After the fleet completed the final rendezvous, they headed towards the target star field.

After four jumps, the fleet of Holy Promenades arrived at the target, which is the vicinity of Star Lafayette. After exiting from the jump point, the fleet headed towards Star Lafayette at sub-light speed. It is estimated that after four hours Arrived at the Lafayette star gravity well.

"My lord, after the battle starts, I may not be able to take care of you alone. If you are afraid, you can retreat to the rear of the fleet now." Helen sent Qin Hao a clear message, and it was a public broadcast of the fleet.

"No, since my ship has been incorporated into the battle sequence, don't disturb the fleet structure." Qin Hao replied, he must not back down at this time, otherwise his image in the army will be completely ruined up.

And Qin Hao didn't know that there was an empty shell left in his spaceship, otherwise he would have to retreat to the rear even if he didn't want his reputation!

"If that's the case, my lord priest, after the battle starts, I won't take care of you on purpose." Helen said with an inexplicable smile on her lips.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded.


When the Holy Angel fleet approached Lafayette, the Vulcans were not unaware. Now the two sides are in a confrontation, so the entire star field is full of other people's reconnaissance ships, like the Holy Angel It is impossible for people not to notice such a large-scale fleet dispatch.

So when the Holy Angel fleet was still one astronomical unit away from Star Lafayette, two small Vulcan fleets approached. Fire control radar.

These two small fleets were only flying alongside the Holy Angels fleet for the purpose of monitoring the Holy Angels fleet. After all, the two sides have not declared war now, and the Vulcans did not expect that the Holy Angels would really choose to fight.

But as the fleet of the Holy Messenger continued to approach, even if the Vulcans didn't believe that the Holy Messenger would start a war, they would become suspicious.

"What does the holy envoy want to do?!"

"Such a large fleet is approaching Lafayette, are they going to fight?"

"No way, are the Holy Envoys crazy? Are they really going to fight?"

"It's unclear whether we should fight or not, but we have to defend! Inform the nearby main fleet and let them come over immediately! At the same time, activate the defense system of the interstellar base,

Be ready for battles that may arise at any time! "

"Yes! Commander!"


As the fleet of the Holy Messenger was approaching Lafayette, the arrangement was also in full swing. At the same time, the front-line commander of the Vulcans also sent the changes of the Holy Messenger to the rear, allowing the decision-makers to make decisions. final choice.

And Helen also knows that the Vulcans will definitely notice their actions. After all, such a huge fleet is dispatched, and they are not blind, so it is impossible not to see it, but even if they know that the Vulcans have noticed it, Helen will not The battle plan will not be changed.

At this time, the main Vulcan fleet is still more than a dozen transition points away. Even if they rush back at full speed, it will take at least 30 hours, and the fleet of the Holy Messenger can launch an attack in another hour!

Now there is only a small amount of fleet defense on Star Lafayette. Although there are many orbital weapons, compared to other offensive nodes, this is already the weakest link. As long as Helen can concentrate his forces, the main force of the Vulcans will If the fleet seizes Star Lafayette before the fleet arrives here, then even if the main Vulcan fleet arrives here, it will be too late.

As long as the Vulcan's interstellar defense line is broken through a node, the next battle will be much easier. Helen has great confidence in defeating the Vulcan fleet and attacking towards the Vulcan's hinterland.

Accompanied by this kind of confidence, under the leadership of Helen, the Fleet of Holy Angels approached Star Lafayette continuously. At this time, the accompanying Vulcan fleets on both sides began to send clear communication.

"Holy Advent Messenger Fleet! You have entered Vulcan airspace, please evacuate immediately, or you will be attacked!"

"Commander, do you want to reply?" Vikra's communications officer asked Helen.

"Ignore them and move on!" Helen said calmly.

"Yes! Commander!" The captain nodded, and then continued to order the fleet to move forward.

"Holy Advent Messenger Fleet! You have entered Vulcan airspace, please evacuate immediately, or you will be attacked!"

The Vulcan fleet sent a communication again, demanding that the Holy Messenger fleet immediately withdraw from the Vulcan airspace, but this time Helen still chose to ignore it!

"Holy Advent Messenger Fleet! You have entered the airspace of the Vulcans, please turn around immediately, or you will be attacked in a minute!"

After two consecutive warnings, the Vulcan fleet sent an ultimatum. Although the size of these two fleets is not very large, there are only more than 30 warships in total, not including capital ships, but they are guarding the frontier. The warriors still made an attack gesture to the powerful Holy Angel Fleet without fear.

"It should be almost there, right?" Helen said while playing with a gourd-shaped ornament in her hand.

At the same time, a large timer appeared in front of Helen, and the number on it was shrinking continuously. After the timer was over, the Vulcans would launch an attack.

"Order the fleet to lock the target freely and fire freely! Destroy these two Vulcan fleets." When the countdown was left with 30 seconds left, Helen issued the order unhurriedly.

"Yes! Commander!" The captains of all the warships in the fleet received the order, and then the armor of the main battleships cracked, revealing the dark muzzles inside. All turned on.

"Oops! They are going to attack! Launch an attack on the enemy immediately!" The change of the fleet of the Holy Messenger immediately made the commanders of the two Kenwa fleets understand the seriousness of the matter. They immediately stopped the countdown threat, and The weapon system was activated directly.

At the same time as the weapon system was activated, the two Vulcan fleets also sent out the news of the attack of the Holy Messenger. They flew with this huge Holy Messenger fleet at close range, and it was already impossible to turn around and escape. It is possible, facing such a powerful opponent, they have absolutely no chance of defeating, so in this battle, they are doomed to perish in the starry sky.

Although they knew they were going to die, these Vulcan soldiers showed no fear on their faces. They carried out their missions with firm eyes. Everyone was orderly. The shells of the Vulcan warships also cracked, exposing the gun barrels inside. , The horn of war has sounded!

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