"Almighty Lord, we have one more jump, and we will reach the star system where the Edmonton star is located. Should we choose the Edmonton star for our next jump?" The captain of the flagship Vikra asked .

"No! Let's jump to the planet next to it, and then pass through the conventional power engine! At the same time, we will contact the rear and order the Judgment Cannon to bombard Edmonton!" Qin Hao gave the order.

"Yes! My lord!" The captain nodded. He is a very devout believer, the kind who is willing to die for the god body.

Soon, Qin Hao's ancestral mother ship Vikra began to send messages to the fleet through lights, informing them of the destination of the transition.

Afterwards, after the fleet simply adjusted their formation, they began their last jump.

Two hours later, the fleet arrived at a planet next to Edmonton, which is only one-third of an astronomical unit away from Edmonton. Arrived in Edmonton!

And when Qin Hao and the others arrived at the planet's gravity well, the Judgment Flame was already on the way. Although it took more than an hour to activate and adjust the orientation of the Judgment Cannon, the Judgment Flame directly penetrated the space with its powerful energy, thus It performs phase jump, so its phase shuttle ability is very powerful, and it only takes less than an hour to reach Edmonton, which is hundreds of thousands of light-years away!

"Cancel the communication silence, and head directly to Edmonton!" Following Qin Hao's order, the fleet of Holy Envoys who were advancing all the way tore off their camouflage, and they were directly exposed in front of the Vulcans.

Because Edmonton is an important military planet for the Vulcans, not only in its gravity well, but also in the surrounding space, there are signal detectors, so Qin Hao and the others want to get close to Edmonton. Impossible not to be discovered.

Since they will be discovered anyway, there is no need for Qin Hao and the others to continue to keep the communication silent, and even if they are discovered, what can they do? Half an hour is not enough for the Vulcan to react.

You must know that at this time the main fleet of the Vulcans is all assembled on the planet Vesey. They have set up traps there, and they are waiting for the fleet of the Holy Messenger to come and die, and the planet Vesey is more than ten phase jumps away from here. , it will take at least three days for those fleets stationed on Planet Vesey to rush back!

In a war, although the offensive side is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of geographical advantage, they have the upper hand in terms of timing. After all, as the offensive side, when and how long to fight is their final decision, and Although the defensive side may have some advantages in terms of casualties, if the offensive side does not want to fight, or if they cannot fight and choose to retreat, they will be relatively passive.

Then the fleet of the Holy Messenger no longer hides its whereabouts,

They went straight to Edmonton in such a mighty way. At this time, there was only one local garrison fleet on Edmonton. Although there were some defensive buildings around its orbit, these things were obviously unable to resist the Holy Spirit. Pro Messenger of this huge fleet.


"What?! Edmonton!? This is impossible! Aren't they going to attack Weixi?"

"We don't know the specific situation, but now they have appeared near Edmonton! The fleet is very large, and there are capital ships!"

"No! Immediately dispatch reinforcements!"

"My lord, what we can mobilize now is a main fleet in the central star area, but in this case, the central galaxy will be empty! And we can only dispatch one main ship to the battlefield, which may not be able to resolve the crisis."

"Don't worry about it so much, we must reinforce Edmonton, where we still have a capital ship under construction, and this capital ship must not fall into the hands of the Holy Angel!"


At this time, the top management of the Vulcans has been blown up. Edmonton is different at this time, because their capital ship factory is currently under construction, and a capital ship is about to take shape. If this capital ship falls into the St. In the hands of the envoy, not only will the confidential technology of the Vulcans be cracked, but the core of this capital ship will also fall into the hands of the envoy.

You must know that it is no longer technology that restricts the development of capital ships by major advanced civilizations, but the power core of capital ships. This is the power source of capital ships. For the super weapons to work, the general power source is definitely not enough, so if you want to drive the capital ship, you have to use the miniature star core as the power source.

You must know that the star core of ordinary stars has a huge volume, and it cannot be used in battleships under normal circumstances, but there are always exceptions in the world. In the vast universe, there are always some stars that do not conform to the laws of physics. Exist, and their star core is the core source of power for building battleships.

But because there are so few such stars, it is impossible to find them, so the capital ships of the major civilizations are limited to a certain number, and cannot be developed indiscriminately.

Now, the Vulcans finally found a suitable star core, and they are preparing to build a new capital ship to enhance their own strength. Before, the Vulcans only confronted the envoys of the Holy Spirit, but did not take the initiative to attack. Waiting for this capital ship to take shape.

What the Vulcans never imagined was that they tried their best to keep the secrets secret, but they couldn't hide it from the Holy Envoys. In the end, these guys still used a trick to secretly come to Edmonton.

In fact, the Vulcan executives didn't know that Qin Hao chose Edmonton as the target of attack, not because he knew there was a capital ship that was about to be completed here, but because he hit it by mistake and he just wanted to avoid it. Opening a trap on the planet Weixi, just attacking a relatively high-value target, but I didn't expect to win a big prize!

But no matter what the reason is, Qin Hao can be said to have poked the lungs of the Vulcan at this time. In a short period of time, the Vulcan has formulated several sets of plans. The Emissary's fleet was wiped out on Edmonton, but this was difficult to accomplish, because in a short period of time, it was difficult for the Vulcans to gather a large army that could counter the Emissary's fleet.

And the second plan is to hinder the attack speed of the Holy Angels, delay them here, and then use the follow-up reinforcement fleet to destroy them, and take back the star core!

As for the third solution, it is to destroy the star core as a last resort. Even if the Vulcans can't get a new capital ship, they must not let the envoys take the star core away!

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