From the beginning of the battle to the shooting down of the last Vulcan fighter jet, the Vulcan pilots did not show any timidity during the whole process. Immediately drove the fighter plane back to the battlefield, because these pilots knew in their hearts that their comrades were waiting for them!

They know that they are outnumbered, so every minute they are out of battle, their teammates are more dangerous!

Although they knew that they would die today, these pilots showed the courage that a soldier should have. They bravely moved forward and hit the enemy hard. The mission is to delay the enemy's attack as much as possible, because the reinforcements are right behind!

Although I can't wait for the moment when the reinforcements arrive, the comrades behind me can. As long as I delay for one more minute, the victory will be tilted to my side, and my relatives and friends on the surface of the planet will be one point more Safety. Look at ΔΔshuge WwnW. "kan→shu→ge. la

Unlike the Holy Angels, the Vulcans are a civilization with a large population. When the Holy Angels were about to fall to a planet, their family of three evacuated in a spaceship, and then the planet was deserted, but the Vulcans couldn’t do it. They realize that there are at least tens of millions of people on their administrative planet, and it may even exceed 100 million. Such a huge population cannot be evacuated.

If it is a civil war, then no matter who wins, at least the people are safe in the air-raid shelters. Anyway, no matter who becomes the ruler in the end, they all need the people, but wars between different civilizations are completely different!

The estrangement and distrust between races make one civilization not need the creatures of another civilization as its subjects, so under normal circumstances, once a civilized planet is occupied by another civilization, what awaits this planet will be massacres!

Therefore, in order to protect their relatives and friends, the Vulcan warriors were extremely brave. Facing an enemy dozens of times larger than their own, their pilots insisted on using their own lives to delay the opponent for dozens of minutes...

When all the Vulcan fighters were eliminated, the drones of the Holy Messenger were all replaced with bombers again, and then bombarded those orbital defense buildings indiscriminately, although these orbital defense buildings were also constantly fighting back , but those beam cannons are completely anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes when facing fighter planes, the efficiency is very low, and the drones of the Holy Messenger are not afraid of casualties.

After just one hour, all these orbital defense facilities on Star Lafayette were cleared.

"Commander, are we going to attack Star Lafayette now?" the adjutant asked Helen.

"Issue an ultimatum to the other party first, ordering them to disarm within thirty minutes and cancel the planetary shield!" Helen said.

"Yes! Commander!" The adjutant agreed, and then the communications officer sent an ultimatum to Xing Lafayette.

After the ultimatum was issued, Helen quietly looked at the khaki planet in front of her, and at the same time disdained Qin Hao's previous reminder.

"Hmph! Interstellar base? Alarmist! We have already arrived at the gravity well of Star Lafayette, and even destroyed their orbital defense facilities, and we haven't seen any interstellar base!" Helen thought inwardly. The messenger's reconnaissance ship has already flown around the gravity well of Star Lafayette several times, and there is indeed no trace of the interstellar base.

Moreover, these reconnaissance ships not only did not find the shadow of the interstellar base, they did not even find the Vulcan defense fleet. Although their main fleet is far away from here at this time, the local garrison fleet must be there anyway? Could it be that they have already evacuated? Could it be that the Lafayette star was given up?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after half an hour, Lafayette star did not respond.

"The fleet maintains its current position, the purification spaceship rushes forward, and bombs Star Lafayette!" Helen was still quite vigilant, she didn't rashly order the fleet to advance forward, but only sent the purification spaceship.

The purification spaceship is a special warship in the fleet sequence of the Holy Promenades. Its defense ability is not strong, its firepower is extremely weak, and it is not equipped with any technological equipment. It can be said that its combat effectiveness is not much stronger than that of an armed merchant ship.

But it has an ability that other warships can't match, that is planetary bombing! It is the only ship in the fleet sequence of the Holy Messenger besides the capital ship that has the ability of planetary bombing.

Planetary bombing, it sounds like any warship can do it, just use the main gun to attack the planet and it's over! But the truth is not that simple. If you want to destroy a planet, any main battleship can use its main gun to attack the planet. Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the fleet's powerful firepower, destroy a planet and It's not difficult.

But the problem is that the consequences of destroying a planet are very serious. When the planet is destroyed, the original gravitational structure of the celestial system it is in collapses. During the reconstruction process, the orbits of each planet will undergo unknown changes. Fleets within the system will also face a host of unknown threats.

And the most important thing is, after you blow up this planet, you won't be able to get him anymore, so what is your purpose of launching this war?

After the civilization has developed to a certain level, everyone has a very strong purpose. Few people start wars because of hatred or something. Isn't everyone fighting to grab resources and seize territory?

If you blow up the planet, you won’t be able to get anything, just like the Alpha star before, it used to be so rich and stored countless psionic crystals, but because of this guy Miposhika On the spur of the moment, after the planet was blown up, the envoys of the Holy Advent could only mine destructively, thus wasting a lot of high-quality resources.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, when advanced civilizations attack planets, they will use a relatively gentle method. Although this kind of planet bombing can limit the destruction of creatures on the surface of the planet, it will not cause too much damage to the structure of the star. In this way, it will become very simple to carry out planetary bombing first, and then send ground troops to seize a planet.

At the beginning, Miposhika actually wanted to bomb Star Alpha, but unfortunately, the bugs were hidden deep underground, and the effect of planetary bombing on them was mediocre, and Miposhika couldn’t afford the damage caused by the ground battle, so In the end, in a fit of anger, he chose to destroy Planet Alpha.

But now, Vulcans are not cave-dwelling creatures. Planetary bombing is very terrifying to them. As long as they go through a few rounds of bombing, and then send the marines to clean up the remaining vitality, this planet will soon become holy. Pro messenger's frontier base!

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