? With the outbreak of the ruling flare, a wave of mental force swept through the gravity well of the entire Edmonton planet. Everyone was brainwashed and became loyal believers of the divine body.

Although the Holy Envoy fleet outside the gravity well was also affected a little, but because these Holy Envoys themselves were believers in the divine body, the mental force wave of the Judgment Flare had no side effects other than making their beliefs stronger.

But for the Vulcans, that would be a disaster, because for the Vulcans, the divine body, let alone the source of belief, they even sneered at the belief of the Holy Messenger, so under the forcible interference of the spiritual force , These Vulcans have been forcibly brainwashed!

You must know that one-on-one brainwashing can only be controlled by a person of the level of a queen worm, not to mention this kind of brainwashing of the entire planet through mechanical amplification. It is so violent and rough. So much so that the vast majority of Vulcans have completely lost their self-awareness under this impact, and they have all become slaves to the divine body!

Although the side effects are obvious, this has no adverse effects on the Holy Envoys, because what they need are slaves themselves, not some Vulcans who can think.

"Connect to the other party's communication!" Qin Hao ordered. To be honest, this is the first time he has seen the power of the ruling cannon with his own eyes. This time Qin Hao was shocked again. These advanced civilizations are ahead of the earth's civilization. It's really not a little bit.

Even Vulcans, who are advanced civilizations, have no ability to resist the bombardment of the Judgment Cannon, let alone humans. Of course, if the Holy Messenger really If they invade human civilization, they will not be able to use the super weapon of the Judgment Cannon!

Qin Hao briefly thought about it, and it seems that the only super races that can effectively fight against the Judgment Cannon are the Zerg or the Daisy. It is controlled by the higher Zerg by relying on chemical semiomones, so brainwashing or something is meaningless to them.

Among the high-level Zerg, except for the royal family, the high-level Zerg such as Zerg Leaders, Predators, and Destroyers all have strong mental power reserves, and it is difficult for them to be attacked by a wide range of mental power impacts like the Judgment Cannon. create a threat.

However, although the Zerg can effectively fight against weapons such as the Judgment Cannon, there is nothing opportunistic about the capital ship, because the Zerg is not a technological race, so this kind of super battleship is their weakness, unless the Queen directly takes action, Otherwise, in the face of such a large-scale and well-organized advanced civilization fleet, a secondary master like Qin Hao would not be able to lead the Zerg to victory.

"Your Majesty, the communication connection is complete!" Just as Qin Hao was thinking wildly, the communication had already been connected.

"Who are you?" Qin Hao looked at the young Vulcan officer on the big screen and asked.

"My lord, I am the commander of the Edmonton Garrison Fleet, Colonel Trudeau!" Trudeau looked at Qin Hao devoutly and said, his brainwashed believers are all Fanatics, because they have lost their self-awareness, their beliefs are even more fanatical.

"Trudeau, tell us briefly about the strategic deployment of the Vulcan military!" Qin Hao asked. Next course of action.

Although he easily occupied the planet Edmonton, Qin Hao knew how much he had. With the support of the Judgment Cannon, he could occupy it without bloodshed. If he falls into the enemy's encirclement, even if he can successfully evacuate, he and his fleet will have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Although Qin Hao is now the divine body of the Holy Envoy, he has not forgotten his true identity. He is a human spy, and he has no obligation to expand the territory for the Holy Envoy, let alone throw away The spirit of cosmism that sprinkled blood on the head!

Therefore, running away when in danger is always Qin Hao's first creed, and he will not let himself take risks for the benefit of the envoy.

"Our strategic deployment is like this..." The brainwashed Trudeau naturally wouldn't keep it a secret from Qin Hao, and he then revealed the high-level deployment of the Vulcans, including how to resist the Holy Angel fleet.

How to start the self-destruct procedure, how to blow up the capital ship factory, and how to ensure that the envoys cannot take away the star core! Trudeau didn't hide anything about the direction from which the blocking fleet would intercept the fleet of the Holy Messenger, and he told Qin Hao frankly.

"Star core?!" Before that, Qin Hao didn't know that there was a star core here. The reason why he chose to attack here was completely by mistake!

"Yes! My Lord!" Trudeau nodded.

"Send a strategic transport ship there immediately! Disassemble and pack the star core away!" Qin Hao immediately ordered, he was not interested in the Vulcan warship factory, nor was he interested in the degree of completion of the capital ship.

Because the technology of the Vulcans is not fully compatible with the Holy Messenger, even if the Holy Messenger has all the operating codes, it is unlikely to drive away a Vulcan warship, and Trudeau and his men are not likely to drive away a Vulcan warship. Too likely to be qualified to pilot a capital ship.

So this capital ship, which is about to be completed, is just a worthless model to Qin Hao, but the star core is definitely priceless!

"Great! With this thing, humans may have their own battleship in the near future!" At this moment, Qin Hao was very excited, because the battleship is the symbol of advanced civilization. With this thing, human beings no longer have to hide and hide.

Once human civilization can communicate with other advanced cosmic civilizations in an upright manner, other human technologies will also be rapidly improved in the continuous exchanges, and the most important thing is that at that time, human beings will have security guarantees, and they don’t have to worry about themselves like they are now It may be wiped out by other advanced civilizations at any time!

Originally, Qin Hao was not very optimistic about the fact that human beings could have capital ships, because even if humans had mastered a large amount of technology belonging to advanced civilizations and had the technological reserves to manufacture capital ships, the star core as the kinetic energy core of capital ships was too large. It's hard to find, in the vast universe, if you want to find a suitable star core, it may take decades, maybe hundreds of years...

But now, this accidentally seized star core gave Qin Hao a new hope!

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