, he is a counterfeit after all, although the divine body lost and became his death messenger, the problem is that the divine body was not defeated by him, but by grandpa Qin Ju's hands.

Now that Grandpa is gone, although Qin Hao has subdued the divine body, the strength of the divine body has been greatly reduced. Now even if Qin Hao and the divine body attack together, he is not the opponent of the high priest, and once he falls out with the high priest, Qin Hao can escape by luck. But what about humans?

Once his identity is exposed, the lies on the human side will also be exposed soon. Although the Holy Messenger will not be able to settle the threat of the Kenwa people in a short time, it will not take much time to solve human civilization. time.

So the current state is that the high priest doesn't want to die, so she doesn't dare to provoke Qin Hao, and she doesn't dare to test him. Although Qin Hao seems to have the absolute initiative, he doesn't dare to make the high priest anxious. Seeing that the high priest was almost reaching the limit of his patience, Qin Hao had to relax, lest the high priest get impatient and fight to the death, and then it would be his turn to be unlucky.

After the high priest left, Qin Hao also left the second floor. At this time, the high priest had arranged a place for him to rest, and Laila took Qin Hao to his room.

In the next two days, everything was uneventful, and the high priest quickly carried out Qin Hao's order. The member of the Bernstein family was promoted to a priest by leapfrogging, and he was also called to the church by the transfer order. Danalis star.

Joseph Bernstein, who was originally the archbishop, was not qualified to come to the church, but after he was promoted to priest this time, he had to arrive at Naris to wait for orders like other high-ranking priests.

"Sister, what are you going to do next? This Joseph is a member of the Bernstein family. Now that he has suddenly become a priest, the remaining two families may also make moves!" Lila asked beside the high priest.

"Well!" The high priest nodded, and then continued: "If it was before, then this is indeed a problem. In order to balance the three major families, I have to find an excuse to improve their status in the Holy Church, and In that way, it is undoubtedly tantamount to boosting their power."

"However, the actions of the Vulcans this time can be regarded as helping me. Now that the war is about to break out, hasn't that Joseph become a priest? That just makes him contribute to the Holy Cult. I will send him to the front line. If he dies in If he is lucky enough to come back alive, then he will think of another way." The high priest said.

"Well! Sister, your idea is good! As long as the arrangement is proper, it is not difficult for this Joseph to die on the front line in a reasonable way!" Lila nodded aside and said, although the high priest did not want the war to fail, but the relationship between the two advanced civilizations In such a war, even the winning side will pay a heavy price. As long as Joseph is allowed to serve on a non-capital ship, the chance of him dying in battle is very high.

"Okay, go and help me arrange this matter!" The high priest said to Laila, she trusted Laila very much, and Laila often took care of such things for her.

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