As the battle continued, the Doom spaceships in front were destroyed one after another. Some crew members escaped fortunately, but many people were destroyed along with the spaceships, or the rescue cabins were blown up!

"Outflank the past from both wings! The auxiliary ships keep up!" Helen gave the order methodically, because the number of battleships had an absolute advantage, so she directly ordered the fleet to outflank, so that the Holy Envoy's side could go as far as possible Take advantage of your own firepower. Ω Δ Kanshu Pavilion WwW. ΩkanΩshuge. la

"Send a message to the flagship, saying that we have lost our combat capability!" Qin Hao said to the captain. His spaceship was incorporated into the fleet as an auxiliary ship. Now he found that there was no relevant equipment inside the spaceship. In the future, this Judgment Judgment Spaceship will not be able to exert its due combat effectiveness.

So Qin Hao's request to withdraw from the battle sequence now makes sense!

"Yes! Lord Priest!" The captain sweated profusely and sent a message to the flagship. Now his spaceship has basically lost its combat effectiveness because it has lost its mental support equipment. Although this cruiser is also equipped with Some weapons, but these weapons are not enough for air defense, let alone attack.

But soon, the captain's face became extremely ugly.

"My lord...our request was...rejected..." The captain looked at Qin Hao with difficulty.

"Huh!?" Qin Hao frowned.

"It seems that they are determined to play me to death!" Qin Hao thought to himself, let his battleship, which has no combat effectiveness, continue to attack, what is the difference between letting him die?

But in this situation, Qin Hao can't help to resist. At this time, his ship is in the fleet, and in the attack sequence, if he withdraws from the combat sequence without an order, then the supervisor team behind Will sink him immediately!

"My lord priest... what should we do?" The captain was already sweating profusely at this time. It wasn't because the equipment in the ship was removed, because all the equipment removed were auxiliary equipment. After that, it will have no effect on the ship's own defense and attack power. After all, even with these equipments, the Dominion Judgment spaceship is not the main battle spaceship. It is to hide behind the main battle spaceship. , but its position will not change in any way.

At this moment, the captain's fear mainly comes from the analysis of the situation. He can be the captain of a warship, which is already a proof of his experience, so with a little analysis, he will understand Qin Hao's situation. It was framed!

This time, Qin Hao is likely to be buried in the starry sky, and as the captain, he and these crew members will also be Qin Hao's funeral objects!

"Do not be afraid,

Just do what you want, just do it, just like always! "Qin Hao said after taking a deep breath, now he can only wait and see the changes.

"Yes! My lord priest!" Although the captain was afraid at this time, he did not dare to drive the spaceship to escape from the battlefield. After all, the supervisor team was behind him. If he dared to leave his position, he would immediately be attacked by the supervisor team. He can't live either!

Now there are only two ways in front of the captain, continue to pretend not to know, and then be buried with Qin Hao. After death, he can be awarded the title of martyr, and then the family and children will spend their lives in peace. See the opportunity to escape, and then be sunk by the supervising team , From then on, he was charged with desertion or traitor, and his family was also shamed after his death, and he could not receive any pension.

Although both paths are fatal, at least if you take the first path, your family can live better, so at this moment, the captain has no choice at all.

At this time, except for the captain, the other crew members more or less understood a little bit, but none of them showed it. The reason was the same as that of the captain. In fact, there is no chance to survive, and only by fighting to the death with the script, there may be a glimmer of life. Although the probability of the escape pod being sunk is quite high, at least there is a chance.

Qin Hao's battleship followed one of the squadrons to outflank the left flank of a Vulcan fleet, and the fleet spread out on the way.

The fan-shaped fleet can undoubtedly display the largest attack surface, allowing the fleet's firepower to be brought into full play, but in this way, the auxiliary ships in the rear are also exposed.

Logically speaking, this attack formation would only be used when launching a sneak attack, or when gaining an absolute advantage to accelerate the elimination of the enemy army, but now, although the fleet of the Holy Messenger has the advantage, the enemy still has a star base after all. !

"Whoosh!" A beam of light came over, destroying an enlightened spaceship 50 kilometers away from Qin Hao's starboard side. Although this small attack frigate had powerful firepower, its defense was too weak.

"Whoosh!" Another beam of light flew past Qin Hao's ship. Although it didn't hit any of the warships, when it passed, it was within three kilometers of Qin Hao's ship. The energy disturbance even caused ripples on Qin Hao's ship's shield.

"Damn it! How much do they want me to die!" Qin Hao secretly cursed in his heart. Although this formation can destroy the Vulcan fleet faster, but the same, the envoys of the Holy Land will have to pay a heavier price to do so. OK.

Of course, in Helen's plan, after Qin Hao's death, she can completely excuse that Vulcan reinforcements will arrive soon, and only by destroying the Vulcan fleet as soon as possible can she avoid the plight of the enemy, so extra It's worth paying some price.

In order to let her idol get rid of such a spouse, Helen also did her best. She sent Qin Hao and his ship to the enemy's muzzle step by step. The purpose was to let Qin Hao die on the front line and save the high priest Being wronged in front of such a scumbag.

At this moment, Helen was completely unaware that she was simply a pawn of the high priest, and she was simply the sharp knife used by the high priest to kill the "divine body"!




Finally, good luck did not continue to stand on Qin Hao's side, his spaceship was hit, but fortunately, it was not the main gun of the interstellar base that hit his ship, but the main gun of a destroyer.

"Beep beep..."

"The hull is under attack! Twenty-two percent of the shield on the port side is left!"

The alarm sounded loudly in the spaceship, and at the same time, everyone in Qin Hao's ship became nervous. Although he was not hit by Xingji's main gun, because he was too fragile, after being hit by a destroyer's main gun, Qin Hao's escort Shield was still hit hard.

What's more terrible is that after Qin Hao's battleship was attacked, neither the sacred elephant guard spaceship nor the ancestor mothership behind helped it recover its shield. Now Qin Hao's ship's shield can only slowly Recharge by itself, in this case, even if it is the destroyer's main gun, he can't bear the second round!

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