? Half an hour later, the fleet of Holy Spirit Envoys, which was already ready, had already begun to adjust the position of the fleet.

An hour later, under Qin Hao's order, the Holy Envoy fleet made all preparations and started to activate the phase engine.

About twenty minutes later, the ships of the Holy Promenade blasted through the barriers of the phase space, and then entered the transition state one after another, while the brainwashed Vulcans and their fleet stayed behind, ready to fight My former compatriots fight to the death!

Just two hours after the fleet of the Holy Angels left Edmonton, a fleet of the same size sailed into the gravity well of Edmonton from the adjacent planet at sub-light speed, and what greeted them at this time was Brainwashed Vulcan pilots and heavy gunfire from battleships.

"Swish, swish..." Countless bright beams of light shot directly at the Vulcan warships that had just entered the gravity well of Edmonton.

"Boom, boom, boom..." While the carrier bombers were flying all over the sky, they began to bomb the vulnerable warships hiding behind.

"Fight back! Destroy these traitors!" The commander of the main fleet immediately issued an order. He had nothing to do with these traitors.

"Boom boom boom..." Following the main fleet's counterattack, a fierce space battle broke out. Accompanied by strong light and explosions, spaceships perished in space one after another.

The battle didn't last long. Although Trudeau's fleet was assisted by orbital defense weapons and planetary air defense weapons, they were outnumbered after all. In the end, under the order of the fanatical Trudeau, these brainwashed Vulcan warships launched their own battleships one after another. destroyed the program, and then crashed into the main fleet ahead.

"Boom boom boom..." The warships under Trudeau's command were blown up almost before approaching the enemy fleet. After all, the firepower difference between the two sides is too great, but after all, there are still a few spaceships that are lucky. They rushed to In front of the enemy, and then bumped into it.

Although starships are equipped with shields, these shields are not effective against relatively slow impacts, so when facing a battleship that is like a madman, those shields can play a role. The effect is negligible!

"Boom! Boom!" Accompanied by a huge roar, two warships that were severely damaged in the collision were martyred one after another, and they were all buried in the vast space in an instant. The soldiers and generals in the ships had no time to escape , turned into dust in space together with their warships.

"Attack!" The commander of the main fleet gritted his teeth. He didn't know why these traitors were so vicious. If they were really so brave and fearless, why didn't they fight the Holy Messenger?

Because the power of the ruling cannon is too terrifying,

The top Vulcans chose to keep it a secret, and they did not disclose the fact that the Holy Messenger used the Judgment Cannon to avoid causing panic among the army and the people.

Including the fleet that came for reinforcements, ordinary generals and soldiers don't know that Trudeau and others have been brainwashed.

So in the heart of the capital ship commander, he was very puzzled. He didn't understand that since Trudeau and others were so brave and fearless, why did they treason?

But these are not important anymore. For the Vulcan Empire, Trudeau and his men are all rebels, and they must be eliminated!

With powerful firepower, although a few warships were paid as a price, the main fleet of the Vulcans still wiped out more than one hundred spaceships of Trudeau. They simply can't pull too many people on their backs.

After the fleet was settled, the commander of the main fleet ordered his radar officers to calculate the transition trajectory of the Holy Messenger fleet, and at the same time began to clean up the orbital defense weapons of Edmonton. Although these things were built by them, but now These weapons are attacking the Vulcan fleet.

"Boom!" Just as the main fleet concentrated on attacking those orbital defense weapons, the capital ship factory in the distance turned into pieces of wreckage in a bright light, and the self-destruct process started smoothly, but no one organized it this time.

"Damn!" The commander of the main fleet slapped his thigh angrily. The capital ship factory is no more than other orbital buildings. The cost of this thing is extremely high. Even in the Vulcan Empire, there are only three such factories, but now one of them is It was reduced to ashes before his eyes.

"My lord, the escape trajectory of the enemy fleet has been calculated!" After more than an hour, the radar soldiers calculated the transition trajectory of the Holy Angel fleet and immediately reported it to the commander.

"Leave two destroyers to conquer Edmonton, and other fleets will pursue immediately!" The commander issued an order. He originally thought that leaving two destroyers would easily recover the planet Edmonton, but it was obvious that he was too naive up!

Because the Edmonton star has been completely swept away by the ruling flare, hundreds of millions of Vulcans on it have been brainwashed. Although the vast majority of these Vulcans are civilians, they may farm land or raise livestock on weekdays. Some are not even weaned yet.

But at this moment, they have all become the most devout fanatics. These people have been issued weapons by the soldiers of the ground base. They all have extreme hatred for the Vulcan compatriots, so when the Vulcan ground troops When they land here, they will face brutal street fighting.

These brainwashed Vulcans will fight to the death, whether it is a child of three or five years old, or an old man who is too old to walk, they may suddenly pull out a weapon from under the chair and fight against the Vulcan land The player was shot in the back.

Even those babies who are still in their infancy, once they grow up to adulthood, they are still fanatics of the gods and become factors of instability.

So although the Holy Angels evacuated from Edmonton, they didn't even land on the surface of this planet, but unless the Vulcans blow up this planet that belongs to them, or kill all the tiles on it regardless of size Ken people, otherwise the conflict will not cease.

But to slaughter all the Vulcans on Edmonton, even the high-level Vulcans of the imperial system can’t do it. It’s normal to slaughter one’s own people and exterminate one’s own people, but this will force the opposition other people's.

So the Emissaries are gone, but they left an unmanageable mess for the Vulcan higher-ups.

It is precisely because of this that the Judgment Cannon will make other advanced civilizations fearful. If the Judgment Cannon can destroy a planet at will, like the super weapons of other civilizations, then other civilizations will not be too afraid, because this super cannon The cooldown time of the weapon is very long, and it will take at least decades to turn it on again, so it will not be used several times in a war. Even if three or five planets are destroyed, it is definitely not a serious injury to a high-level civilization.

On the contrary, after this kind of massacre, it will also arouse the resistance of this civilization, and let the whole family unite to fight against the hostile civilization.

But the Judgment Cannon is different, it doesn't kill a single person, but it makes people on the entire planet rebel against their government, leaving this mess to the civilizations attacked by the Judgment Cannon, let them worry about these things, this is what makes the rulers The biggest headache.


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